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Number of items: 5.

Westgate, Ruth Caroline ORCID:, Fisher, Nicholas Ralph Edmund and Whitley, Anthony James Monins ORCID:, eds. 2007. Building communities: house, settlement and society in the Aegean and beyond. Proceedings of a conference held at Cardiff University, 17–21 April 2001. British School at Athens Studies, vol. 15. London: British School at Athens.

Fisher, Nicholas Ralph Edmund 2006. The pleasures of reciprocity: charis and the athletic body in Pindar. Francis, Prost and Jerome, Wilgaux, eds. Penser et représenter le corps dans l'Antiquité, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, pp. 227-245.

Fisher, Nicholas Ralph Edmund 2003. "Let envy be absent": envy, liturgies and reciprocity in Athens. Konstan, David and Rutter, N. Keith, eds. Envy, Spite and Jealousy: The Rivalrous Emotions in Ancient Greece, Edinburgh UP, pp. 181-215.

Fisher, Nicholas Ralph Edmund 2002. Lykourgos of Athens: Lakonian by name, Lakoniser by policy? Cartledge, Paul, Birgalias, Nikos and Buraselis, Kostas, eds. The Contribution of Ancient Sparta to Political Thought and Practice, Alexandria Publications, pp. 327-341.

Fisher, Nicholas Ralph Edmund 2001. Aeschines: against Timarchos: introduction, translation and commentary. Clarendon Ancient History Series, Oxford: Clarendon Press.

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