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Browse by Current Cardiff authors

Number of items: 12.

Alharbi, Fahad, Raman, Shibu ORCID: and Lannon, Simon ORCID: 2024. Integrating health and well-being into urban design: Microclimate, walkability, and walking behaviour in Buraydah City, Saudi Arabia. Environmental Science & Sustainable Development 9 (4) , pp. 47-62. 10.21625/essd.v9i4.1132

Porta, Sergio, Venerandi, Alessandro, Feliciotti, Alessandra, Raman, Shibu ORCID:, Romice, Ombretto, Wang, Jiong and Kuffer, Monika 2022. Urban morphometrics + earth observation: an integrated approach to rich/extra-large-scale taxonomies of urban form. Projections, the Journal of the MIT Department of Urban Studies and Planning 16

Venerandi, Alessandro, Romice, Ombretta, Chepelianskaia, Olga, Kalyan, Kavya, Bhardwaj, Nitin, Viese, Vija, Ugás, Sebastián, Raman, Shibu ORCID: and Porta, Sergio 2021. Urban morphometrics and the intangible uniqueness of tangible heritage. An evidence-based generative design experiment in historical Kochi (IN). Heritage 4 (4) , pp. 4399-4420. 10.3390/heritage4040243

Lacy, Kristan and Raman, Shibu ORCID: 2021. Network approach to understand the impact of human settlement on ecosystems in cities. Rahbarianyazd, Rokhsaneh, ed. Contemporary Approaches in Urbanism and Heritage Studies, Cinius Yayınları Publication, pp. 3-10.

Janahi, Hameda, Raman, Shibu ORCID: and Zapata-Lancaster, Maria Gabriela ORCID: 2018. Understanding the impact of residential built environment design on inhabitants' wellbeing. Presented at: ARCC-EAAE 2018 International Conference, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 16-19 May 2018.

Raman, Shibu ORCID: and Dempsey, Nicola 2012. Cultural diversity and spatial structure in the Indian urban context. Journal of Urban Design 17 (3) , pp. 425-447. 10.1080/13574809.2012.683399

Raman, Shibu ORCID: 2010. Designing a liveable compact city: physical forms of city and social life in urban neighbourhoods. Built Environment 36 (1) , pp. 63-80. 10.2148/benv.36.1.63

Dempsey, Nicola and Raman, Shibu ORCID: 2009. Briefing: UK-India research network. Proceedings of the ICE - Urban Design and Planning 162 (2) , pp. 49-51. 10.1680/udap.2009.162.2.49

Dempsey, Nicola, Brown, Caroline, Raman, Shibu ORCID:, Porta, Sergio, Jenks, Mike, Jones, Colin and Bramley, Glen 2008. Elements of urban form. Dimensions of the Sustainable City 2 , pp. 21-51. 10.1007/978-1-4020-8647-2_2

Mitchell, Lynne, Burton, Elizabeth and Raman, Shibu ORCID: 2004. Dementia-friendly cities: designing intelligible neighbourhoods for life. Journal of Urban Design 9 (1) , pp. 89-101. 10.1080/1357480042000187721

Blackman, Tim, Mitchell, Lynne, Burton, Elizabeth, Jenks, Mike, Parsons, Maria, Raman, Shibu ORCID: and Williams, Katie 2003. The accessibility of public spaces for people with dementia: A new priority for the 'open city'. Disability & Society 18 (3) , pp. 357-371. 10.1080/0968759032000052914

Mitchell, Lynne, Burton, Elizabeth, Raman, Shibu ORCID:, Blackman, Tim, Jenks, Mike and Williams, Katie 2003. Making the outside world dementia-friendly: design issues and considerations. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 30 (4) , pp. 605-632. 10.1068/b29100

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