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Number of items: 16.

Molinaro, Cathy, Perez-Nieto, Nazaret and Silvestri, Angelo 2024. Exploring the dynamics of AI in foreign language education: Balancing challenges, opportunities, and ethical engagement. [Video]. YouTube: Available at:

Silvestri, Angelo 2024. Bonizo of Sutri: Portrait in a Landscape. By John A. Dempsey. [Book Review]. Catholic Historical Review 110 (1) , pp. 142-144. 10.1353/cat.2024.a921715

Molinaro, Cathy, Perez-Nieto, Nazaret and Silvestri, Angelo 2024. Language students’ engagement with GenAI tools to aid their learning. Presented at: 2nd AI in Education Conference, Cardiff, 12 July 2024.

Molinaro, Cathy, Perez-Nieto, Nazaret and Silvestri, Angelo 2024. Collaborative approaches to AI in foreign language education: Navigating ethical challenges together. Presented at: Cardiff University Learning and Teaching Conference 2024, Cardiff, UK, 12 September 2024.

Silvestri, Angelo 2023. Sacred foundation: The religious and medieval roots of the European state. By Anna Grzymała-Busse [Book Review]. Journal of Church and State 65 (4) , pp. 471-472. 10.1093/jcs/csad054
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Silvestri, Angelo M. 2023. 'As an Obedient Son, I disobey': Political roles and religious rules in the Diocese of Lincoln in the Twelfth-Thirteenth Centuries. Antonetti, Antonio and Berardi, Riccardo, eds. The Various Models of Lordship in Europe between the Ninth and Fifteenth Centuries, Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 235-258.

Silvestri, Angelo M. 2020. Philippa Hoskin. 'Robert Grosseteste and the 13th-century diocese of Lincoln: an English bishop's pastoral vision'. [Book Review]. Journal of British Studies 59 (2) 10.1017/jbr.2019.276

Coss, P., Dennis, C., Julian-Jones, M. ORCID: and Silvestri, A., eds. 2020. Episcopal power and personality in medieval Europe 900-1480. Medieval Church Studies, Brepols Publishers.

Dennis, Chris, Julian-Jones, Melissa ORCID: and Silvestri, Angelo 2020. Introduction. Episcopal Power and Personality in Medieval Europe 900-1480, Vol. 42. Medieval Church Studies, Turnhout: Brepols Publishers,

Coss, Peter, Dennis, Chris, Julian-Jones, Melissa ORCID: and Silvestri, Angelo, eds. 2017. Episcopal power and local society in Medieval Europe. 900-1400. Brepols Publishers.

Silvestri, Angelo 2017. The life, education, and deeds of Robert Grosseteste: perception of episcopal power at thirteenth-century Lincoln. Coss, Peter, Julian-Jones, Melissa, Dennis, Chris and Silvestri, Angelo, eds. Episcopal Power and Local Society in Medieval Europe, 900-1400, Brepols Publishers, pp. 81-96.

Julian-Jones, Melissa ORCID:, Silvestri, Angelo and Dennis, Chris 2017. Introduction. Coss, Peter, Dennis, Chris, Julian-Jones, Melissa and Silvestri, Angelo, eds. Episcopal Power and Local Society in Medieval Europe, 900-1400, Medieval Church Studies, Turnhout: Brepols, pp. 1-20.

Silvestri, Angelo 2016. Intelligo ut credam, credo ut intelligam, Robert Grosseteste between faith and reason. Cunningham, Jack P. and Hocknull, Mark, eds. Robert Grosseteste and the pursuit of Religious and Scientific Learning in the Middle Ages, Studies in the History of Philosophy of Mind, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing, pp. 245-262.

Silvestri, Angelo 2016. Philippa M. Hoskin (ed.): Robert Grosseteste as Bishop of Lincoln {book review]. Sehepunkte 16 (3)

Silvestri, Angelo Mario 2015. Power, politics and episcopal authority: the bishops of Cremona and Lincoln in the middle ages (1066-1340). Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Silvestri, Angelo Mario 2012. The power of the bishop in the Dioceses of Lincoln and Cremona (1067-­‐1340): a study in comparative history. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
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