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Number of items: 58.

O'Connell, John ORCID: 2023. Üstâd-ı Cihân: Ottoman music and Turkish musicians in Khedival Egypt. Güray, Cenk, ed. Üstâd-ı Cihân: Tanbûrî Cemil Bey, Anadolu Müzik Kültürleri, pp. 32-47.

O'Connell, John ORCID: 2023. Münir Nureddin Selçuk’un Yurt içi ve Yurt dışı Konser Turneleri (1929-1939). Bertuğ, İ and Kıyak, Hüseyin, eds. İstanbul’un Engin Sesi: 40 Yılın Ardından Münir Nureddin Selçuk, Kubbealtı Neşriyatı, pp. 163-185.

O'Connell, John Morgan ORCID: 2023. Alaturka: Türk Müziginde Bir Üslup [Alaturka: A Style in Turkish Music]. Albaraka Yayinlari.

O'Connell, John ORCID: 2022. Sik bir gazel oldu: Style and taste in Turkish classical music under Atatürk. Turkish Area Studies Review 40 , pp. 3-8.

O'Connell, John M. ORCID: 2022. Folklore in stages: theorising tradition. O'Connell, John M., ed. Staged Folklore: The National Folk Theatre of Ireland 1968-1998, Cork: Cork University Press, pp. 81-96.

O'Connell, John M. ORCID: 2022. From stage to page: Fadó Fadó and the Kerry tradition. O'Connell, John M., ed. Staged Folklore: The National Folk Theatre of Ireland 1968-1998, Cork: Cork University Press, pp. 155-170.

O'Connell, John M. ORCID: and Motherway, Susan H., eds. 2022. Staged folklore: the national folk theatre of Ireland 1968-1998. Cork: Cork University Press.

O'Connell, John M. ORCID: 2021. Free radical: music, violence and radicalism. Journal of Popular Music Studies 33 (1) , pp. 155-162. 10.1525/jpms.2021.33.1.155

O'Connell, John Morgan ORCID: 2021. Conflict after conflict: music in the memorialisation of the Gallipoli Campaign. Ethnomusicology Forum 30 (2) , pp. 283-301. 10.1080/17411912.2021.1957700

O'Connell, John ORCID: 2021. Sir William Jones: Welsh Orientalist and comparative Musicologist. Morgan, William J, Bowie, Fiona and O'Connell, John, eds. Social Anthropologies of the Welsh: Past and Present, The Royal Anthropological Institute's Country Series, Sean Kingston Publishing, pp. 56-79.

O'Connell, John M. ORCID: 2020. Sound bites: music as violence. Transposition 9 (2) 10.4000/transposition.4524

O'Connell, John Morgan ORCID: 2020. E pluribus unum. Querelles d’hymnes dans l’Empire ottoman, 1908-1918. Gradhiva 31 , pp. 56-73. 10.4000/gradhiva.4967

O'Connell, John Morgan ORCID: 2018. Bedî Mensî: Arel ve Ahenk. Turan, In Fikret, Temel, Emine and Kurban, Emre, eds. 2017 Arel Sempozyumu bildirileri: Uluslararası Hüseyin Sadettin Arel ve Türk Müziği Sempozyumu (13-14 Aralık 2017), Vol. 5247. Istanbul: Türkiyat Araştırmaları Enstitüsü, pp. 341-350.

O'Connell, John ORCID: 2017. Kâr-ı nev: Elongation and elaboration in recordings of a Turkish classic. Harris, Rachel and Stokes, Martin, eds. Theory and Practice in the Music of the Islamic World: Essays in Honour of Owen Wright, SOAS Musicology Series, Abingdon and New York: Routledge, pp. 125-145. (10.4324/9781315191461-7)

O'Connell, John Morgan ORCID: 2017. Commemorating Gallipoli through music: remembering and forgetting. Lexington Books.

O'Connell, John Morgan ORCID: 2017. A concert platform: a space for a style in Turkish music. Frishkopf, Michael and Spinetti, Federico, eds. Music, Sound, and Architecture in Islam, Austin, TX: University of Texas Press, pp. 59-84.

O'Connell, John Morgan ORCID: 2017. Usûlsüz: a matter of meter in the concerts of Münir Nurettin Selçuk. Presented at: Rhythmic Cycles and Structures in the Art Music of the Middle East, Munster, Germany, 27-28 February 2014. Published in: Helvacı, Zeynep, Olley, Jacob and Jäger, Ralf Martin eds. Rhythmic Cycles and Structures in the Art Music of the Middle East. Ergon Verlag,

O'Connell, John Morgan ORCID: 2015. Iranian classical music: the discourse and practice of creativity. By Laudan Nooshin [Book Review]. Music and Letters 96 (4) , pp. 677-679. 10.1093/ml/gcv080

O'Connell, John Morgan ORCID: 2015. Gazel. Jankowsky, Richard C., ed. Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Popular Music of the World, Vol. 10. Encyclopedia of Popular Music of the World, Bloomsbury Academic, pp. 35-37.

O'Connell, John Morgan ORCID: 2015. Modal trails, model trials: Musical migrants and mystical critics in Turkey. Davis, Ruth, ed. Musical Exodus: Al-Andalus and its Jewish Diasporas, Europea: Ethnomusicologies and Modernities, Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, pp. 101-124.

O'Connell, John Morgan ORCID: 2015. Music and humanism in the Aga Khan Humanities Project. Pettan, Svanibor and Titon, Jeff Todd, eds. The Oxford Handbook of Applied Ethnomusicology, Oxford Handbooks, Oxford University Press, pp. 602-638.

O'Connell, John Morgan ORCID: 2015. The classical style: modal analysis of vocal improvisation in Turkey. Agayeva, Suraya, ed. Space of Maugham, Şerq-Qerb, pp. 124-139.

O'Connell, John Morgan ORCID: 2013. Alaturka: Style in Turkish music (1923-1938). SOAS Musicology Series, Aldershot: Ashgate.

O'Connell, John Morgan ORCID: 2013. Beste. Fleet, Kate, Krämer, Gudrun, Matringe, Denis, Nawas, John and Rowson, Everett, eds. Encyclopaedia of Islam, Three, Brill, pp. 52-53. (10.1163/1573-3912_ei3_COM_24017)

O'Connell, John Morgan ORCID: 2013. Pir Sultan Abdal. Fleet, Kate, Krämer, Gudrun, Matringe, Denis, Nawas, John and Rowson, Everett, eds. Encyclopaedia of Islam, Three, Brill, pp. 135-136. (10.1163/1573-3912_ei3_COM_23910)

O'Connell, John Morgan ORCID: 2011. Music in war, music for peace: A review article. Ethnomusicology 55 (1) , pp. 112-127. 10.5406/ethnomusicology.55.1.0112

O'Connell, John Morgan ORCID: 2010. Alabanda: Brass bands and musical methods in Turkey. Spinetti, Federico, ed. Giuseppe Donizetti Pasha: Musical and Historical Trajectories between Italy and Turkey [Giuseppe Donizetti Pascià: Traiettorie Musicali e Storiche tra Italia e Turchia], Saggi e Monografie, vol. 7. Bergamo, Italy: Fondazione Donizetti, pp. 19-37.

O'Connell, John Morgan ORCID: 2010. A staged fright: Musical hybridity and religious intolerance in Turkey, 1923-38. twentieth-century music 7 (1) , pp. 3-28. 10.1017/S147857221100003X

O'Connell, John Morgan ORCID: 2010. Music and the play of power in the Middle East, North Africa and Central Asia. Laudan Nooshin, ed. [Book Review]. Ethnomusicology 54 (2) , pp. 347-351. 10.5406/ethnomusicology.54.2.0347

O'Connell, John Morgan ORCID: and El-Shawan Castelo-Branco, Salwa, eds. 2010. Music and Conflict. Urbana and Chicago: University of Illinois Press.

O'Connell, John Morgan ORCID: 2010. Introduction: an ethnomusicological approach to music and conflict. O'Connell, John Morgan and El-Shawan Castelo-Branco, Salwa, eds. Music and Conflict, Urbana: University of Illinois Press, pp. 1-14.

O'Connell, John Morgan ORCID: 2010. Music in war. O'Connell, John Morgan ORCID: and El-Shawan Castelo-Branco, Salwa, eds. Music and Conflict, University of Illinois Press, pp. 15-16.

O'Connell, John Morgan ORCID: 2009. Ayin. Fleet, Kate, Krämer, Gudrun, Matringe, Denis, Nawas, John and Rowson, Everett, eds. Encyclopaedia of Islam, Three, Brill, pp. 86-87. (10.1163/1573-3912_ei3_COM_23036)

O'Connell, John Morgan ORCID: 2008. War of the Waves: Cypriot Broadcasting in Great Britain. Hemetek, Ursula and Sağlam, Hande, eds. Music from Turkey in the Diaspora, Klanglese, vol. 5. Vienna: Institut für Volksmusikforschung und Ethnomusikologie, pp. 119-130.

O'Connell, John M. ORCID: 2007. International symposium in European ethnomusicology. Bulletin of the International Council for Traditional Music 111 (Octobe) , pp. 50-52.

O'Connell, John Morgan ORCID: 2007. Timothy D. Taylor, Beyond exoticism: Western music and the world (Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2007), ISBN 978 0 8223 9571 (hb), 978 0 8223 3968 7 (pb) [Book Review]. Twentieth-Century Music 4 (2) , pp. 261-265. 10.1017/S1478572208000546

O'Connell, John Morgan ORCID: 2007. Falak: the voice of destiny: traditional, popular and symphonic music of Tajikistan. Compiled by Federico Spinetti [Musical Recording Review]. Ethnomusicology Forum 16 (1) , pp. 179-181. 10.1080/17411910701273101

O'Connell, John Morgan ORCID: 2006. National symposium: towards a national ethnomusicology. Bulletin of the International Council for Traditional Music 109 , pp. 61-62.

O'Connell, John Morgan ORCID: 2006. 'The mermaid of the Meyhane: the legend of a Greek singer in a Turkish tavern'. Linda, P. Austern and Inna, Naroditskaya, eds. Music of the Sirens, Indiana University Press, pp. 273-293.

O'Connell, John Morgan ORCID: 2005. The Edvâr of Demetrius Cantemir: recent publications. Ethnomusicology Forum 14 (2) , pp. 235-239. 10.1080/17411910500415887

O'Connell, John Morgan ORCID: 2005. In the time of Alaturka: Identifying difference in musical discourse. Ethnomusicology 49 (2) , pp. 177-205.

O'Connell, John Morgan ORCID: and Smith, Thérèse 2005. Liaison officer report: Ireland. Bulletin of the International Council for Traditional Music 106 , pp. 65-67.

O'Connell, John Morgan ORCID: 2005. The 15th ICTM colloquium: identifying conflict in music, resolving conflict through music. Bulletin of the International Council for Traditional Music 106 , pp. 55-57.

O'Connell, John Morgan ORCID: 2005. 'Sound sense: mediterranean music from a Turkish perspective'. Cooper, David and Dawe, Kevin, eds. The Mediterranean in Music, Scarecrow Press, pp. 3-25.

O'Connell, John Morgan ORCID: 2004. Liaison officer report: Ireland. Bulletin of the International Council for Traditional Music 105 , pp. 24-27.

O'Connell, John Morgan ORCID: 2004. The tale of Crazy Harman: the musician and the concept of music in the Türkmen epic tale, Harman Däli by Sławomira Żerańska-Kominek [Book Review]. Yearbook for Traditional Music 36 , pp. 171-175.

O'Connell, John Morgan ORCID: 2004. Sustaining difference: theorizing minority musics in Badakhshan. Hemetek, Ursula, Lechleitner, Gerda, Naroditskaya, Inna and Czekanowska, Anna, eds. Manifold Identites, Cambridge Scholars Press, pp. 1-19.

O'Connell, John Morgan ORCID: 2003. A resounding issue: Greek recordings of Turkish music, 1923-1938. Middle East Studies Association Bulletin 37 (2) , pp. 200-216.

O'Connell, John Morgan ORCID: 2003. Music of the Ottoman court: makam, composition and the early Ottoman instrumental repertoire by Walter Feldman [Book Review]. Edebiyât 13 (2) , pp. 260-263. 10.1080/0364650032000143283

O'Connell, John Morgan ORCID: 2003. Song cycle: the life and death of the Turkish gazel: a review essay [Musical Recordings Review]. Ethnomusicology 47 (3) , pp. 399-414. 10.2307/3113948

O'Connell, John Morgan ORCID: 2002. From Empire to Republic: vocal style in twentieth century Turkey. Danielson, Virginia, Marcus, Scott and Reynolds, Dwight, eds. The Garland Encyclopedia of World Music: The Middle East, Vol. 6. Routledge, pp. 781-787.

O'Connell, John Morgan ORCID: 2002. Snapshot: Tanburî Cemil Bey. Danielson, Virginia, Marcus, Scott and Reynolds, Dwight, eds. The Garland Encyclopedia of World Music: The Middle East, Routledge, pp. 757-758.

O'Connell, John Morgan ORCID: 2001. Fine art, fine music: Controlling Turkish taste at the Fine Arts Academy in 1926. Yearbook for Traditional Music 32 , pp. 117-142. 10.2307/3185245

O'Connell, John Morgan ORCID: 2001. Münir Nurettin Selçuk. Sadie, Stanley and Tyrrell, John, eds. The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, Oxford University Press, pp. 55-56.

O'Connell, John Morgan ORCID: 2001. Major minorities: towards an ethnomusicology of Irish minority musics. Pettan, Svanibor, Reyes, Adelaida and Komavec, Maša, eds. Music and Minorities, ZRC Publishing, pp. 165-182.

O'Connell, John Morgan ORCID: 1998. The Arab in Arabesk: style and stereotype in Turkish vocal performance. Wharton, Barrie and Adawy, Nabil, eds. The Limerick Anthology of Arab Affairs, University of Limerick Press, pp. 87-103.

O'Connell, John Morgan ORCID: 1991. Die musik der Araber (The music of the Arabs) by Habib Hasan Touma [Book Review]. Asian Music 22 (1) , pp. 154-156. 10.2307/834296

O'Connell, John Morgan ORCID: 1989. Jean During. La musique traditionnelle de I'Azerbayjan et la science des muqâms [Book Review]. Pacific Review of Ethnomusicology 5 , pp. 130-132.

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