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Browse by Current Cardiff authors

Number of items: 98.

Sieh, Louie and Frank, Andrea I. ORCID: 2022. Designing impact evaluation for students’ engagement with communities in planning education. Journal of Planning Education and Research 42 (2) , pp. 231-243. 10.1177/0739456X18807287

Sartorio, Francesca S. ORCID:, Lopes Simoes Aelbrecht, Patricia ORCID:, Kamalipour, Hesam ORCID: and Frank, Andrea ORCID: 2021. Towards an antifragile urban form: a research agenda for advancing resilience in the built environment. URBAN DESIGN International 26 , pp. 135-158. 10.1057/s41289-021-00157-7

Frank, A. ORCID:, Flynn, A. ORCID:, Hacking, N. ORCID: and Silver, C. 2021. More than open space! The case for green infrastructure teaching in planning curricula. Urban Planning 6 (1) , pp. 63-74. 10.17645/up.v6i1.3518

Frank, Andrea ORCID: 2018. China’s urban revolution: Understanding Chinese eco-cities. Town Planning Review 89 (5) , pp. 547-548. 10.3828/tpr.2018.36

Frank, Andrea I. ORCID: and Silver, Christopher, eds. 2018. Urban planning education: beginnings, global movement and future prospects. Springer. 10.1007/978-3-319-55967-4

Frank, Andrea Irmgard ORCID: 2017. Key planning issues for Europe for the next decades? Comparing perspectives from 1997 and 2017. disP - The Planning Review 53 (2) , pp. 62-63. 10.1080/02513625.2017.1340704

Frank, Andrea Irmgard ORCID: and Sieh, Louie 2016. Multiversity of the 21st Century - examining opportunities for integrating community engagement in planning curricula. Planning Practice and Research 31 (5) , pp. 513-532. 10.1080/02697459.2016.1180573

Rooij, R. and Frank, Andrea Irmgard ORCID: 2016. Educating spatial planners for the age of co-creation: the need to risk community, science and practice involvement in planning programmes and curricula [Editorial]. Planning Practice and Research 31 (5) , pp. 473-485. 10.1080/02697459.2016.1222120

Frank, Andrea Irmgard ORCID: and Marsden, Terry Keith ORCID: 2016. Regional spatial planning, government and governance as recipe for sustainable development? Andersson, Kjell, Sjoblom, Stefan, Granberg, Leo, Ehrstrom, Peter and Marsden, Terry, eds. Metropolitan Ruralities, Research in Rural Sociology and Development, vol. 23. Emerald, pp. 241-271. (10.1108/S1057-192220160000023011)

Harris, Neil Robert ORCID:, Biddulph, Michael James, Thomas, Alun Huw ORCID:, Sartorio, Francesca ORCID: and Frank, Andrea Irmgard ORCID: 2015. Horizon scanning: future trends and the skills needed to deliver the planning system in Wales. [Project Report]. Cardiff: Cardiff University.

Frank, Andrea Irmgard ORCID: 2014. Struggling Giants: City region governance in London, New York and Paris [Book Review]. Journal of Planning Education and Research 34 (3) , pp. 363-365. 10.1177/0739456X14540643

Frank, Andrea Irmgard ORCID: and Sieh, Louie 2014. Integrating public participation skills in planning curricula. Presented at: AESOP Conference: From Control to Co-Evolution, Utrecht, Netherlands, 9-12 July 2014.

Frank, Andrea Irmgard ORCID: 2014. Establishing games, gaming, and policy exercises as tools for urban and regional planning - are we there yet? Duke, Richard D. and Willy, Christian Kriz, eds. Back to the Future of Gaming, Bielefeld, Germany: W Bertelsmann Verlag, pp. 80-92.

Frank, Andrea Irmgard ORCID:, Mironowicz, Izabela, Lourenco, Julia, Franchini, Teresa and Ache, Peter 2014. Educating planners in Europe: a review of 21st century study programmes. Progress in Planning 91 , pp. 30-94. 10.1016/j.progress.2013.05.001

Silver, C., Frank, Andrea Irmgard ORCID:, Amborski, D. and Sofhani, F. 2013. Breaking with the past: radically rethinking planning education for the 21st century. Presented at: Joint AESOP/ACSP Congress, Dublin, Ireland, 15-19 July 2013.

Frank, Andrea Irmgard ORCID: 2013. Europeanisation of planning education: an exploration of the concept, potential merit and issues. Revista Brasilera de Estudos Uranos e Regionais 15 (1) , pp. 141-153.

Frank, Andrea Irmgard ORCID: and Skayannis, P. 2013. Global Planning Education Association Network (GPEAN). Mironowicz, I., ed. AESOP Yearbook: Silver jubilee edition, AESOP Yearbook, Wrocław, Poland: AESOP, pp. 90-103.

Frank, Andrea Irmgard ORCID: 2013. Cohesion, coherence, cooperation: European spatial planning coming of age? [Book Review]. International Planning Studies 18 (2) , pp. 267-269. 10.1080/13563475.2012.734683

Frank, Andrea Irmgard ORCID: 2012. Planning education in European countries - provision, professional relevance, new developments. Presented at: Instituto de Pesquisa e Planejamento Urbano e Regional (IPURR) Research Seminar, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 5 November 2012.

Frank, Andrea Irmgard ORCID: 2012. Different models of accrediting planning education programmes. Presented at: Contemporary Challenges In Planning Education, Gdansk, Poland, 22-23 October 2012.

Bertolini, Luca, Frank, Andrea Irmgard ORCID:, Grin, John, Bell, Sarah, Scholl, Bernd, Mattila, Hanna, Mynttinen, Eeva, Mäntysalo, Raine and Bertolini, Luca 2012. Introduction: Time to think planning (education)? From marginal interface to central opportunity space? Science for practice? Educating professionals for practice in a complex world? A challenge for engineering and planning schools project-based learning? Core university education in spatial planning and development. Mmanaging planning pathologies: An educational challenge of the new aprenticeship programme in Finland: Conclusion: time to act. Planning Theory & Practice 13 (3) , pp. 465-490. 10.1080/14649357.2012.704712

Frank, Andrea Irmgard ORCID: 2012. Metropolitan Governance: Differing paths in contrasting contexts: Germany and Israel [Book Review]. European Planning Studies 20 (8) , pp. 1425-1427. 10.1080/09654313.2012.680743

Mironowicz, Izabela and Frank, Andrea Irmgard ORCID: 2012. Internationalisation by travel? An evaluation of an experimental planning degree. Presented at: 26th Annual Congress of the Association of European Schools of Planning, Ankara, Turkey, 11-15 July 2012. p. 806.

Frank, Andrea Irmgard ORCID: and Morgan, Kevin John ORCID: 2012. Re-inventing the city: The art of metro-governance in the Stuttgart region. [Working Paper]. Papers in Planning Research, vol. 186. Cardiff: Cardiff University. Available at:

Frank, Andrea Irmgard ORCID: 2012. Metropolitan governance? Different paths in contrasting contexts: Germany and Israel [Book Review]. European Planning Studies 20 (8) , pp. 1425-1427. 10.1080/09654313.2012.680743

Limonad, E., Rincón Patiño, A., Gorenstein, S., Paris, D., Frank, Andrea Irmgard ORCID:, Monte-Mór, R. and Magela Costa, G. 2012. Mesa Internacional: Encruzilhadas do Ensino e Pesquisa interdisciplinar em Planejamento Urbano e Regional (International Roundtable: Crossroads in the interdisciplinary teaching and research in urban and regional planning). Presented at: VI Seminário de Avaliação do Ensino e da Pesquisa em Estudos Urbanos e Regionais (VI Evaluation Seminar for Education and Research in Urban and Regional Studies), Brasilia, Brazil, 7-9 November 2012.

Frank, Andrea Irmgard ORCID:, Kurth, Detlef and Mironowicz, Izabela 2012. Accreditation and quality assurance for professional degree programmes: comparing approaches in three European countries. Quality in Higher Education 18 (1) 10.1080/13538322.2012.669910

Frank, Andrea Irmgard ORCID: and Mironowicz, Izabela 2011. New structures of planning education in Europe. Presented at: 3rd World Planning Schools Congress, Perth, Australia, 4-8 July 2011.

Frank, Andrea Irmgard ORCID: 2011. Communication technology and the World Wide Web – a paradigm shift in teaching and learning? Cebe Transactions 8 (1) , pp. 1-4.

Frank, Andrea Irmgard ORCID:, Kurth, Detlef and Mironowicz, Izabela 2010. Accreditation and quality assurance of planning education in Europe – Comparing approaches in Germany, Poland and Great Britain. Presented at: 24th AESOP Annual Congress, Helsinki, Finland, 7-10 July 2010.

Frank, Andrea Irmgard ORCID: 2010. Planning as a self-organised profession (UK). Presented at: 5th AESOP Heads of Schools Meeting, Istanbul, Turkey, 17-18 April 2010.

Kingston, R. and Frank, Andrea Irmgard ORCID: 2010. Integrating place-making skills in planning curricula: Spatial analysis for spatial planning. Presented at: UK-Ireland Planning Research Conference, Anglia Ruskin University, UK, 7-9 April 2010.

Frank, Andrea Irmgard ORCID: 2010. Making a Case for Complementarity of Student Learning from Year-Long Work Based Placements in Town Planning. Learning and Teaching in Higher Education 4 (2) , pp. 21-45.

Frank, Andrea Irmgard ORCID: and Kurth, Detlef 2010. Planning Education in Germany: Impacts of the Bologna Agreement. DiSP 182 , pp. 25-35.

Frank, Andrea Irmgard ORCID: and Kurth, Detlef 2009. Planning education in Germany post Bologna. Presented at: 23rd Congress of the Association of European Schools of Planning, Liverpool, UK, 15-18 July 2009.

Frank, Andrea Irmgard ORCID: and Mironowicz, I. 2009. A comparison of the link between planning education and planning practice in two European countries. Presented at: 23rd Annual Congress of the Association of European Schools of Planning, Liverpool,

Frank, Andrea ORCID: and Symonds, B. 2009. Facilitating internationalisation in real estate and surveying education through institutional cooperation. Mändle, M., ed. Beiträge zum Kooperationswesen, Hamburg: Hammonia, pp. 209-240.

Frank, Andrea Irmgard ORCID: and Mironowicz, Izabela 2009. Planning education in Poland: case study prepared for Planning Sustainable Cities: Global Report on Human Settlements 2009. [Project Report]. UN-Habitat. Available at:

Frank, Andrea Irmgard ORCID: and Kurth, D. 2009. Planerausbildung in Deutschland: Eine Zwischenbilanz 10 Jahre nach Bologna. PlanerIn – Fachzeitschrift der Vereinigung für Stadt-, Regional- und Landesplanung (4) , pp. 5-7.

Frank, Andrea Irmgard ORCID: and Kurth, Detlef 2009. Plannning Education in Germany: Post-Bologna. Presented at: 23rd Annual Congress of the Assocation of European Schools of Planning (AESOP), Liverpool,

Stiftel, B., Demerutis, J., Frank, Andrea Irmgard ORCID:, Harper, T., Inkoom, D. K. B., Lee, L. M., Lima, J. J., Memon, A., Milstead, T., Mironowicz, I., Nnkya, T., Paris, D., Silver, C. and Sipe, N. G. 2009. Planning education. Planning Sustainable Cities: Global Report on Human Settlements 2009, London: Earthscan, pp. 185-198.

Frank, Andrea Irmgard ORCID: 2009. In search of the character of Twenty-First Century higher education [Editorial]. Cebe Transactions 6 (2) , pp. 1-4.

Symonds, Barry C. and Frank, Andrea Irmgard ORCID: 2008. Facilitating internationalisation in real estate and surveying education through institutional cooperation. Presented at: 15th Annual ERES (European Real Estate Society) Conference, Krakow, Poland, 18-21 June, 2008.

Frank, Andrea Irmgard ORCID: 2008. Participant in Roundtable - Global Inventory of Planning Education. Presented at: ACSP-AESOP 4th Joint Congress, Chicago, 6-11 July 2008.

Frank, Andrea Irmgard ORCID: 2008. Internationalisation and cooperation in delivering planning education programmes. Presented at: Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning/Association of European Schools of Planning 4th Joint Congress, Chicago, IL., USA, 6-11 July 2008.

Frank, Andrea Irmgard ORCID: and Peel, Deborah 2008. Planning Education Forum: the internationalisation of planning education: issues, perceptions and priorities for action. Town Planning Review 79 (1) , pp. 87-123. 10.3828/tpr.79.1.6

Frank, Andrea Irmgard ORCID: 2007. Global versus local competencies. Presented at: Built Environment Education Conference (BEECon), London, UK, 12-13 September 2007.

Peel, D. and Frank, Andrea Irmgard ORCID: 2007. Unravelling the paradox of the internationalisation of learning: Implications. Presented at: 21st AESOP Annual Congress, Naples, Italy, 11-14 July 2007.

Frank, Andrea Irmgard ORCID: 2007. Rethinking long-term placements: The UK experience. Presented at: 21st AESOP Annual Congress, Naples, Italy, 11-14 July 2007.

Frank, Andrea Irmgard ORCID: 2007. GIS and planning: Examples from UK local authorities and government. Presented at: Geddes Workshop, Geddes Institute for Urban Research, University of Dundee, 8 May 2007.

Peel, D. and Frank, Andrea Irmgard ORCID: 2007. Responding to the internationalisation agenda: Implications for teaching and learning. Presented at: Planning Research Conference, Edinburgh, UK, 10-12 April 2007.

Frank, Andrea Irmgard ORCID: 2007. Roundtable: Educating for creativity in planning. Presented at: Planning Research Conference, Edinburgh, UK, 10-12 April 2007.

Frank, Andrea Irmgard ORCID: 2007. Die Neunte Stadt: Wilde Grenzen und Städteregion Ruhr 2030 [Book Review]. Planning Theory 6 (1) , pp. 95-100. 10.1177/147309520700600107

Frank, Andrea Irmgard ORCID: and Buining, Fred 2007. Creativity in Higher Education: A non-scientific view on developing creativity. Presented at: Creativity or Conformity: Building Cultures of Creativity In Higher Education, Cardiff, UK, 8-10 January 2007.

Frank, Andrea Irmgard ORCID: and Buining, Fred 2007. A practice-based approach to developing creativity in higher education. Cebe Transactions 4 (2) , pp. 8-26.

Frank, Andrea Irmgard ORCID: 2007. Entrepreneurship and enterprise skills: A missing element of planning education? Planning Practice and Research 22 (4) , pp. 635-648. 10.1080/02697450701770142

Frank, Andrea Irmgard ORCID: 2006. CPL Biblio 376: Three Decades of Thought in Planning Education. Journal of Planning Literature 21 (1) , pp. 15-67. 10.1177/0885412206288904

Frank, Andrea Irmgard ORCID: 2006. Should planning education include entrepreneurship skills? II. Presented at: 2nd World Planning Schools Congress, Mexico City, Mexico, 11-16 July 2006.

Frank, Andrea Irmgard ORCID: 2006. Employability, enterprise, work-based learning: The Welsh approach. Presented at: Higher Education Academy Burlington Group Residential Event, Edinburgh, UK, 26-27 April 2006.

Frank, Andrea Irmgard ORCID: 2005. GIS and planning: different applications. Presented at: Seminar to Faculty of Engineering, Catholic University of Portugal, Lisbon, Portugal, 10 November 2005.

Frank, Andrea Irmgard ORCID: 2005. Centre for Education in the Built Environment: Seeking to improve learning and teaching in UK Higher Education. Presented at: Seminar to Faculty of Engineering, Catholic University of Portugal, Lisbon, Portugal, 9 November 2005.

Frank, Andrea Irmgard ORCID: 2005. Developing entrepreneurship skills in the context of higher education. Presented at: Built Environment Education (BEE) Conference, London, UK, 5-6 September 2005.

Frank, Andrea Irmgard ORCID: 2005. Integrating creative problem-solving in planning curricula. Presented at: AESOP Annual Congress, Vienna, Austria, 13-17 July 2005.

Frank, Andrea Irmgard ORCID: 2005. Megacity. Caves, Roger W., ed. Encyclopedia of the City, London: Routledge,

Frank, Andrea Irmgard ORCID: 2005. Sense of place. Caves, Roger W., ed. Encyclopedia of the City, London: Routledge,

Frank, Andrea Irmgard ORCID: 2005. What do students value in Built Environment education? Cebe Transactions 2 (3) , pp. 21-29.

Frank, Andrea Irmgard ORCID: 2005. A need for fluency across boundaries [Editorial]. Cebe Transactions 2 (3) , pp. 1-4.

Frank, Andrea Irmgard ORCID: 2004. Spatial planning and ICT/GIS: A review of applications in local and regional government. Presented at: AESOP Annual Congress, Grenoble, France, 1-4 July 2004.

Frank, Andrea Irmgard ORCID: 2004. Culture & Settlements (Advances in Art and Urban Futures Series, Volume 3) M. Miles & N. Kirkham (Eds) Bristol, Intellect Books, 2003, 180 pp., £19.95 pb, ISBN 1 84150 089 5 [Book Review]. Landscape Research 29 (2) , pp. 226-227. 10.1080/01426390410001690347

Frank, Andrea Irmgard ORCID: 2003. Creative planning curricula. Presented at: ACSP-AESOP Joint Congress, Leuven, Belgium, 8-12 July 2003.

Frank, Andrea Irmgard ORCID: 2003. Change and Stability in Urban Europe: Form, Quality and Governance Harri Andersson, Getrud Jorgensen, Dominique Joye & Wim Ostendorf (Eds)Aldershot, Ashgate, 2001, 262 pp., cloth, £39.95, ISBN 0 7546 1656 8 [Book Review]. International Planning Studies 8 (2) , pp. 172-174. 10.1080/13563470305157

Frank, Andrea Irmgard ORCID: 2003. Otto Peter, Learning and Teaching in Distance Education: Pedagogical Analyses and Interpretations from an International Perspective. London: Kogan Page, 2001. ISBN: 0 7494 3594 10. Paperback, viii + 279 pages, £19.99. [Book Review]. Research in Learning Technology: The Journal of the Learning Technology Association (ALT-J) 11 (3) , pp. 129-131. 10.1080/0968776030110208

Frank, Andrea Irmgard ORCID: 2003. Graphic communication. Dandekar, H., ed. Planner’s Use of Information, Chicago: APA, pp. 294-339.

Frank, Andrea Irmgard ORCID: 2002. Sustainable urban development and buildings: Examples from Europe. Presented at: Diploma in Habitabilidad y Medio-Ambiente, Concepión, Chile, 7 December 2002.

Frank, Andrea Irmgard ORCID: 2002. Interdisciplinary framework for environmentally sensitive urban land use and development. Presented at: Diploma in Habitabilidad y Medio-Ambiente, Concepción, Chile, 6 December 2002.

Frank, Andrea Irmgard ORCID: 2002. Research-led teaching: The contribution of planning education research. Presented at: AESOP Annual Congress, Volos, Greece, 10-15 July 2002.

Frank, Andrea Irmgard ORCID: 2002. From industrial production to industrial culture: Strategies of restructuring the Ruhr region in Germany. Presented at: Geddes Institute for Urban Research Seminar Series, Dundee, UK, 22 May 2002.

Frank, Andrea Irmgard ORCID: 2002. Themes and thought in post-war planning education: A review of the academic planning education literature. Presented at: Planning Research Conference, Dundee, UK, 8-10 April 2002.

Frank, Andrea Irmgard ORCID: 2002. The Learning and Teaching Support Network: An initiative to Improve Higher Education in the UK. Education and Society 20 (2) , pp. 26-43.

Carter, Jackie, Rice, Robin, Beharrell, Andy, Massey, Moira, Frank, Andrea Irmgard ORCID: and Kent, Debbie 2002. Enhancing use of JISC data services. VINE 32 (1) , pp. 40-47. 10.1108/03055720210804463

Frank, Andrea Irmgard ORCID: 2002. Using measures of spatial autocorrelation to describe socio-economic and racial residential patterns in US urban areas. Kidner, D., White, S. and Higgs, G., eds. Socio-Economic Applications of Geographic Information Science, Innovations in GIS, vol. 9. CRC Press, pp. 147-162.

Frank, Andrea Irmgard ORCID: 2001. Improving planning education through Government policy in the UK? - The Learning and Teaching Support Network. Presented at: 1st World Planning Schools Congress, Shanghai, China, 11-15 July 2001.

Frank, Andrea Irmgard ORCID: 2001. Using measures of spatial autocorrelation to describe socio-economic structures in urban areas. Presented at: GIS Research UK: 9th Annual Conference, University of Glamorgan, Wales, UK, 18-20 April 2001.

Frank, Andrea Irmgard ORCID: 2001. Danny Saunders and Nina Smalley (eds.), The International Simulation and Gaming Research Yearbook — Volume 8: Simulations and Games for Transition and Change, London: Kogan Page, 2000. ISBN: 0-7494-3397-3. Hardback, viii+271 pages, £40.00. [Book Review]. Research in Learning Technology: Journal of the Association of Learning Technology (ALT-J) 9 (3) , pp. 76-77. 10.1080/0968776010090208

Frank, Andrea Irmgard ORCID: 2001. Geopolitical fragmentation: A force in spatial segregation in the U.S.?! Presented at: Lincoln Institute of Land Policy International Seminar on Segregation in the City, Cambridge, MA, USA, 26-28 July 2001.

Frank, Andrea Irmgard ORCID: 2000. Socio-economic polarization in and between urban areas in the United States: 1960-1990. Presented at: American Collegiate Schools of Planning (ACSP) Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA, USA, 2-5 November 2000.

Frank, Andrea Irmgard ORCID: 1999. Tracing socioeconomic patterns of urban development: Issues, problems, and methods of spatio-temporaral urban analysis. Presented at: International Conference on GeoInformatics 99, Ann Arbor, MI, USA, 19-21 June 1999.

Frank, Andrea Irmgard ORCID:, Reed, Thomas B., LeBay, Mark and Underwood, Steve 1999. System Integration Case Study, FAST-TRAC: Preliminary IV Deliverable #2. University of Michigan, Intelligent Transportation Systems Laboratory: University of Michigan. Available at:

Frank, Andrea Irmgard ORCID: 1999. A theoretical, interdisciplinary framework for environmentally sensitive urban land use and development. The Journal of Regional Analysis & Policy 29 (2) , pp. 5-30.

Aggarwala, Rajendra K., Nystuen, John D., Frank, Andrea Irmgard ORCID: and Palathinkara, Jyothi 1998. Using GIS to evaluate the quality of digital map databases of road networks. Sikdar, P. K., Dhingra, S. L. and Krishna Rao, K. V., eds. Computers in Urban Planning and Urban Management, Vol. 2. New Delhi: Narosa, pp. 493-502.

Frank, Andrea Irmgard ORCID: and Kuhn, Werner 1997. A specification language for interoperable GIS. Presented at: International Conference on Interoperating Geographic Information Systems, Santa Barbara, California, 3-4 December 1997.

Nystuen, J. D., Frank, Andrea Irmgard ORCID: and Frank, L. 1997. Assessing topological similarity of spatial networks. Presented at: International Conference on Interoperating Geographic Information Systems, Santa Barbara, CA, USA, 3-4 December 1997.

Nystuen, J. D. and Frank, Andrea Irmgard ORCID: 1997. Differences in feature representation in digital map databases. Presented at: The Conference on Scientific and Technical Data Exchange and Integration, Bethesda, MD, USA, 15-17 December 1997.

Aggarwala, R. K., Nystuen, J. D., Frank, Andrea Irmgard ORCID:, Palathinkara, J. and Frank, L. 1997. Digital map database quality evaluation issues for ITS applications. Presented at: UCGIS Annual Assembly and Summer Retreat, Bar Harbor, MA, USA, 21-24 June 1997.

Frank, Andrea Irmgard ORCID: and Duke, R. D. 1996. Ecosystem philosophy game: A generic-specific game. Presented at: 26th International Simulation and Gaming Association Conference, Valencia, Spain, 18-21 July 1995. Published in: Carbonell, A. G. and Watts, F. eds. Simulation Now! Learning through Experience: The Challenge of Change (Simulación ¡ya!: el aprendizaje a través de la experiencia: el reto del cambio). València: Diputació de València, pp. 197-209.

Frank, Andrea Irmgard ORCID: 1996. Futures By Design: The Practice Of Ecological Planning Doug Aberley, editor. New Society Publishers, Philadelphia, PA, 1994. 210 pp. $39.95, $14.95 (paperback). [Book Review] $39.95, $14.95 (paperback). [Book Review]. Journal of the American Planning Association 62 (3) , p. 403. 10.1080/01944369608975705

Haas, W. and Frank, Andrea Irmgard ORCID: 1995. STEP by STEP: Standardisierung und Trends beim 3D-CAD-Datenaustausch. Beratende Ingenieure: Zeitschrift des deutschen Consulting 11 (Nov) , pp. 10-14.

Frank, Andrea Irmgard ORCID: 1992. Das Diplom aus dem Computer. RIB Transparent: aktuelles Magazin für den Software-Einsatz im Bauwesen March , pp. 14-15.

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