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Browse by Current Cardiff authors

Number of items: 4.

Adlerova, Barbora and Moragues-Faus, A. 2024. Fostering food justice in academia and beyond. Herman, Agatha and Inwood, Joshua, eds. Researching Justice: Engaging with Questions and Spaces of (In)Justice through Social Research, Bristol: Bristol University Press,

Adlerova, Barbora 2024. Cooking, caring, campaigning: making space for lived experience in food governance. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
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Verfuerth, Caroline ORCID:, Sanderson Bellamy, Angelina ORCID:, Adlerova, Barbora and Dutton, Amy 2023. Building relationships back into the food system: addressing food insecurity and food well-being. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems 7 , 1218299. 10.3389/fsufs.2023.1218299

Cerrad-Serra, Pedro, Moragues Faus, Ana ORCID:, Zwart, Tjitske Anna, Adlerova, Barbora and Ortiz-Miranda, Dionisio 2018. Exploring the contribution of alternative food networks to food security. A comparative analysis. Food Security 10 (6) , pp. 1371-1388. 10.1007/s12571-018-0860-x

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