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Browse by Current Cardiff authors

Number of items: 57.

Tougher, Shaun ORCID: 2024. Court life in Byzantine Constantinople: The age of the Macedonian Dynasty (867-1056). Burgersdijk, Diederik, Gerritsen, Fokke and Waal, Willemijn, eds. Constantinople through the Ages: The Visible City from Its Foundation to Contemporary Istanbul, Vol. 8. Cultural Interactions in the Mediterranean, Brill, pp. 86-106. (10.1163/9789004710986_006)

Tougher, Shaun ORCID:, ed. 2024. Studies in Byzantine history and culture. A Festschrift for Paul Magdalino. The Medieval Mediterranean, Brill. 10.1163/9789004707603

Tougher, Shaun ORCID: 2024. The Macedonian dynasty in the life of Basil the Younger: people and places. Tougher, Shaun, ed. Studies in Byzantine History and Culture, The Medieval Mediterranean, Brill,

Tougher, Shaun ORCID: 2024. Sex in Constantinople in the Sixth Century CE. Wiesner-Hanks, Merry E. and Kuefler, Mathew, eds. The Cambridge World History of Sexualities, vol. 3, Sites of Knowledge and Practice, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 47-66.

Tougher, Shaun ORCID: 2024. Daddy issues: Remembering Constantius I and his other children. Lenski, Noel, Rees, Roger and van Nijf, Onno, eds. From East to West in Late Antiquity, Bari: Edipuglia,

Evans, Richard and Tougher, Shaun ORCID:, eds. 2022. Generalship in Ancient Greece, Rome and Byzantium. Edinburgh University Press.

Tougher, Shaun ORCID: 2022. Generalship and gender in Byzantium: non-campaigning Emperors and Eunuch Generals in the Age of the Macedonian Dynasty. Evans, Richard and Tougher, Shaun, eds. Generalship in Ancient Greece, Rome and Byzantium, Edinburgh University Press, pp. 264-283.

Tougher, Shaun ORCID: and Llewellyn-Jones, Lloyd ORCID: 2022. Alexander the gay and the gloryhole that was Greece. Stoneman, Richard, ed. A History of Alexander the Great in World Culture, Cambridge University Press, pp. 424-447. (10.1017/9781316711798.020)

Tougher, Shaun ORCID: 2021. Eudokia Ingerina and the "Macedonian Dynasty": The visible woman. Chiriatti, Mattia Cosimo and Marin, Raul Villegas, eds. Mujeres Imperiales, Mujeres Reales: Representaciones públicas y representaciones del poder en la Antigüedad tardía y Bizancio, Brill, pp. 357-372.

Tougher, Shaun ORCID: 2021. Basil the Younger comes to stay. Eunuchs and other male friends in Constantinopolitan households. James, Liz, Nicholson, Oliver and Scott, Roger, eds. After the Text. Byzantine Enquiries in Honour of Margaret Mullett, Birmingham Byzantine and Ottoman Studies, Abingdon and New York: Routledge, pp. 233-240.

Tougher, Shaun ORCID: 2020. Roman castrati: eunuchs in the Roman empire. Bloomsbury.

Baker-Brian, Nicholas J. ORCID: and Tougher, Shaun ORCID: 2020. Introduction: In the shadows of Constantine and Julian: The sons of Constantine, AD 337-361. Baker-Brian, Nicholas J. and Tougher, Shaun, eds. The Sons of Constantine, AD 337-361: In the Shadows of Constantine and Julian, New Approaches to Byzantine History and Culture, Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan, (10.1007/978-3-030-39898-9)

Baker-Brian, Nicholas ORCID: and Tougher, Shaun ORCID:, eds. 2020. The sons of Constantine, AD 337-361: in the shadows of Constantine and Julian. New Approaches to Byzantine History and Culture, Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. 10.1007/978-3-030-39898-9

Tougher, Shaun ORCID: 2020. Julian and Claudius Mamertinus: Panegyric and Polemic in East and West. Omissi, Adrastos and Ross, Alan J., eds. Imperial Panegyric from Diocletian to Honorius, Liverpool University Press, pp. 117-140.

Tougher, Shaun ORCID: 2020. Eusebia and Eusebius: the roles and significance of Constantinian imperial women and court eunuchs. Baker-Brian, Nicholas J. and Tougher, Shaun, eds. The Sons of Constantine, AD 337-361: In the Shadows of Constantine and Julian, New Approaches to Byzantine History and Culture, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 185-220.

Tougher, Shaun ORCID:, ed. 2019. The Emperor in the Byzantine world: Papers from the Forty-Seventh Spring Symposium of Byzantine Studies. London and New York: Routledge.

Tougher, Shaun ORCID: 2019. Macedonian mirrors: The advice of Basil I for his son Leo VI. Roksam, Geert and Schorn, Stefan, eds. Concepts of Ideal Rulership from Antiquity to the Renaissance, Brepols, pp. 355-382. (10.1484/M.LECTIO-EB.5.116070)

Tougher, Shaun ORCID: 2019. Byzantine eunuchs as generals: The case of Narses. Grunbart, Michael, ed. Verflechtungen zwischen Byzanz und dem Orient, Vol. 9. Lit Verlag, pp. 93-102.

Tougher, Shaun ORCID: 2018. Gendering grief: Emotional eunuchs - consoling Constantine the Paphlagonian. Constantinou, Stavroula and Meyer, Mati, eds. Emotions and Gender in Byzantine Culture, New Approaches to Byzantine History and Culture, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 93-107. (10.1007/978-3-319-96038-8_4)

Tougher, Shaun ORCID: 2018. Julian Augustus on Augustus: Octavian in the 'Caesars'. Goodman, Penelope J., ed. Afterlives of Augustus, AD 14-2014, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 87-102.

Tougher, Shaun ORCID: 2017. Byzantine court eunuchs and the Macedonian dynasty (867-1056): Family, power and gender. Hofert, Almut and Mesley, Matthew M., eds. Celibate and Childless Men in Power. Ruling Eunuchs and Bishops in the Pre-Modern World, Routledge, pp. 229-245.

Tougher, Shaun ORCID: 2017. Periodization. Loughran, Tracey ORCID:, ed. A Practical Guide to Studying History, Bloomsbury, pp. 31-45.

Tougher, Shaun ORCID: 2015. Eunuchs in the East, men in the West? Dis/unity, gender and orientalism in the Fourth Century. Dijkstra, Roald, van Poppel, Sanne and Slootjes, Danielle, eds. East and West in the Roman Empire of the Fourth Century: An End to Unity?, Vol. 5. Radboud Studies in Humanities, Brill, pp. 147-163. (10.1163/9789004291935_010)

Tougher, Shaun ORCID: 2015. Robert Graves as historical novelist: Count Belisarius - Genesis, gender, and truth. Gibson, A. G. G., ed. Robert Graves and the Classical Tradition, Classical Presences, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 77-97.

Tougher, Shaun Fitzroy ORCID: 2013. Imperial families: The case of the Macedonians. Brubaker, Leslie and Tougher, Shaun Fitzroy, eds. Approaches to the Byzantine Family, Birmingham Byzantine and Ottoman Studies, vol. 14. Ashgate, pp. 303-326.

Brubaker, Leslie and Tougher, Shaun Fitzroy ORCID:, eds. 2013. Approaches to the Byzantine family. Birmingham Byzantine and Ottoman Studies, vol. 14. Farnham: Ashgate.

Tougher, Shaun Fitzroy ORCID: 2013. Bearding Byzantium: Masculinity, eunuchs and the Byzantine life course. Neil, Bronwen and Garland, Lynda, eds. Questions of Gender in Byzantine Society, Farnham: Ashgate, pp. 153-166.

Tougher, Shaun Fitzroy ORCID: 2013. The aesthetics of castration: the beauty of Roman eunuchs. Tracy, Larissa, ed. Castration and Culture in the Middle Ages, Cambridge: Boydell & Brewer, pp. 48-72.

Baker-Brian, Nicholas ORCID: and Tougher, Shaun Fitzroy ORCID:, eds. 2012. Emperor and author: The writings of Julian the Apostate. Swansea: Classical Press of Wales.

Tougher, Shaun Fitzroy ORCID: 2012. Reading between the lines: Julian's first panegyric on Constantius II. Baker-Brian, Nicholas ORCID: and Tougher, Shaun Fitzroy ORCID:, eds. Emperor and Author: The Writings of Julian 'the Apostate', Swansea: The Classical Press of Wales, pp. 19-34.

Baker-Brian, Nicholas ORCID: and Tougher, Shaun Fitzroy ORCID: 2012. Introduction. Baker-Brian, Nicholas and Tougher, Shaun Fitzroy, eds. Emperor and Author: The Writings of Julian the Apostate, Swansea: The Classical Press of Wales, xiii-xxi.

Tougher, Shaun Fitzroy ORCID: 2012. Eyeing up eunuchs: Western perceptions of Byzantine cultural difference. Lambert, Sarah and Nicholson, Helen Jane, eds. Languages of Love and Hate: Conflict, Communication, and Identity in the Medieval Mediterranean, Turnhout: Brepols, pp. 87-97.

Tougher, Shaun Fitzroy ORCID: 2012. Imperial blood: Family relationships in the dynasty of Constantine the Great. Harlow, Mary and Larsson Loven, Lena, eds. Families in the Roman and Late Antique World, The Family in Antiquity, vol. 2. London: Continuum, pp. 181-198.

Tougher, Shaun Fitzroy ORCID: 2010. Cherchez l'homme! Byzantine men: a eunuch perspective. Stephenson, Paul, ed. The Byzantine World, Routledge Worlds, London: Routledge, pp. 83-91.

Tougher, Shaun Fitzroy ORCID: 2010. Having fun in Byzantium. James, Liz, ed. A Companion to Byzantium, Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 135-145. (10.1002/9781444320015.ch11)

Tougher, Shaun Fitzroy ORCID: 2009. After iconoclasm (850-886). Shepard, J., ed. The Cambridge History of the Byzantine Empire c. 500-1492, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 292-304.

Tougher, Shaun Fitzroy ORCID: 2008. The eunuch in Byzantine history and society. Routledge Monographs in Classical Studies, London: Routledge.

Tougher, Shaun Fitzroy ORCID: 2008. The Renault Bagoas: The treatment of Alexander the Great's eunuch in Mary Renault's The Persian Boy. New Voices in Classical Reception Studies (3)

Tougher, Shaun Fitzroy ORCID: 2007. Julian the Apostate. Debates and Documents in Ancient History, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.

Tougher, Shaun Fitzroy ORCID: 2006. 'The angelic life': monasteries for eunuchs. Jeffreys, E., ed. Byzantine Style, Religion and Civilization: In Honour of Sir Steven Runciman, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 238-252.

Tougher, Shaun Fitzroy ORCID: 2005. Political history (602-1025). Harris, J., ed. Palgrave Advances in Byzantine History, Palgrave Advances, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 24-38.

Tougher, Shaun Fitzroy ORCID: 2005. Two views on the gender identity of Byzantine eunuchs. Alison, Shaw and Shirley, Ardener, eds. Changing Sex and Bending Gender, Berghahn Books, pp. 60-73.

James, Liz and Tougher, Shaun Fitzroy ORCID: 2005. Get your kit on! Some issues in the depiction of clothing in Byzantium. Cleland, L., Harlow, M. and Llewellyn-Jones, L., eds. The Clothed Body in the Ancient World, Oxford: Oxbow, pp. 154-161.

Tougher, Shaun Fitzroy ORCID: 2004. Holy eunuchs! masculinity and eunuch Saints in Byzantium. Cullum, P. H. and Lewis, Katherine J., eds. Holiness and Masculinity in the Middle Ages, University of Wales Press, pp. 93-108.

Tougher, Shaun Fitzroy ORCID: 2004. Social transformation, gender transformation? The court eunuch, 300-900. Brubaker, L. and Smith, J. M. H., eds. Gender in the Early Medieval World. East and West, 300-900, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 70-82.

Tougher, Shaun Fitzroy ORCID: 2004. Julian's bull coinage: Kent revisited. Classical Quarterly 54 (1) , pp. 327-330. 10.1093/cq/54.1.327

Tougher, Shaun Fitzroy ORCID: 2002. In or out? Origins of court eunuchs. Tougher, Shaun Fitzroy, ed. Eunuchs in Antiquity and Beyond, London: Classical Press of Wales and Duckworth, pp. 143-159.

Tougher, Shaun Fitzroy ORCID:, ed. 2002. Eunuchs in antiquity and beyond. London: Duckworth and Classical Press of Wales.

Tougher, Shaun Fitzroy ORCID: 2000. Ammianus Marcellinus on the Empress Eusebia: a Split Personality? Greece & Rome (Second Series) 47 (1) , pp. 94-101. 10.1093/gr/47.1.94

Tougher, Shaun Fitzroy ORCID: 1999. Michael III and Basil the Macedonian: just good friends? Presented at: 31st Spring Symposium of Byzantine Studies, Brighton, UK, March 1997. Published in: James, L. ed. Desire and denial in Byzantium: papers from the 31st Spring Symposium of Byzantine Studies, University of Sussex, Brighton, March 1997. Publications (Society for the Promotion of Byzantine Studies (Great Britain)) (6) Aldershot: Ashgate, pp. 149-158.

Tougher, Shaun Fitzroy ORCID: 1999. Ammianus and the eunuchs. Drijvers, J. W. and Hunt, D., eds. The Late Roman World and its Historian: Interpreting Ammianus Marcellinus, London: Routledge, pp. 64-73.

Tougher, Shaun Fitzroy ORCID: 1998. In praise of an empress: Julian's speech of thanks to Eusebia. Whitby, Mary, ed. The Propaganda of Power: The Role of Panegyric in Late Antiquity, Mnemosyne, Supplements, vol. 183. Leiden: Brill, pp. 105-123.

Tougher, Shaun Fitzroy ORCID: 1998. The imperial thought-world of Leo VI: the non-campaigning emperor of the ninth century. Presented at: Thirtieth Spring Symposium of Byzantine studies, Birmingham, UK, March 1996. Published in: Brubaker, L. ed. Byzantium in the ninth century: dead or alive?: papers from the thirtieth Spring Symposium of Byzantine studies, Birmingham, March 1996. Publications (Society for the Promotion of Byzantine Studies (Great Britain)) (5) Aldershot: Ashgate, pp. 51-60.

Tougher, Shaun Fitzroy ORCID: 1998. The advocacy of an empress: Julian and Eusebia. Classical Quarterly 48 (2) , pp. 595-599. 10.1093/cq/48.2.595

Tougher, Shaun Fitzroy ORCID: 1997. The reign of Leo VI (886-912): politics and people. The Medieval Mediterranean, Leiden: Brill.

Tougher, Shaun Fitzroy ORCID: 1996. The bad relations between Alexander and Leo. Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies 20 , pp. 209-212.

Tougher, Shaun Fitzroy ORCID: 1994. The wisdom of Leo VI. Presented at: Twenty-sixth Spring Symposium of Byzantine Studies, St Andrews, UK, March 1992. Published in: Magdalino, P. ed. New Constantines: the rhythm of imperial renewal in Byzantium, 4th-13th centuries: papers from the Twenty-sixth Spring Symposium of Byzantine Studies, St Andrews, March 1992. Publications (Society for the Promotion of Byzantine Studies (Great Britain)) (2) Aldershot: Ashgate, pp. 171-179.

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