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Browse by Current Cardiff authors

Number of items: 9.

Day, Richard 2019. Why the way healthcare professionals measure patient pain might soon be changing. The Conversation 2019 (24 Sep)

Day, Richard and Heathcote, Sharron 2019. Postgraduate Student reflective evaluation of a student selected case study analysis of the Biopsychosocial model within an e-Learning MSc in pain management. Presented at: British Pain Society PMP SIG Conference, Bristol, UK, 12 September 2019.

Annetts, Sue and Day, Richard 2019. The informed study project: An innovative online self evaluation of fitness to practise within a professional higher education degree programme. Innovations in Education and Teaching International 56 (4) , pp. 529-541. 10.1080/14703297.2019.1577162

Day, R., Dixon, A., Dunleavy, C., Durcan, M. and Day, A. 2019. The effect of SNAGs at L4/5 on the range of flexion compared to repeated flexion, assessed via three independent measures [Abstract]. Physiotherapy 105 (S1) , e20. 10.1016/

Baker, T., Day, R., Phillips, N., University College Cardiff Consultants Ltd. 2012. Physical Performance Assessment. PCT/GB2012/051148. [Patent].

Annetts, Susan, Baker, Trevor, Day, Richard and Evans, Elizabeth ORCID: 2012. Informing students of the requirements of higher education: A bespoke online solution. Andrews, J., Clark, R. and Thomas, L., eds. Compendium of effective practice in higher education retention and success, Birmingham; York: Aston University; Higher Education Academy, pp. 8-11.

Cardiff University 2011. Intelligent Rehabilitation. GB1108577.6. [Patent].

Day, Richard, Fox, John and Paul-Taylor, Graeme 2009. Neuromusculoskeletal clinical tests: A clinician's guide. Physiotherapist's Tool Box, Oxford: Elsevier / Churchill Livingstone.

Fox, John and Day, Richard 2009. A physiotherapist's guide to clinical measurement. Physiotherapist's Tool Box, Oxford: Elsevier / Churchill Livingstone.

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