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Browse by Current Cardiff authors

Number of items: 39.

Robinson, Josh ORCID: 2021. ‘Time simply laps / us up, like milk from a broken tumbler’: for Ian Patterson. A Small Thing on the Air: For and after Ian Patterson, Cardiff: pp. 9-65.

Robinson, Josh ORCID: 2021. Thirty-nine articles. Robinson, Josh, ed. A Small Thing on the Air: For and after Ian Patterson, Cardiff: pp. 107-112.

Robinson, Josh ORCID:, ed. 2021. A small thing on the air: for and after Ian Patterson. Cardiff:

Robinson, Joshua ORCID: 2018. The critique of value and the crisis of capitalist society. Best, Beverley, Bonefeld, Werner and O'Kane, Chris, eds. The SAGE Handbook of Frankfurt School Critical Theory, Vol. 2. London: Sage, pp. 783-798. (10.4135/9781526436122.n47)

Robinson, Josh ORCID: 2018. The new REF: biased, unaccountable and unchallengeable. [Online]. CDBU Website: Council for the Defence of British Universities. Available at:

Robinson, Josh ORCID: 2018. Adorno's poetics of form. SUNY Series in Contemporary Continuental Philosophy, Albany, NY: State University of New York Press.

Robinson, Josh ORCID: 2017. Speculation upon speculation; or, a contribution to the critique of philosophical economy. Milesi, Laurent, Müller, Christopher John and Tynan, Aidan, eds. Credo Credit Crisis: Speculations on Faith and Money, Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield, pp. 239-270.

Robinson, Josh ORCID: 2016. Poetics. The Year's Work in Critical and Cultural Theory 24 (1) , pp. 379-398. 10.1093/ywcct/mbw018

Robinson, Josh ORCID: 2015. 12 poetics. The Year's Work in Critical and Cultural Theory 23 (1) , pp. 248-269. 10.1093/ywcct/mbv011

Pendakis, Andrew, Diamanti, Jeff, Brown, Nicholas, Robinson, Josh ORCID: and Szeman, Imre Pendakis, Andrew, Diamanti, Jeff, Brown, Nicholas, Robinson, Josh and Szeman, Imre, eds. 2014. Contemporary Marxist theory: a reader. London: Bloomsbury.

Larsen, Neil, Nilges, Matthias, Robinson, Josh ORCID: and Brown, Nicholas, eds. 2014. Mediations 27:1-2 Dossier: Marxism and the critique of value. Translated from the original by Larsen, Neil, Nilges, Matthias, Robinson, Josh ORCID: and Brown, Nicholas. Marxist Literary Group.

Larsen, Neil, Nilges, Mathias, Robinson, Josh ORCID: and Brown, Nicholas, eds. 2014. Marxism and the critique of value. Translated from the original by Larsen, Neil, Nilges, Mathias, Robinson, Josh and Brown, Nicholas. Chicago and Alberta: MCM.

Kurz, Robert and Robinson, Josh ORCID: 2014. The crisis of exchange value: Science as productive force; productive labor; and capitalist reproduction. Mediations 27 (1-2)

Lohoff, Ernst, Larsen, Neil and Robinson, Josh ORCID: 2014. Off limits, out of control: Commodity society and resistance in the age of deregulation and denationalization. Mediations 27 (1-2)

Robinson, Josh ORCID: 2014. 7 Poetics. The Year's Work in Critical and Cultural Theory 22 (1) , pp. 131-154. 10.1093/ywcct/mbu007

Robinson, Josh ORCID: 2014. Riches beyond value. Mediations 27 (1-2)

Robinson, Josh ORCID: 2013. Miguel de Beistegui, Aesthetics after metaphysics: from mimesis to metaphor [Book Review]. Radical Philosophy 179 , pp. 49-51.

Trenkle, Norbert and Robinson, Josh ORCID: 2013. The rise and fall of the working man: Toward a critique of modern masculinity. Mediations 27 (1-2)

Ortlieb, Claus Peter and Robinson, Josh ORCID: 2013. A contradiction between matter and form: on the significance of the production of relative surplus value in the dynamic of terminal crisis. Mediations 27 (1-2) , 3.

Trenkle, Norbert and Robinson, Josh ORCID: 2013. Value and crisis: basic questions. Mediations 27 (1-2) , 1.

Robinson, Josh ORCID: 2012. Norbert Trenkle and Ernst Lohoff Die Große Entwertung: Warum Spekulation und Staatsverschuldung nicht die Ursache der Krise sind [Book Review]. Marx and Philosophy Review of Books 2012 , Robinson: Die Große Entwertung.

Robinson, Josh ORCID: 2012. Aesthetic theory, aesthetic praxis: the poetics of activism. The New Everyday: A Media Commons Project 2012 (Jan)

Robinson, Josh ORCID: 2010. 'Through open limits': the early poetry of J. H. Prynne. Journal of British and Irish Innovative Poetry 2 (1) , pp. 61-76.

Robinson, Josh ORCID: 2010. Roger Foster, Adorno: The recovery of experience [Book Review]. Critical Horizons 11 (1) , pp. 156-159. 10.1558/crit.v11i1.156

Robinson, Josh ORCID: 2010. Aesthetic praxis. Studies in Social and Political Thought 17 , pp. 44-52.

Robinson, Josh ORCID: 2010. 'A gasp of laughter at desire': Frank O'Hara's poetics of breath. Hampson, Robert and Montgomery, Will, eds. Frank O'Hara Now: New Essays on the New York Poet, Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, pp. 144-159.

Robinson, Josh ORCID: 2009. Language and history in Theodor W. Adorno's "Notes to Literature" [Book Review]. British Journal of Aesthetics 49 (2) , pp. 194-196. 10.1093/aesthj/ayp011

Trenkle, Norbert and Robinson, Josh ORCID: 2009. Tremors on the global market. Krisis: Kritik der Warengesellschaft 2009 (24 Mar)

Robinson, Josh ORCID: 2009. Dialektik und Spekulation. Über die Grenzen der spekulativen Vernunft. Muller, Stefan, ed. Probleme der Dialektik heute, Springer, pp. 229-246. (10.1007/978-3-531-91880-8_10)

Robinson, Josh ORCID: 2008. Alastair Morgan, Adorno’s Concept of life [Book Review]. Radical Philosophy 152 , pp. 64-65.

Robinson, Josh ORCID: 2008. Poetry and class politics. Quid 19 , pp. 52-53.

Robinson, Josh ORCID: 2007. 'innocence and incapability impose': towards an ethic of experimentation. Jacket 32 , p-robinson.

Robinson, Josh ORCID: 2007. W.S. Graham and the poetics of loss. Kennedy, David, ed. Necessary Steps: Poetry, Elegy, Walking, Spirit, Devoran: Shearsman, pp. 132-139.

Robinson, Josh ORCID: 2007. 'Abject self on patrol': immaterial labour, affect, and subjectivity in Andrea Brady's Cold Calling. Purves, Robin and Ladkin, Sam, eds. Complicities: British Poetry 1945-2007, Translated from the original by Purves, Robin and Ladkin, Sam. Prague: Litteraria Pragensia, pp. 253-270.

Robinson, Josh ORCID: 2006. Walking in history. Quid 17 , pp. 6-7.

Robinson, Josh ORCID: 2005. Shift report. Cambridge: Arehouse.

Robinson, Josh ORCID: 2005. The visual poetic of Frank O'Hara. Quid 16 , pp. 20-28.

Trenkle, Norbert and Robinson, Josh ORCID: Struggle without classes: Why there is no resurgence of the proletariat in the currently unfolding capitalist crisis (2006). Mediations 27 (1-2)

Larsen, Neil and Robinson, Josh ORCID: Editors' note. Mediations 27 (1-2)

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