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Number of items: 50.

Sarangi, Srikant and Rossi, Maria Grazia 2024. Communication skills, expertise and ethics in healthcare education and practice. Communication & Medicine 19 (2) , pp. 162-175. 10.1558/cam.24729

Sarangi, Srikant 2022. Methodological pragmatism in doing data. Communication & Medicine 17 (2) , pp. 165-172. 10.1558/cam.20763

Sarangi, Srikant 2022. Editorial. Text and Talk 42 (1) , p. 1. 10.1515/text-2022-2085

Sarangi, Srikant Kumar 2016. Owning responsible actions/selves: Role-relational trajectories in counselling for childhood genetic testing. Östman, J.-O. and Solin, A., eds. Discourse and Responsibility in Professional Contexts, Studies in Communication in Organisations and Professions, London: Equinox Publishing, pp. 37-63.

Arribas-Ayllon, Michael ORCID: and Sarangi, Srikant 2014. Counselling uncertainty: genetics professionals' accounts of (non)directiveness and trust/distrust. Health, Risk and Society 16 (2) , pp. 171-184. 10.1080/13698575.2014.884545

Zayts, Olga and Sarangi, Srikant Kumar 2013. Modes of risk explanation in telephone consultations between nurses and parents for a genetic condition. Health, Risk & Society 15 (2) , pp. 194-215. 10.1080/13698575.2013.764975

Arribas-Ayllon, Miguel ORCID:, Sarangi, Srikant Kumar and Clarke, Angus John ORCID: 2012. Accounting for genetic testing: familial and professional perspectives. eLS , pp. 171-184. 10.1002/9780470015902.a0024171

Sarangi, Srikant Kumar 2011. Role hybridity in professional practice. Sarangi, Srikant Kumar, Polese, Vanda and Caliendo, Giuditta, eds. Genre(s) on the Move: Hybridisation and Discourse Change in Specialised Communication, Napoli: Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, pp. 271-296.

Sarangi, Srikant, Brookes-Howell, Lucy ORCID:, Bennert, Kristina and Clarke, Angus John ORCID: 2011. Psychological and sociomoral frames in genetic counseling for predictive testing. Sarangi, Srikant Kumar, Candlin, Chris and Knapp, K., eds. Handbook of Communication in Organisations and Professions, Handbooks of Applied Linguistics, vol. 3. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton, pp. 235-257.

Arribas-Ayllon, Michael ORCID:, Sarangi, Srikant Kumar and Clarke, Angus John ORCID: 2011. Promissory strategies of personalisation in the commercialisation of genomic knowledge. Communication & Medicine 8 (1) , pp. 53-66. 10.1558/cam.v8i1.53

Arribas-Ayllon, Michael ORCID:, Sarangi, Srikant Kumar and Clarke, Angus John ORCID: 2011. Genetic testing: accounts of autonomy, responsibility and blame. Genetics and Society, London: Routledge.

Sarangi, Srikant Kumar and Candlin, Chris, eds. 2011. Handbook of communication in organisations and professions. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton.

Sarangi, Srikant Kumar and Candlin, Chris 2011. Professional and organisational practice: a discourse/communication perspective. Candlin, Chris and Sarangi, Srikant Kumar, eds. Handbook of Communication in Organisations and Professions, Handbooks of Applied Linguistics, vol. 3. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton, pp. 3-60.

Sarangi, Srikant Kumar, Clarke, Angus John ORCID: and Verrier-Jones, Kate 2011. Voicing the Lifeworld: Parental Accounts of Responsibility in Genetic Consultations for Polycystic Kidney Disease. Social Science & Medicine 72 (11) , pp. 1743-1751. 10.1016/j.socscimed.2010.06.040

Sarangi, Srikant Kumar, Polese, V. and Caliendo, G., eds. 2011. Genre(s) on the move: Hybridisation and discourse change in specialised communication. Napoli: Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane.

Sarangi, Srikant Kumar, Polese, V. and Caliendo, G. 2011. Preface. Sarangi, Srikant Kumar, Polese, Vanda and Caliendo, Giuditta, eds. Genre(s) on the Move: Hybridisation and Discourse Change in Specialised Communication, Napoli: Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, ix-x.

Sarangi, Srikant Kumar 2011. Contextualising Gumperz [Editorial]. Text and Talk 31 (4) , pp. 375-380. 10.1515/TEXT.2011.017

Sarangi, Srikant 2010. Reconfiguring self/identity/status/role: the case of professional role performance in healthcare encounters. Journal of Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice 7 (1) , pp. 75-95.

Sarangi, Srikant 2010. Reconfiguring self/identity/status/role: the case of professional role performance in healthcare encounters. Garzone, Giuliana and Archibald, James, eds. Discourse, Identities and Roles in Specialized Communication, Linguistic insights, vol. 125. Bern: Peter Lang, pp. 33-57.

Sarangi, Srikant 2010. Professional values in interaction: non-directiveness, client-centredness and other-orientation in genetic counselling. Pattison, P, Hannigan, Ben, Pill, Roisin and Thomas, Huw, eds. Emerging Values in Health Care : the Challenge for Professionals, London: Jessica Kingsley, pp. 163-185.

Sarangi, Srikant Kumar 2010. The spatial and temporal dimensions of reflective questions in genetic counselling. Freed, Alice and Ehrlich, Susan, eds. 'Why Do You Ask?': The Function of Questions in Institutional Discourse, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 235-255. (10.1093/acprof:oso/9780195306897.003.0011)

Sarangi, Srikant 2010. Healthcare interaction as an expert communicative system: an activity analysis perspective. Streeck, Jürgen, ed. New Adventures in Language and Interaction, Pragmatics & beyond new series, vol. 196. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 167-197.

Saferstein, B. and Sarangi, Srikant 2010. Mediating modes of representation in understanding science: the case of genetic inheritance. Prior, P. A. and Hengst, J. A., eds. Exploring Semiotic Remediation as Discourse Practice, Basingstoke: Palgrave, pp. 156-183.

Finn, Mark and Sarangi, Srikant Kumar 2010. Articulations of knowing: NGOs and HIV-positive health in India. Higgins, Christina and Norton, Bonny, eds. Language and HIV / AIDS, Critical language and literacy studies, Clevedon: Multilingual Matters, pp. 233-251.

Clarke, Angus ORCID:, Sarangi, Srikant Kumar and Verrier-Jones, Kate 2010. Voicing the Lifeworld: Parental Accounts of Responsibility in Genetic Consultations for Polycystic Kidney Disease. Social Science and Medicine 72 (11) , pp. 1743-1751.

Sarangi, Srikant 2010. Practising discourse analysis in healthcare settings. Bourgeault, I., Dingwall, R. and de Vries, R., eds. The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Methods in Health Research, London: Sage, pp. 397-416.

Arribas-Ayllon, Michael ORCID:, Sarangi, Srikant Kumar and Clarke, Angus John ORCID: 2009. Professional ambivalence: accounts of ethical practice in childhood genetic testing. Journal of Genetic Counselling 18 (2) , pp. 173-84. 10.1007/s10897-008-9201-0

Sarangi, Srikant Kumar 2009. Editorial. Communication & Medicine 6 (1) , pp. 1-2. 10.1558/cam.v6i1.1

Sarangi, Srikant Kumar 2009. Entextualising the institutional [Editorial]. Text and Talk 29 (5) , pp. 481-483. 10.1515/TEXT.2009.025

Sarangi, Srikant Kumar 2009. Hymes, text and talk [Editorial]. Text and Talk 29 (3) , pp. 239-240. 10.1515/TEXT.2009.011

Sarangi, Srikant Kumar 2009. Editorial. Communication & Medicine 6 (2) , pp. 106-107.

Finn, Mark and Sarangi, Srikant Kumar 2009. Humanising HIV/AIDS and its (re)stigmatizing effects: HIV public 'positive' speaking in India. Health 13 (1) , pp. 47-65. 10.1177/1363459308097360

Arribas-Ayllon, Michael ORCID:, Sarangi, Srikant and Clarke, Angus John ORCID: 2008. Managing self-responsibility through other-oriented blame: family accounts of genetic testing. Social Science & Medicine 66 (7) , pp. 1521-1532. 10.1016/j.socscimed.2007.12.022

Arribas-Ayllon, Michael ORCID:, Sarangi, Srikant Kumar and Clarke, Angus John ORCID: 2008. The micropolitics of responsibility vis-à-vis autonomy: parental accounts of childhood genetic testing and (non)disclosure. Sociology of Health & Illness 30 (2) , pp. 255-271. 10.1111/j.1467-9566.2007.01037.x

Arribas-Ayllon, Michael ORCID:, Sarangi, Srikant Kumar and Clarke, Angus John ORCID: 2008. The politics of autonomy in genetic testing of children. [Working Paper]. School of Social Sciences Working Papers Series, vol. 107. Cardiff: Cardiff University. Available at:

Finn, M. and Sarangi, Srikant 2008. Quality of life as a mode of governance: NGO talk of HIV 'positive’ health in India. Social Science and Medicine 66 , pp. 1568-1578.

Garzone, G. and Sarangi, Srikant, eds. 2008. Discourse, ideology and specialized communication. Linguistic insights, vol. 33. Oxford: Peter Lang.

Sarangi, Srikant 2008. The micropolitics of disclosure, stigma and (dis)trust surrounding HIV/AIDS in India. Markova, Ivana and Gillespie, Alex, eds. Trust and Distrust: Sociocultural Perspectives, Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing, pp. 153-177.

Snooks, H. A., Williams, Anne, Griffiths, L. J., Peconi, J., Rance, J., Snelgrove, S., Sarangi, Srikant, Wainwright, P. and Cheung, W-Y 2008. Real nursing?: The development of telenursing. Journal of Advanced Nursing 61 (6) , pp. 631-640. 10.1111/j.1365-2648.2007.04546.x

Arribas-Ayllon, Michael ORCID:, Sarangi, Srikant Kumar and Clarke, Angus John ORCID: 2008. Professional ambivalence: accounts of ethical practice in childhood genetic testing. [Working Paper]. School of Social Sciences Working Papers Series, vol. 108. Cardiff: Cardiff University. Available at:

Räisänen, Ulla, Bekkers, Marie-Jet, Boddington, Paula, Sarangi, Srikant and Clarke, Angus John ORCID: 2006. The causation of disease? The practical and ethical consequences of competing explanations. Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 9 (3) , pp. 293-306. 10.1007/s11019-006-9007-5

Sarangi, Srikant Kumar and Brookes-Howell, Lucy ORCID: 2006. Recontextualising the familial lifeworld in genetic counselling case notes. Gotti, M. and Salager-Meyer, F., eds. Advances in Medical Discourse Analysis: Oral and Written Contexts, Linguistic Insights. Studies in Language and Communication, vol. 45. Bern: Peter Lang, pp. 197-228.

Mooney, Annabelle and Sarangi, Srikant Kumar 2005. An ecological framing of HIV preventive intervention: a case study of non-government organizational work in the developing world. Health: An Interdisciplinary Journal for the Social Study of Health, Illness and Medicine 9 (3) , pp. 275-296. 10.1177/1363459305052901

Sarangi, Srikant Kumar, Bennert, Kristina, Howell, Lucy ORCID:, Clarke, Angus John ORCID:, Harper, Peter Stanley and Gray, Jonathon 2004. Initiation of reflective frames in counselling for Huntington's Disease predictive testing. Journal of Genetic Counselling 13 (2) , pp. 135-155. 10.1023/B:JOGC.0000018823.60761.e0

Sarangi, Srikant Kumar, Bennert, Kristina, Howell, Lucy ORCID: and Clarke, Angus John ORCID: 2003. 'Relatively Speaking' : relativisation of genetic risk in counselling for predictive testing. Health, Risk & Society 5 (2) , pp. 155-170. 10.1080/1369857031000123939

Clarke, Angus John ORCID:, Sarangi, Srikant Kumar, Bennert, Kristina and Howell, Lucy ORCID: 2003. Categorisation practices across professional boundaries: some analytic insights from genetic counselling. Presented at: Annual Meeting of the British Association for Applied Linguistics, Cardiff, UK, September 2002. Published in: Sarangi, Srikant Kumar and Leeuwen, T. eds. Applied Linguistics and Communities of Practice: selected papers from the Annual Meeting of the British Association for Applied Linguistics, Cardiff University, September 2002. British Studies in Applied Linguistics London: Continuum, pp. 150-168.

Sarangi, Srikant Kumar and Clarke, Angus John ORCID: 2002. Zones of expertise and the management of uncertainty in genetics risk communication. Research on Language and Social Interaction 35 (2) , pp. 139-171. 10.1207/S15327973RLSI3502_2

Sarangi, Srikant Kumar 2002. The language of likelihood in genetic counselling discourse. Journal of Language and Social Psychology 21 (1) , pp. 7-31. 10.1177/0261927X02021001002

Sarangi, Srikant Kumar, Howell, Lucy ORCID:, Bennert, Kristina, Clarke, Angus John ORCID:, Harper, Peter Stanley and Gray, Jonathon 2001. The negotiation of therapeutic frames in counselling for predictive genetic testing. Journal of Medical Genetics 38 (Sup.1) , S23.

Coupland, Nikolas John Robert, Candlin, Christopher and Sarangi, Srikant, eds. 2001. Sociolinguistics and social theory. Pearson Education.

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