Afonso, António, Arghyrou, Michael G. ORCID:, Gadea, María Dolores and Kontonikas, Alexandros 2018. 'Whatever it takes' to resolve the European sovereign debt crisis? Bond pricing regime switches and monetary policy effects. Journal of International Money and Finance 86 , pp. 1-30. 10.1016/j.jimonfin.2018.04.005 |
Arghyrou, Michael G. ORCID: 2017. Structural reforms in the euro area: a Greek view. European View 16 (1) , pp. 45-56. 10.1007/s12290-017-0433-y |
Mitroussi, Kyriaki and Arghyrou, Michael G. ORCID: 2016. Institutional performance and ship registration. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 85 , pp. 90-106. 10.1016/j.tre.2015.10.004 |
Arghyrou, Michael G. ORCID: and Pourpourides, Panayiotis ORCID: 2016. Inflation announcements and asymmetric exchange rate responses. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money 40 , pp. 80-84. 10.1016/j.intfin.2015.07.002 |
Afonso, António, Arghyrou, Michael Georgiou ORCID:, Bagdatoglou, George and Kontonikas, Alexandros 2015. On the time-varying relationship between EMU sovereign spreads and their determinants. Economic Modelling 44 , pp. 363-371. 10.1016/j.econmod.2014.07.025 |
Arghyrou, Michael Georgiou ORCID: 2015. The global financial crisis in Greece: its background causes, escalation and prospects for recovery. Wanna, John, Lindquist, Evert A. and de Vries, Jouke, eds. The Global Financial Crisis and its Budget Impact on OECD Nations, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 255-283. |
Arghyrou, Michael Georgiou ORCID: 2015. From the Euro-crisis to a new European economic architectue. Thomakos, Dimitrios D., Monokroussos, Platon and Nikolopoulos, Konstantinos I., eds. A Financial Crisis Manual: Reflections and the Road Ahead, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 308-328. (10.1057/9781137448309) |
Arghyrou, Michael Georgiou ORCID: 2015. The Greek crisis and financial assistance programmes: An evaluation. [Project Report]. CESifo Working Paper No. 5591, Centre for Economic Studies and Ifo Institute. Available at: |
Arghyrou, Michael Georgiou ORCID: 2015. On Greek crises, growth, market-access and debt-forgiveness. CESifo DICE Report 2015 (1) , pp. 33-38. |
Afonso, Antonio, Arghyrou, Michael Georgiou ORCID: and Kontonikas, Alexandros 2015. The determinants of sovereign bond yield spreads in the EMU. [Working Paper]. Frankfurt: European Central Bank. Available at: |
Arghyrou, Michael ORCID: 2014. Is Greece turning the corner? a theory-based assessment of recent Greek macro-policy. [Working Paper]. Cardiff Economics Working Papers, Cardiff: Cardiff University. |
Afonso, António, Arghyrou, Michael G. ORCID: and Kontonikas, Alexandros 2014. Pricing sovereign bond risk in the European Monetary Union area: an empirical investigation. International Journal of Finance and Economics 19 (1) , pp. 49-56. 10.1002/ijfe.1484 |
Fan, Jingwen and Arghyrou, Michael Georgiou ORCID: 2013. UK fiscal policy sustainability, 1955-2006. The Manchester School 81 (6) , pp. 961-991. 10.1111/j.1467-9957.2012.02319.x |
Afonso, Antonio, Arghyrou, Michael Georgiou ORCID: and Kontonikas, Alexandros 2012. The determinants of sovereign bond yield spreads in the EMU. [Working Paper]. ISEG Economics Working Paper, vol. 36. Lisbon: Technical University of Lisbon - School of Economics and Management (ISEG). |
Arghyrou, Michael Georgiou ORCID: and Kontonikas, Alexandros 2012. The EMU sovereign-debt crisis: fundamentals, expectations and contagion. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money 22 (4) , pp. 658-677. 10.1016/j.intfin.2012.03.003 |
Arghyrou, Michael Georgiou ORCID: and Gadea, Maria Dolores 2012. The single monetary policy and domestic macro-fundamentals: Evidence from Spain. Journal of Policy Modeling 34 (1) , pp. 16-34. 10.1016/j.jpolmod.2011.09.002 |
Arghyrou, Michael Georgiou ORCID:, Gregoriou, Andros and Pourpourides, Panayiotis ORCID: 2011. Risk aversion, exchange-rate uncertainty, and the law of one price: insights from the market for online air-travel tickets. Canadian Journal of Economics/Revue canadienne d'économique 44 (3) , pp. 880-906. 10.1111/j.1540-5982.2011.01659.x |
Fan, Jingwen and Arghyrou, Michael ORCID: 2011. UK fiscal policy sustainability, 1955–2006. [Working Paper]. Cardiff Economics Working Papers, Cardiff: Cardiff University. |
Arghyrou, Michael Georgiou ORCID: and Kontonikas, Alexandros 2011. The EMU sovereign debt crisis: fundamentals, expectations and contagion. [Project Report]. Economic Papers, vol. 436. European Commission. Available at: |
Arghyrou, Michael Georgiou ORCID: and Kontonikas, Alexandros 2011. The EMU sovereign-debt crisis: fundamentals, expectations and contagion. [Working Paper]. Brussels: European Commission. Available at: |
Arghyrou, Michael Georgiou ORCID: and Tsoukalas, John D. 2011. The Greek Debt Crisis: likely causes, mechanics and outcomes. World Economy 34 (2) , pp. 173-191. 10.1111/j.1467-9701.2011.01328.x |
Arghyrou, Michael Georgiou ORCID: and Tsoukalas, John 2010. The option of last resort: a two-currency EMU. [Working Paper]. Cardiff Economics Working Papers, Cardiff: Cardiff University. Available at: |
Arghyrou, Michael ORCID: and Kontonikas, Alexandros 2010. The EMU sovereign-debt crisis: fundamentals, expectations and contagion. [Working Paper]. Cardiff Economics Working Papers, Cardiff: Cardiff University. |
Arghyrou, Michael ORCID: 2010. Corruption as a form of extreme individualism: an economic explanation based on geography and climate conditions. [Working Paper]. Cardiff Economics Working Papers, Cardiff: Cardiff University. |
Arghyrou, Michael ORCID: and Tsoukalas, John D. 2010. The Greek debt crisis: likely causes, mechanics and outcomes. [Working Paper]. Cardiff Economics Working Papers, Cardiff: Cardiff University. |
Arghyrou, Michael ORCID:, Gregoriou, Andros and Pourpourides, Panayiotis ORCID: 2009. Exchange rate uncertainty and deviations from Purchasing Power Parity: evidence from the G7 area. [Working Paper]. Cardiff Economics Working Papers, Cardiff: Cardiff University. |
Arghyrou, Michael ORCID:, Gregoriou, Andros and Pourpourides, Panayiotis ORCID: 2009. A new solution to the purchasing power parity puzzles? Riskaversion, exchange rate uncertainty and the law of one price: insights from the market of online air-travel tickets. [Working Paper]. Cardiff Economics Working Papers, Cardiff: Cardiff University. |
Arghyrou, Michael Georgiou ORCID:, Gregoriou, Andros and Kontonikas, Alexandros 2009. Do real interest rates converge? Evidence from the European union. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money 19 (3) , pp. 447-460. 10.1016/j.intfin.2008.05.004 |
Arghyrou, Michael ORCID: and Gadea, Maria Dolores 2008. The single monetary policy and domestic macrofundamentals: evidence from Spain. [Working Paper]. Cardiff Economics Working Papers, Cardiff: Cardiff University. |
Arghyrou, Michael Georgiou ORCID: and Gregoriou, Andros 2008. Non-linearity versus non-normality in real exchange rate dynamics. Economics Letters 100 (2) , pp. 200-203. 10.1016/j.econlet.2008.01.010 |
Arghyrou, Michael Georgiou ORCID: and Chortareas, Georgios 2008. Current account imbalances and real exchange rates in the Euro area. Review of International Economics 16 (4) , pp. 747-764. 10.1111/j.1467-9396.2008.00773.x |
Arghyrou, Michael Georgiou ORCID: 2008. Monetary policy before and after the euro: evidence from Greece. Empirical Economics 36 (3) , pp. 621-643. 10.1007/s00181-008-0216-z |
Arghyrou, Michael ORCID:, Gregoriou, Andros and Kontonikas, Alexandros 2007. Do real interest rates converge? Evidence from the European Union. [Working Paper]. Cardiff Economics Working Papers, Cardiff: Cardiff University. |
Arghyrou, Michael Georgiou ORCID: and Luintel, Kul ORCID: 2007. Government Solvency: Revisiting some EMU countries. Journal of Macroeconomics 29 (2) , pp. 387-410. 10.1016/j.jmacro.2005.09.001 |
Arghyrou, Michael Georgiou ORCID: and Gregoriou, Andros 2007. Testing for Purchasing Power Parity correcting for non-normality using the wild bootstrap. Economics Letters 95 (2) , pp. 285-290. 10.1016/j.econlet.2006.10.022 |
Arghyrou, Michael ORCID: 2006. Monetary policy before and after the euro: evidence from Greece. [Working Paper]. Cardiff Economics Working Papers, Cardiff: Cardiff University. |
Arghyrou, Michael ORCID: and Chortareas, Georgios 2006. Current account imbalances and real exchange rates in the Euro area. [Working Paper]. Cardiff Economics Working Papers, Cardiff: Cardiff University. |
Arghyrou, Michael Georgiou ORCID:, Boinet, Virginie and Martin, Christopher 2006. Non-linear and non-symmetric exchange-rate adjustment: Evidence from medium- and high-inflation countries. Journal of Economics and Finance 30 (1) , pp. 38-56. 10.1007/BF02834274 |
Arghyrou, Michael Georgiou ORCID: 2006. The effects of the accession of Greece to the EMU: initial estimates. Studies / Centre of Planning and Economic Research, vol. 64. Centre of Planning and Economic Research. |
Arghyrou, Michael Georgiou ORCID:, Martin, C. and Milas, C. 2005. Non-linear inflationary dynamics: evidence from the UK. Oxford Economic Papers 57 (1) , pp. 51-69. 10.1093/oep/gpi004 |
Arghyrou, Michael Georgiou ORCID: and Bazina, Evelyn 2003. Competitiveness and the External Trade of Greece in the 1990s: A Cross-Sectoral Investigation. Journal of Economic Integration 18 (4) , pp. 763-793. |
Arghyrou, Michael Georgiou ORCID: 2000. EMU and Greek macro-economic policy in the 1990s. Mitsos, Achilleas and Mossialos, Elias, eds. Contemporary Greece and Europe, Aldershot: Ashgate, pp. 157-182. |
Mourmouras, Iannis A. and Arghyrou, Michael Georgiou ORCID: 2000. Monetary policy at the European periphery: Greek experience and lessons for EU candidates. European and transatlantic studies, Berlin: Springer. |
Arghyrou, Michael Georgiou ORCID: 2000. EU participation and the external trade of Greece: an appraisal of the evidence. Applied Economics 32 (2) , pp. 151-159. 10.1080/000368400322840 |
Arghyrou, Michael Georgiou ORCID: 2000. Public Expenditure and National Income: Time Series Evidence from Greece. Ekonomia 4 (2) , pp. 173-191. |
Arghyrou, Michael Georgiou ORCID: 1998. Causal relationships between public expenditure, public receipts and gross domestic product: Greece 1965-95. Applied Economics Letters 5 (11) , pp. 727-731. 10.1080/135048598354221 |