Cowell, Richard ORCID: and Webb, Jan
What do we know about the effectiveness of local energy plans? A systematic review of the research.
Energy Research and Social Science
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Item availability restricted. |
Cowell, Richard ORCID: and Mukherjee, Ananya ORCID: 2023. Is planning a barrier to the development of digital network infrastructure? Insights from rural Wales. Planning Practice and Research 38 (2) , pp. 292-309. 10.1080/02697459.2022.2159327 |
Cowell, Richard ORCID: and De Laurentis, Carla ORCID: 2023. Understanding the effects of spatial planning on the deployment of on-shore wind power: insights from Italy and the UK. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 66 (2) , pp. 241-264. 10.1080/09640568.2021.1987866 |
Cowell, Richard ORCID: and De Laurentis, Carla 2022. Investigating energy infrastructure through the low carbon challenge: technologies, governance and socio-spatial effects. Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning 24 (4) , pp. 367-374. 10.1080/1523908X.2022.2084054 |
De Laurentis, Carla ORCID: and Cowell, Richard ORCID: 2022. Reconfiguring energy flows: energy grid-lock and the role of regions in shaping electricity infrastructure networks. Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning 24 (4) , pp. 433-448. 10.1080/1523908X.2021.2008235 |
Windemer, Rebecca and Cowell, Richard ORCID: 2021. Are the impacts of wind energy reversible? Critically reviewing the research literature, the governance challenges and presenting an agenda for social science. Energy Research and Social Science 79 , 102162. 10.1016/j.erss.2021.102162 |
Cowell, Richard ORCID: and Webb, Jan 2021. Making useful knowledge for heat decarbonisation: lessons from local energy planning in the United Kingdom. Energy Research and Social Science 75 , 102010. 10.1016/j.erss.2021.102010 |
Cowell, Richard ORCID:, Fischer, Thomas B. and Jackson, Tony 2021. Instituting space for the environment. How might we give the spatial demands of environmental policy goals a firm presence in the planning system? A think piece. Cardiff University, University of Dundee, University of Liverpool. |
Cowell, Richard ORCID:, Fischer, Thomas B. and Jackson, Tony 2020. Embedding the environment in the local development plan process through SEA: a think piece. |
Martinat, Stanislav ORCID:, Cowell, Richard ORCID: and Navrátilc, Josef 2020. Rich or poor? Who actually lives in proximity to AD plants in Wales? Biomass and Bioenergy 143 , 105799. 10.1016/j.biombioe.2020.105799 |
Cowell, Richard ORCID:, Ellis, Geraint, Fischer, Thomas B., Jackson, Tony, Muinzer, Thomas and Sykes, Olivier 2020. Integrating planning and environmental protection: an analysis of post-Brexit regulatory styles and practitioner attitudes in the UK. Planning Theory and Practice 21 (4) , pp. 570-590. 10.1080/14649357.2020.1801819 |
Unalan, D. and Cowell, Richard ORCID: 2019. Strategy, context and strategic environmental assessment. Environmental Impact Assessment Review 79 , 106305. 10.1016/j.eiar.2019.106305 |
Davoudi, Simin, Cowell, Richard ORCID:, White, Iain and Blanco, Hilda, eds. 2019. The Routledge companion to environmental planning. Routledge International Handbooks, Abingdon: Routledge. |
Chodkowska-Miszczuk, Justyna, Martinat, Stanislav ORCID: and Cowell, Richard ORCID: 2019. Community tensions, participation, and local development: Factors affecting the spatial embeddedness of anaerobic digestion in Poland and the Czech Republic. Energy Research and Social Science 55 , pp. 134-145. 10.1016/j.erss.2019.05.010 |
Cowell, Richard ORCID: and Devine-Wright, Patrick 2018. A 'delivery-democracy dilemma'? Mapping and explaining policy change for public engagement with energy infrastructure. Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning 20 (4) , pp. 499-517. 10.1080/1523908X.2018.1443005 |
Cowell, Richard ORCID:, Ellis, G, Sherry-Brennan, F, Strachan, P and Toke, D 2017. Sub-national government and pathways to sustainable energy. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space 35 (7) , pp. 1139-1155. 10.1177/2399654417730359 |
Cowell, Richard John Westley ORCID: 2017. Decentralising energy governance? Wales, devolution and the politics of energy infrastructure decision-making. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy 35 (7) , pp. 1242-1263. 10.1177/0263774X16629443 |
Cowell, Richard John Westley ORCID: 2017. Policy and practice: the EU referendum, planning and the environment: where now for the UK? Town Planning Review 88 (2) , pp. 153-171. 10.3828/tpr.2017.12 |
Cowell, Richard ORCID:, Ellis, Geraint, Sherry-Brennan, Fionnguala, Strachan, Peter A. and Toke, David 2017. Energy transitions, sub-national government and regime flexibility: how has devolution in the United Kingdom affected renewable energy development? Energy Research and Social Science 23 , pp. 169-181. 10.1016/j.erss.2016.10.006 |
Cowell, Richard ORCID:, Flynn, Andrew ORCID: and Hacking, Nicholas ORCID: 2017. Assessing the impact of Brexit on the UK waste resource management sector. [Project Report]. School of Geography and Planning. |
Cowell, Richard John Westley ORCID:, Ellis, G., Strachan, P., Toke, D. and Sherry-Brennan, Fionnguala 2017. Re-scaling the governance of renewable energy: lessons from the UK devolution experience. Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning 19 (5) , pp. 480-502. 10.1080/1523908X.2015.1008437 |
Marshall, Tim and Cowell, Richard ORCID: 2016. Infrastructure, planning and the command of time. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy 34 (8) , pp. 1843-1866. 10.1177/0263774X16642768 |
Downe, James ORCID:, Cowell, Richard ORCID: and Morgan, Karen 2016. What determines ethical behavior in public organizations: is it rules and/or leadership? Public Administration Review 76 (6) , pp. 898-909. 10.1111/puar.12562 |
Cowell, Richard John Westley ORCID:, Devine-Wright, P. and Devine-Wright, H. 2016. What do we know about overcoming barriers to infrastructure sitting in local areas? [Project Report]. Department of Energy and Climate Change. Available at: |
Strachan, Peter A., Cowell, Richard John Westley ORCID:, Sherry-Brennan, Fionnguala and Toke, David 2015. Promoting community renewable energy in a corporate energy world. Sustainable Development 23 (2) , pp. 96-109. 10.1002/sd.1576 |
Cowell, Richard John Westley ORCID: 2015. ‘Localism’ and the environment: effective re-scaling for sustainability transition? Davoudi, Simin and Madanipour, Ali, eds. Reconsidering Localism, London: Routledge, pp. 216-237. |
Dühr, Stefanie, Cowell, Richard John Westley ORCID: and Markus, Eric 2015. Europeanizing planning education and the enduring power of national institutions. International Planning Studies 21 (1) , pp. 16-33. 10.1080/13563475.2015.1114447 |
Cowell, Richard ORCID: and Lennon, Mick 2014. The utilization of environmental knowledge in land use planning: drawing lessons for an ecosystem services approach. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy 32 (2) , pp. 263-282. 10.1068/c12289j |
Cowell, Richard ORCID:, Downe, James ORCID: and Morgan, Karen 2014. Managing politics? Ethics regulation and conflicting conceptions of 'good conduct'. Public Administration Review 74 (1) , pp. 29-38. 10.1111/puar.12135 |
Cowell, Richard John Westley ORCID: 2013. The greenest government ever? Planning and sustainability in England after the May 2010 elections. Haughton, G. and Allmendinger, P., eds. Spatial planning and the new localism, Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 27-44. |
Cowell, Richard John Westley ORCID:, Sherry-Brennan, Fionnguala, Ellis, Geraint and Strachan, Peter 2013. Scotland, renewable energy and the independence debate: will head or heart rule the roost? The Political Quarterly 84 (1) , pp. 61-70. 10.1111/j.1467-923X.2013.02431.x |
Cowell, Richard John Westley ORCID: 2013. The Greenest government ever? Planning and sustainability in England after the May 2010 coalition government. Planning Practice and Research 28 (1) , pp. 27-44. 10.1080/02697459.2012.694299 |
Downe, James Daniel ORCID:, Cowell, Richard John Westley ORCID:, Chen, Alex and Morgan, Karen 2013. The determinants of public trust in English local government: How important is the ethical behaviour of elected councillors? International Review of Administrative Sciences 79 (4) , pp. 597-617. 10.1177/0020852313501270 |
Ellis, Geraint, Cowell, Richard ORCID:, Sherry-Brennan, Fionnguala, Strachan, Peter A. and Toke, David 2013. Commentary: planning, energy and devolution in the UK. Town Planning Review , pp. 397-409. 10.3828/tpr.2013.16 |
Cowell, Richard John Westley ORCID: 2013. The greenest government ever? Planning and sustainability in England after the May 2010 elections. Planning Practice & Research 28 (1) , pp. 27-44. 10.1080/02697459.2012.694299 |
Szarka, J., Cowell, Richard John Westley ORCID:, Ellis, G., Strachan, P. A. and Warren, C. 2012. Learning from wind power. Governance, societal and policy perspectives on sustainable energy. Basingstoke: Palgrave. |
Cowell, Richard John Westley ORCID:, Downe, James Daniel ORCID: and Morgan, Karen 2012. Managing Politics? Good conduct and ethics regulation in English local government. Presented at: XVI IRSPM 2012 - XVI Annual Conference of the International Research Society for Public Management (IRSPM), University of Rome Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy, 11-13 April 2012. |
Cowell, Richard John Westley ORCID:, Downe, James Daniel ORCID: and Morgan, Karen 2011. The ethical framework for local government in England: is it having any effect and why? Public Management Review 13 (3) , pp. 433-457. 10.1080/14719037.2011.553292 |
Cowell, Richard John Westley ORCID: 2011. Environmental sustainability of, by and for rural Wales. Milbourne, Paul, ed. Rural Wales in the 21st Century: Society, Economy and Environment, Cardiff: University of Wales Press, pp. 273-300. |
Downe, James Daniel ORCID:, Cowell, Richard John Westley ORCID:, Chen, A. and Morgan, K. 2011. The determinants of public trust in English local government: performance, standards of conduct or socio-economic. Presented at: 33rd European Group of Public Administration (EGPA) Annual Conference, Bucharest, Romania, 7-10 September 2011. |
Cowell, Richard John Westley ORCID:, Downe, James Daniel ORCID: and Morgan, K. 2011. Managing politics? Good conduct and ethics regulation in English local government. Presented at: Political Studies Association Annual Conference, Edinburgh, UK, 31 March - 1 April 2010. |
Cowell, Richard John Westley ORCID:, Bristow, Gillian Irene ORCID: and Munday, Maxim C. R. ORCID: 2011. Acceptance, acceptability and environmental justice: the role of community benefits in wind energy development. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 54 (4) , pp. 539-557. 10.1080/09640568.2010.521047 |
Feindt, Peter H. and Cowell, Richard John Westley ORCID: 2010. The recession, environmental policy and ecological modernization - what's new about the Green New Deal? International Planning Studies 15 (3) , pp. 191-211. 10.1080/13563475.2010.509474 |
Cowell, Richard John Westley ORCID: and Owens, Susan 2010. Revisiting ... Governing space: planning reform and the politics of sustainability. Environment and Planning C, Government and Policy 28 (6) , pp. 952-957. 10.1068/c2806 |
Cowell, Richard John Westley ORCID:, Downe, James Daniel ORCID: and Morgan, Karen 2009. Has the New Standards Framework really made a difference? Municipal Journal , pp. 26-27. |
Unalan, Dilek and Cowell, Richard John Westley ORCID: 2009. Adoption of the EU SEA Directive in Turkey. Environmental Impact Assessment Review 29 (4) , pp. 243-251. 10.1016/j.eiar.2008.11.003 |
Cowell, Richard John Westley ORCID:, Downe, James Daniel ORCID: and Morgan, Karen 2009. The Ethical Framework for Local Government in England – is it having any effect and why? Presented at: First Global Dialogue - 'Governing good and governing well': The first global dialogue on ethical and effective governance, VU University Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 28-30 May 2009. |
Cowell, Richard John Westley ORCID:, Downe, James ORCID: and Morgan, Karen 2009. Assessing the impact and effectiveness of the ethical framework in local government in England: first interim report to the Standards Board for England. Cardiff: Centre for Local and Regional Government Research, Cardiff University. Available at: |
Ellis, Geraint, Cowell, Richard John Wheatley ORCID:, Warren, Charles, Strachan, Peter, Szarka, Joseph, Hadwin, Richard, Miner, Paul, Wolsink, Maarten and NadaÏ, Alain 2009. Wind Power: Is There A 'Planning Problem'? Expanding Wind Power: A Problem of Planning, or of Perception? The Problems Of Planning - A Developer's Perspective Wind Farms: More Respectful and Open Debate Needed, Not Less Planning: Problem 'Carrier' or Problem 'Source'? 'Innovative' Wind Power Planning. Planning Theory & Practice 10 (4) , pp. 521-547. 10.1080/14649350903441555 |
Unalan, Dilek and Cowell, Richard John Westley ORCID: 2009. Europeanization, strategic environmental assessment and the impacts on environmental governance. Environmental Policy and Governance 19 (1) , pp. 32-43. 10.1002/eet.493 |
Morgan, Karen Jeanette, Cowell, Richard John Westley ORCID: and Downe, James Daniel ORCID: 2009. Civilising politics? The impacts of the ethical framework for local government in England. Presented at: 7th Workshop of the EGPA Study Group, Malta, |
Cowell, Richard John Westley ORCID:, Downe, James Daniel ORCID:, Martin, Stephen James ORCID: and Chen, A. 2008. Making sense of service improvement: an empirical analysis of public confidence in local government. Presented at: International Research Society for Public Management Annual Conference, Brisbane, Australia, 26th - 28th March 2008. |
Cowell, Richard John Westley ORCID:, Ashworth, Rachel Elizabeth ORCID:, Downe, James Daniel ORCID:, Skelcher, C., Bovaird, T. and Chen, A. 2008. Meta-evaluation of the local government modernisation agenda: the state of local democracy: the impact of policy changes on accountaibility and public confidence. London: Department for Communities and Local Government. |
Cowell, Richard John Westley ORCID:, Bristow, Gillian Irene ORCID:, Munday, Maxim C. R. ORCID: and Strachan, Peter 2007. Wind farm development in Wales: assessing the community benefits. [Project Report]. Cardiff: Welsh Assembly Government. |
Andrews, Rhys William ORCID:, Cowell, Richard John Westley ORCID:, Downe, James Daniel ORCID:, Martin, Stephen James ORCID: and Turner, Duncan 2006. Promoting effective citizenship and community empowerment: A guide for local authorities on enhancing capacity for public participation. [Project Report]. London: Office of the Deputy Prime Minister. Available at: |
Downe, James Daniel ORCID:, Cowell, Richard John Westley ORCID:, Bovaird, Tony and Chen, Alex 2005. Meta-evaluation of the local government modernisation agenda: progress report on public confidence in local government. [Project Report]. London: Office of the Deputy Prime Minister. |
Andrews, Rhys William ORCID: and Cowell, Richard John Westley ORCID: 2005. Civic education and local government: a literature review: Report for the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister. [Project Report]. Cardiff: Cardiff University Business School. |
Downe, James Daniel ORCID:, Andrews, A., Cowell, Richard John Westley ORCID:, Martin, Stephen James ORCID: and Turner, T. 2005. Supporting citizenship and local democracy: The role of local government. London: Office of the Deputy Prime Minister. |
Cowell, Richard John Westley ORCID: and Abram, S 2004. Dilemmas of Implementation: "Integration" and "participation" in Norwegian and Scottish local government. Environment and Planning C 22 (5) , pp. 701-719. 10.1068/c0350 |
Cowell, Richard John Westley ORCID: and Martin, Stephen James ORCID: 2003. The joy of joining up: modes of integrating the local government modernisation agenda. Environment and Planning C Government and Policy 21 (2) , pp. 159-179. 10.1068/c0135 |
Owens, Susan and Cowell, Richard John Westley ORCID: 2001. Land and limits: interpreting sustainability in the planning process. London: Routledge. |
Cowell, Richard John Westley ORCID: and Martin, Stephen James ORCID: 2001. Integrating best value and other initiatives. [Discussion Paper]. Improvement and Development Agency for Local Government. |