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Browse by Current Cardiff authors

Number of items: 68.

Cottle, Simon ORCID: 2023. Reporting civilizational collapse research notes from a world-in-crisis. Global Media and Communication 19 (2) , pp. 269-288. 10.1177/17427665231186934

Cottle, Simon ORCID: 2021. Humanitarian imagery: Historical registers in the representation of atrocity. Chouliaraki, Lilie and Jorgensen, Anne Vestergaard, eds. Routledge Handbook of Humanitarian Communication, Routledge International Handbooks, Abingdon and New York: Routledge, pp. 351-372.

Cottle, Simon ORCID: 2018. Journalism coming of (global) age, II. Journalism 20 (1) , pp. 102-105.

Cottle, Simon ORCID: 2017. Communication, human insecurity and the responsibility to protect. Robinson, Piers, ed. Routledge Handbook of Media, Conflict and Security, Routledge,

Cottle, Simon ORCID:, Sambrook, Richard and Mosdell, Nick 2016. Reporting dangerously: journalist killings, intimidation and security. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. 10.1007/978-1-137-40670-5

Cottle, Simon ORCID: 2015. Humanitarianism, human insecurity, and communications: What's changing in a globalised world? Cottle, Simon and Cooper, Glenda, eds. Humanitarianism, Communications and Change, Global Crises and the Media, Peter Lang Publishing Inc, pp. 19-38.

Cottle, Simon ORCID: and Hughes, Charles Martin 2015. The United Nations' 'responsibility to protect' and the world's press: establishing a new humanitarian norm? Hoffmann, Julia and Hawkins, Virgil, eds. Communication and Peace: Mapping an Emerging Field, Routledge Studies in Peace and Conflict Resolution, Abingdon and New York: Routledge, pp. 76-91. (10.4324/9781315773124-6)

Lester, Libby and Cottle, Simon ORCID: 2015. Transnational protests, publics and media participation (in an environmental age). Hansen, Anders and Cox, Robert, eds. Routledge Handbook of Environment and Communication, Routledge, pp. 100-110.

Cottle, Simon ORCID: and Cooper, Glenda, eds. 2015. Humanitarianism, communication and change. New York: Peter Lang.

Cottle, Simon ORCID: 2014. Rethinking media and disasters in a global age: What’s changed and why it matters. Media, War and Conflict 7 (1) , pp. 3-22. 10.1177/1750635213513229

Cottle, Simon ORCID: 2014. Mediating the environment: modalities of TV news. Hansen, Anders, ed. Media and the Environment, Critical Concepts in the Environment, Abingdon: Routledge,

Cottle, Simon ORCID: 2014. Journalists witnessing disasters: from the calculus of death to the injunction to care. Chouliaraki, L. and Blaagaard, B., eds. Cosmopolitanism and the New News Media, Journalism Studies, vol. 14/2. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 83-99.

Lester, Libby and Cottle, Simon ORCID: 2014. Visualizing climate change: television news and ecological citizenship. Hansen, Anders, ed. Media and the Environment, Critical Concepts in the Environment, Abingdon: Taylor & Francis,

Cottle, Simon ORCID: and Matthews, Julian 2013. U.S. TV news and communicative architecture: between manufacturing consent and mediating democracy. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media 57 (4) , pp. 562-578. 10.1080/08838151.2013.845831

Cottle, Simon ORCID: 2013. Environmental conflict in a global, media age: beyond dualisms. Lester, Libby and Hutchins, Brett, eds. Environmental Conflict and the Media, Global Crises and the Media, vol. 13. Oxford: Peter Lang, pp. 13-28.

Cottle, Simon ORCID: 2013. Ulrich Beck, 'risk society' and the media: a catastrophic view? Hansen, Anders, ed. Media and the Environment: Environment, Media and Environmental Communication, Vol. 1. Routledge,

Cottle, Simon ORCID: 2013. Journalists witnessing disaster: From the calculus of death to the injunction to care. Journalism Studies 14 (2) , pp. 232-248. 10.1080/1461670X.2012.718556

Cottle, Simon ORCID: 2012. Mediatized disasters in the Global Age: on the ritualization of catastrophe. Alexander, Jeffrey C., Jacobs, Ronald and Smith, Philip, eds. The Oxford Handbook of Cultural Sociology, Oxford Handbooks in Politics & International Relations, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 259-283.

Cottle, Simon ORCID: 2012. Series Editor's Preface. Moore, Kerry, Gross, Bernhard and Threadgold, Terry Roslyn, eds. Migrations and the Media, Global Crises and the Media, vol. 6. Oxford: Peter Lang, ix-x.

Pantti, Mervi, Wahl-Jorgensen, Karin ORCID: and Cottle, Simon ORCID: 2012. Disasters and the media. Global Crises and the Media, vol. 7. New York: Peter Lang.

Cottle, Simon ORCID: 2011. Arab uprisings, media inscriptions. Re-public: Re-Imagining Democracy

Cottle, Simon ORCID: 2011. Cell phones, camels and the global call for democracy. Mair, John and Keeble, Richard Lance, eds. Mirage In The Desert? Reporting The 'Arab Spring', Bury St. Edmunds: Amina Publishing, pp. 196-210.

Cottle, Simon ORCID: 2011. Taking global crises in the news seriously: notes from the dark side of globalization. Global Media and Communication 7 (2) , pp. 77-95. 10.1177/1742766511410217

Cottle, Simon ORCID: 2011. Media and the Arab uprisings of 2011: research notes. Journalism 12 (5) , pp. 647-659. 10.1177/1464884911410017

Cottle, Simon ORCID: 2011. Camels, cell phones and the global call for democracy. Presented at: Mirage in the Desert: Reporting the Arab Spring, Coventry, UK, 15 June 2011.

Cottle, Simon ORCID: and Rai, Mugdha 2011. Global 24/7 news providers: emissaries of global dominance or global public sphere? Gripsrud, J., Moe, H., Molander, A. and Murdock, G., eds. The Public Sphere, London: SAGE Publications, pp. 321-343.

Cottle, Simon ORCID: and Lester, Libby 2011. Transnational protests and the media: an introduction. Cottle, Simon and Lester, Libby, eds. Transnational Protests and the Media, Global Crises and the Media, vol. 10. Oxford: Peter Lang, pp. 3-15.

Cottle, Simon ORCID: 2011. Hawkins, Virgil: Stealth conflicts: how the world’s worst violence is ignored - 234pp, Ashgate Publishing, Aldershot 2008, £55.00, ISBN 978-0-7546-7506-8 [Book Review]. Journalism Studies 12 (1) , pp. 130-132. 10.1080/1461670X.2010.534596

Matthews, Julian and Cottle, Simon ORCID: 2011. Television news ecology in the United Kingdom: a study of communicative architecture, its production and meanings. Television New Media 13 (2) , pp. 103-123. 10.1177/1527476411403630

Cottle, Simon ORCID: 2011. Television agora and agoraphobia post-September 11. Zelizer, Barbie and Allan, Stuart, eds. Journalism after September 11, Communication and Society, London: Routledge, pp. 232-251.

Cottle, Simon ORCID: and Lester, Libby 2011. Transnational protests and the media: toward global civil society? Cottle, Simon and Lester, Libby, eds. Transnational Protests and the Media, Global Crises and the Media, vol. 10. Oxford: Peter Lang, pp. 287-291.

Cottle, Simon ORCID: 2011. Transnational Protests and the Media: new developments, challenging debates. Cottle, Simon and Lester, Libby, eds. Transnational Protests and the Media, Global Crises and the Media, vol. 10. New York ; Oxford: Peter Lang, pp. 17-40.

Cottle, Simon ORCID: 2011. Afterword: Media and the Arab uprisings 2011. Cottle, Simon and Lester, Libby, eds. Transnational Protests and the Media, Global Crises and the Media, vol. 10. Oxford: Peter Lang, pp. 293-304.

Cottle, Simon ORCID: and Lester, Libby, eds. 2011. Transnational protests and the media. Global Crises and the Media, vol. 10. New York and Oxford: Peter Lang.

Cottle, Simon ORCID: 2010. Global cries and world news ecology. Allan, S., ed. The Routledge Companion to News and Journalism, New York, NY: Routledge, pp. 473-484.

Rai, Mugdha and Cottle, Simon ORCID: 2010. Global news revisited: mapping the contemporary landscape of satellite television news. Cushion, Stephen and Lewis, Justin Matthew Wren, eds. The Rise of 24-Hour News Television: Global Perspectives, New York: Peter Lang, pp. 51-79.

Cottle, Simon ORCID: 2010. Forward. Samuel-Azran, Tal, ed. Al Jazeera and US War Coverage, New York: Peter Lang, ix-xi.

Cottle, Simon ORCID: 2010. Global crises and world news ecology. Allan, Stuart, ed. The Routledge Companion to News and Journalism, Oxford: Routledge, pp. 473-484.

Cottle, Simon ORCID: 2010. Foreward. Matthews, Julian, ed. Producing Serious News for Citizen Children: A Study of the BBC’s Children’s Program 'Newsround', Lewiston: Edwin Mellen Press, v-ix.

Nolan, David and Cottle, Simon ORCID: 2009. How the media’s codes and rules influence the ways NGOs work. Nieman Journalism Lab

Cottle, Simon ORCID: 2009. Series editor's preface. Boyce, Tammy and Lewis, Justin Matthew Wren, eds. Climate Change and the Media, Global Crises and the Media, vol. 5. New York: Peter Lang, vii-xi.

Cottle, Simon ORCID: 2009. Series editor's preface. Allan, Stuart and Thorsen, Einar, eds. Citizen Journalism: Global Perspectives, Global Crises and the Media, vol. 1. New York: Peter Lang, ix-xii.

Cottle, Simon ORCID: 2009. Analysing visuals: still and moving images. Hansen, A., ed. Mass Communication Research Methods, SAGE Benchmarks in Social Research Methods, London: SAGE Publications, pp. 227-254.

Cottle, Simon ORCID: 2009. Participant observation: researching news production. Hansen, A., ed. Mass Communication Research Methods, SAGE Benchmarks in Social Research Methods, London: SAGE Publications, pp. 260-285.

Cottle, Simon ORCID: 2009. New(s) times: towards a "Second Wave" of news ethnography. Hansen, Anders, Cottle, Simon, Negrine, Ralph and Newbold, Chris, eds. Mass Communication Research Methods, SAGE Benchmarks in Social Research Methods, vol. 1. London: SAGE Publications, pp. 366-386.

Cottle, Simon ORCID: 2009. Analysing visuals. Still and moving images. Hansen, Anders, Cottle, Simon, Negrine, Ralph and Newbold, Chris, eds. Mass Communication Research Methods, SAGE Benchmarks in Social Research Methods, vol. 3. SAGE Publications, pp. 227-254.

Cottle, Simon ORCID: 2009. Journalism studies: coming of (global) age? Journalism 10 (3) , pp. 309-311. 10.1177/1464884909102573

Cottle, Simon ORCID: 2009. Global crises in the news: Staging new wars, disasters and climate change. International Journal of Communication 3 , pp. 494-516.

Lester, Libby and Cottle, Simon ORCID: 2009. Visualizing climate change: Television news and ecological citizenship. International Journal of Communication 3 , pp. 920-936.

Cottle, Simon ORCID: 2008. Humanitarian NGOs and news media: Relations of communicative power in the global age. Presented at: The Mediatisation of Humanitarian Crises, London, UK, 13 November 2008.

Cottle, Simon ORCID: 2008. Global crisis reporting: Journalism in the global age. Issues in Cultural and Media Studies, Maidenhead: Open University Press.

Cottle, Simon ORCID: 2008. Journalism and globalization. Wahl-Jorgensen, Karin and Hanitzsch, Thomas, eds. Handbook of Journalism Studies, International Communication Association Handbook, London: Routledge, pp. 341-356.

Cottle, Simon ORCID: 2008. Reporting demonstrations: The changing media politics of dissent. Media, Culture & Society 30 (6) , pp. 853-872. 10.1177/0163443708096097

Cottle, Simon ORCID: and Rai, Mugdha 2008. Global 24/7 news providers: emissaries of global dominance or global public sphere? Global Media and Communication 4 (2) , pp. 157-181. 10.1177/1742766508091518

Cottle, Simon ORCID: and Rai, Mugdha 2008. Television news in South Africa: Mediating an emerging democracy. Journal of South African Studies 34 (2) , pp. 343-358. 10.1080/03057070802038017

Cottle, Simon ORCID: and Rai, Mugdha 2008. Television news in India: mediating democracy and difference. International Communication Gazette 70 (1) , pp. 76-96. 10.1177/1748048507084579

Cottle, Simon ORCID: 2008. 'Mediatized rituals': a reply to Couldry and Rothenbuhler. Media, Culture & Society 30 (1) , pp. 135-140. 10.1177/0163443707084351

Cottle, Simon ORCID: 2008. Social drama in a mediatized world: The racist murder of Stephen Lawrence. St. John, Graham, ed. Victor Turner and Contemporary Cultural Performance, New York and Oxford: Berghahn, pp. 109-124.

Cottle, Simon ORCID: 2008. Conflict as media content. Donsbach, W., ed. The International Encyclopedia of Communication, Vol. III. Oxford and Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 915-917. (10.1111/b.9781405131995.2008.x)

Cottle, Simon ORCID: and Rai, Mugdha 2008. Television news in Singapore: mediating conflict and consent. Asian Journal of Social Science 36 (3 - 4) , pp. 638-658. 10.1163/156853108X327137

Cottle, Simon ORCID: and Nolan, David 2007. Global humanitarianism and the changing aid-media field: "Everyone was dying for footage". Journalism Studies 8 (6) , pp. 862-878. 10.1080/14616700701556104

Cottle, Simon ORCID: 2007. Ethnography and news production: new(s) developments in the field. Sociology Compass 1 (1) , pp. 1-16. 10.1111/j.1751-9020.2007.00002.x

Cottle, Simon ORCID: 2007. Mediatized recognition and the “Other”. Media International Australia incorporating Culture and Policy 123 , pp. 34-38.

Cottle, Simon ORCID: 2006. Mediatized conflict: Developments in media and conflict studies. Maidenhead: Open University Press.

Cottle, Simon ORCID: and Rai, Mugdha 2006. Between display and deliberation: analyzing TV news as communicative architecture. Media Culture Society 28 (2) , pp. 163-189. 10.1177/0163443706061680

Cottle, Simon ORCID: 2004. The racist murder of Stephen Lawrence: media performance and public transformation. Praeger.

Cottle, Simon ORCID: 2004. Producing nature(s): on the changing production ecology of natural history TV. Media Culture & Society 26 (1) , pp. 81-101. 10.1177/0163443704039494

Cottle, Simon ORCID: 1998. Ulrich Beck, "Risk Society" and the Media: A Catastrophic View? European Journal of Communication 13 (1) , pp. 5-32. 10.1177/0267323198013001001

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