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Browse by Current Cardiff authors

Number of items: 33.

Passmore, Kevin ORCID: 2024. Organizing the terrain: the Maginot Line in the natural world, 1919-1939. Environmental History 29 (1) , pp. 86-117. 10.1086/727788

Passmore, Kevin ORCID: 2024. The drôle de guerre on the Maginot Line: Soldiers and civilians in Alsace-Lorraine, September, 1939 to June, 1940. French Historical Studies

Passmore, Kevin ORCID: 2021. La Ligne Maginot dans les espaces transfrontaliers franco-allemands, 1928-1939. Laloux, Ludovic, Dessberg, Frederic and Palaude, Stephane, eds. Frontières en Europe depuis le Congrès de Vienne (1858), Presses universitaires de Valenciennes, pp. 239-255.

Berger, Stefan, Feldner, Heiko ORCID: and Passmore, Kevin ORCID:, eds. 2020. Writing history: Theory and practice. London: Bloomsbury.

Passmore, Kevin ORCID: 2019. Le Croix de Feu et le PSF. Une perspective transnationale. Stenhell, Zeev, ed. L’histoire refoulée. La Rocque, les Croix de feu, et le fascisme français, Paris: Le Cerf, pp. 181-224.

Passmore, Kevin ORCID: 2017. The theory and practice of conservative propaganda and organisation in Britain and France in the interwar years. Berthezène, Clarisse and Vinel, Jean-Christian, eds. Postwar Conservatism, A Transnational Investigation Britain, France, and the United States, 1930-1990, Palgrave, pp. 43-77. (10.1007/978-3-319-40271-0_3)

Passmore, Kevin ORCID: 2017. Fascism as a social movement. Berger, Stefan and Nehring, Holger, eds. The history of social movements in global perspective: a survey, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 579-561.

Passmore, Kevin ORCID: 2017. Evidence and interpretation. Loughran, Tracey ORCID:, ed. A Practical Guide to Studying History: Skills and Approaches, Bloomsbury, pp. 139-154.

Passmore, Kevin ORCID: 2016. Les tentatives de banalisation de l’extrême-droite dans l’entre-deux-guerres. Afiouni, Nada and Guillet, Nicolas, eds. Les tentatives de banalisation de l’extrême droite en Europe: Sciences politiques, Brussels: Les éditions universitaires de Bruxelles, pp. 19-38.

Passmore, Kevin ORCID: and Milllington, Chris, eds. 2015. Political violence and democracy in Western Europe 1918-1940. Basingstoke: Palgrave.

Passmore, Kevin ORCID: 2014. La droite entre les deux guerres : psychologie des foules, sciences de l'organisation et publicité moderne. Politix 2014/2 (106) , pp. 31-57. 10.3917/pox.106.0031

Passmore, Kevin ORCID: 2014. History and historiography since 1945. Backhouse, Roger E. and Fontaine, Philippe, eds. A Historiography of the Modern Social Sciences, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 29-61. (10.1017/CBO9781139794817.002)

Passmore, Kevin ORCID: 2014. L'historiographie du fascisme en France. French Historical Studies 37 (3) , pp. 469-499. 10.1215/00161071-2689661

Passmore, Kevin ORCID:, ed. 2014. Fascism: a very short introduction. 2nd ed. Very Short Introductions, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Passmore, Kevin ORCID: 2014. Crowd psychology, anti-southern prejudice and constitutional reform in interwar France: The Stavisky scandal and the riots of 6 February 1934. Kalman, Samuel and Kennedy, Sean, eds. The French Right Between the Wars: Political and Intellectual Movements from Conservatism to Fascism, Berghahn, pp. 25-47.

Passmore, Kevin ORCID: 2014. Writing the history of Fascism and National Socialism transnationally: the example of France. Bereginya 4 (23) , pp. 287-304.

Passmore, Kevin ORCID: 2012. The Right in France from the Third Republic to Vichy. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Passmore, Kevin ORCID: 2012. La droite et l'extrême droite française et la Grande Bretagne, 1870-1940: préjugés antiméridionaux, préjugés anticeltiques. Vervaecke, Philippe, ed. À Droite de la Droite : Droites Radicales en France et en Grande-Bretagne au XXe Siècle, Espaces Politiques, Lille: Presses Universitaires du Septentrion, pp. 59-86.

Passmore, Kevin ORCID: 2011. History and social science in the West. Schneider, Axel and Woolf, Daniel, eds. The Oxford History of Historical Writing. Volume 5: Historical Writing Since 1945, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 199-219.

Gorrara, Claire Jacqueline ORCID:, Feldner, Heiko Michael ORCID: and Passmore, Kevin ORCID: 2011. Introduction. Feldner, Heiko Michael, Gorrara, Claire Jacqueline and Passmore, Kevin, eds. The Lost Decade? The 1950s in European History, Politics, Society and Culture, Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 1-9.

Passmore, Kevin ORCID: 2011. The 1950s in European Historiography. Feldner, Heiko Michael, Gorrara, Claire Jacqueline and Passmore, Kevin, eds. The Lost Decade? The 1950s in European History, Politics, Society and Culture, Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 1-9.

Feldner, Heiko Michael ORCID:, Gorrara, Claire Jacqueline ORCID: and Passmore, Kevin ORCID:, eds. 2011. The lost decade? The 1950s in European history, politics, society and culture. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholar Press.

Passmore, Kevin ORCID: 2010. Theories of fascism: A view from the perspective of women’s and gender history. Costa Pinto, Antonio, ed. Rethinking the Nature of Fascism: Comparative Perspectives, Basingstoke: Palgrave, pp. 119-140.

Passmore, Kevin ORCID: 2009. The ideological origins of Fascism before 1914. Bosworth, R. J. B., ed. The Oxford Handbook of Fascism, Oxford Handbooks in History, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 11-31.

Passmore, Kevin ORCID: 2008. The gendered genealogy of political religions theory. Gender and History 20 (3) , pp. 644-668. 10.1111/j.1468-0424.2008.00541.x

Passmore, Kevin ORCID: 2005. The construction of crisis in interwar France. Jenkins, Brian, ed. France in the Era of Fascism: Essays on the French Authoritarian Right, Berg, pp. 151-199.

Berger, Stefan Karl, Feldner, Heiko Michael ORCID: and Passmore, Kevin ORCID:, eds. 2003. Writing history: theory and practice. Writing History, London: Arnold.

Passmore, Kevin ORCID:, ed. 2003. Women, gender and fascism in Europe, 1919-1945. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press.

Passmore, Kevin ORCID: 2002. Fascism: a very short introduction. Oxford Paperbacks Very Short Introductions, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Passmore, Kevin ORCID: 2002. Politics. Jackson, Julian, ed. Europe: 1900-1945, Short Oxford History of Europe, Oxford University Press, pp. 77-115.

Passmore, Kevin ORCID: 2000. Femininity and the Right: from moral order to moral order. Modern and Contemporary France 8 (1) , pp. 55-69. 10.1080/096394800113358

Passmore, Kevin ORCID: 1999. “Planting the tricolor in the citadels of communism”: Women’s social action in the Croix de feu and Parti Social Français. Journal of Modern History 71 (4) , pp. 814-851. 10.1086/235360

Passmore, Kevin ORCID: 1997. From liberalism to fascism: The right in a French province, 1928–1939. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

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