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Number of items: 63.

Polezzi, Loredana ORCID: 2024. Translation and mediation. Dendrinos, Bessie, ed. Mediation as Negotiation of Meanings, Plurilingualism and Language Education, Routledge Research in Language Education, Routledge, (10.4324/9781003032069-9)

Burdett, Charles and Polezzi, Loredana ORCID: 2020. Transnational Italian studies: introduction. Burdett, Charles and Polezzi, Loredana, eds. Transnational Italian Studies, Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, pp. 1-21.

Polezzi, Loredana ORCID: 2020. Translation and transnational creative practices in Italian culture. Burdett, Charles and Polezzi, Loredana, eds. Transnational Italian Studies, Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, pp. 25-46.

Burdett, Charles, Havely, Nick and Polezzi, Loredanna ORCID: 2020. The transnational/translational in Italian studies. Italian Studies 75 (2) , pp. 223-236. 10.1080/00751634.2020.1744869

Polezzi, Loredana ORCID: 2015. Migrant writing as (self-)translation: the transnational trajectory of Giose Rimanelli. Bond, Emma, Bonsaver, Guido and Faloppa, Federico, eds. Destination Italy: Representing Migration in Contemporary Media and Narrative, Italian Modernities, Peter Lang, pp. 303-322.

Polezzi, Loredana ORCID: 2014. Migration and translation: section introduction. Segal, Naomi and Koleva, Daniela, eds. From literature to cultural literacy, London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 79-85.

Polezzi, Loredana ORCID: 2014. Description, appropriation, transformation: Fascist rhetoric and colonial nature. Modern Italy 19 (3) , pp. 287-303. 10.1080/13532944.2014.927355

Polezzi, Loredana ORCID: 2014. A double taste of India: the parallel travels of Alberto Moravia and Pier Paolo Pasolini. Vanita, Ruth, ed. India and the World: Postcolonialism, Translation and Indian Literature. Essays in Honour of Professor Harish Trivedi, New Delhi: Pencraft International, pp. 202-220.

Polezzi, Loredana ORCID: 2013. Of migrants and working men: how Pietro di Donato’s 'Christ in Concrete' travelled between the US and Italy through translation. Nelson, Brian and Maher, Brigid, eds. Perspectives on literature and translation: creation, circulation, reception, Routledge Advances in Translation Studies, Routledge, pp. 161-177.

Polezzi, Loredana ORCID: 2013. Disrupting Europe: polylingual models and common selves. Transversal

Polezzi, Loredana ORCID: 2013. Dal Bar Mexico al Sahara: fuori e dentro casa con Fabrizia Ramondino. Giorgio, Adalgisa, ed. 'Non sto quindi a Napoli sicura di casa’: Identità, spazio e testualità in Fabrizia Ramondino, Perugia: Morlacchi, pp. 37-54.

Polezzi, Loredana ORCID: 2013. Europa unterbrechen: Modelle der Polylingualität und des gemeinsamen Selbst. Buden, Boris, Mennel, Birgit and Nowotny, Stefan, eds. Translating beyond Europe: zur politischen Aufgabe der Übersetzung, Translated from the original by Mennel, Birgit. Vienna: Turia + Kant, pp. 91-107.

Polezzi, Loredana ORCID: 2013. Layers of intimacy: openness and segregation in narrative representations of the Colonial House. Storchi, Simona, ed. Beyond the Piazza: public and private spaces in modern Italian culture, Vol. 4. Moving texts / Testi mobili, Brussels: Peter Lang, pp. 39-56.

Polezzi, Loredana ORCID: 2012. Il pieno e il vuoto: visual representations of Africa in Italian accounts of colonial experiences. Italian Studies 67 (3) , pp. 336-359. 10.1179/0075163412Z.00000000023

Polezzi, Loredana ORCID: 2012. Translation and migration. Translation Studies 5 (3) , pp. 345-356. 10.1080/14781700.2012.701943

Polezzi, Loredana ORCID: and Ouditt, Sharon, eds. 2012. Studies in travel writing Vol 16 No 2 (2012): special issue 'Travel writing and Italy'. London: Routledge.

Di Piazza, Elio and Polezzi, Loredana ORCID: 2012. Introduction. Di Piazza, Elio and Polezzi, Loredana ORCID:, eds. Travel writing and the shape of the world, Textus: English studies in Italy, vol. 2. Rome: Carocci, pp. 7-20.

Di Piazza, Elio and Polezzi, Loredana ORCID:, eds. 2012. Travel writing and the shape of the world. Textus: English studies in Italy, vol. 2. Rome: Carocci.

Polezzi, Loredana ORCID: 2012. Different journeys along the river: Claudio Magris’s Danubio and its translation. Youngs, Tim and Forsdick, Charles, eds. Travel writing, Vol. 1. Critical Concepts in Literary and Cultural Studies, London: Routledge,

Ouditt, Sharon and Polezzi, Loredana ORCID: 2012. Introduction: Italy as place and space. Studies in Travel Writing 16 (2) , pp. 97-105. 10.1080/13645145.2012.682807

Polezzi, Loredana ORCID: 2012. Migration and translation. Gambier, Yves and Van Doorslaer, Luc, eds. Handbook of Translation Studies, Vol. 3. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 102-107.

Polezzi, Loredana ORCID: 2012. Questioni di lingua: fra traduzione e autotraduzione. Pezzarossa, F. and Rossini, I., eds. Leggere il testo e il mondo: vent’anni di scrittura della migrazione in Italia, Bologna: CLUEB, pp. 15-31.

Polezzi, Loredana ORCID: 2011. Precarietà: definizioni per l’uso, tra autobiografia e teoria. I quaderni della Libellula 1 , pp. 12-14.

Polezzi, Loredana ORCID: 2010. Polylingualism and self-translation in Pietro di Donato’s Christ in concrete and Giose Rimanelli’s Familia. Ledgeway, Adam and Lepschy, Anna Laura, eds. Into and out of Italy: lingua e cultura della migrazione italiana, Perugia: Guerra, pp. 137-146.

Polezzi, Loredana ORCID: 2009. Reflections of things past: building Italy through the mirror of translation. Baker, Mona, ed. Translation Studies, Vol. 2. Critical Concepts in Linguistics, London: Routledge, pp. 262-282.

Polezzi, Loredana ORCID: and Caruso, Carlo 2009. Intercultural nonsense? The humour of Fosco Maraini. Tarantino, Elisabetta, ed. Nonsense and other senses: regulated absurdity in literature, Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 313-334.

Polezzi, Loredana ORCID: 2009. Lingua, idàntità à storia in Christ in Concrete di Piàtro di Donato. Sinopoli, Franca, ed. La storia nella scrittura diasporica, Biblioteca di cultura, vol. 709. Rome: Bulzoni, pp. 137-161.

Polezzi, Loredana ORCID: 2008. Mobility. Baker, Mona and Saldanha, Gabriela, eds. Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies: 2nd edition, London: Routledge, pp. 172-178.

Polezzi, Loredana ORCID: 2008. L’Etiopia raccontata agli italiani. Bottoni, Riccardo, ed. L'Impero fascista: Italia ed Etiopia (1935-1941), Bologna: il Mulino, pp. 285-306.

Polezzi, Loredana ORCID: 2008. 'La mobilita' come modello: ripensando i margini della scrittura italiana. Gnisci, Armando and Moll, N., eds. Studi europei e mediterranei, Studi (e testi) italiani, vol. 22. Rome: Università degli Studi di Roma, La Sapienza, pp. 115-128.

Polezzi, Loredana ORCID: 2007. White, male, and Italian? Performing masculinity in Italian travel writing about Africa. Polezzi, Loredana ORCID: and Ross, Charlotte, eds. In Corpore: bodies in post-unification Italy, The Fairleigh Dickinson University Press Series in Italian Studies, Madison: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, pp. 29-55.

Polezzi, Loredana ORCID: and Ross, Charlotte, eds. 2007. In Corpore: bodies in post-unification Italy. The Fairleigh Dickinson University Press Series in Italian Studies, Madison: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press.

Polezzi, Loredana ORCID: and Ross, Charlotte 2007. Introduction: reading bodies. Polezzi, Loredana ORCID: and Ross, Charlotte, eds. In Corpore: bodies in post-unification Italy, The Fairleigh Dickinson University Press Series in Italian Studies, Madison: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, pp. 9-25.

Polezzi, Loredana ORCID: 2007. ‘Mal d’Africa’ and its memory: heroes and anti-heroes in pre- and postwar readings of the Italian presence in Africa. Hipkins, Danielle and Plain, Gill, eds. War-torn tales: literature, film and gender in the aftermath of World War II, Oxford: Peter Lang, pp. 39-64.

Polezzi, Loredana ORCID: 2007. Between the exotic and the heroic: re-reading the African tales of Italian travellers. Di Piazza, Elio, ed. Fogli di anglistica, Vol. 1-2. Palermo: Flaccovio Editore, pp. 9-24.

Polezzi, Loredana ORCID: 2006. Mixing mother tongues: language, narrative and the spaces of memory in postcolonial works by Italian women writers (Part 2). Romance Studies 24 (3) , pp. 215-225. 10.1179/174581506x147623

Polezzi, Loredana ORCID: 2006. The mirror and the map: Italian women writing the colonial space. Italian Studies 61 (2) , pp. 191-205. 10.1179/007516306x142933

Polezzi, Loredana ORCID: 2006. Mixing mother tongues: language, narrative and the spaces of memory in postcolonial works by Italian women writers (Part 1). Romance Studies 24 (2) , pp. 149-158. 10.1179/174581506x120109

Polezzi, Loredana ORCID: 2006. Translation, travel, migration. The Translator 12 (2) , pp. 169-188.

Polezzi, Loredana ORCID:, ed. 2006. The Translator Volume 12 (2006): special issue 'Translation, travel, migration'. St. Jerome Publishing.

Polezzi, Loredana ORCID: 2004. Between gender and genre: the travels of Estella Canziani. Hooper, Glenn and Youngs, Tim, eds. Perspectives on travel writing, Studies in European Cultural Transition, vol. 19. Aldershot: Ashgate, pp. 121-137.

Polezzi, Loredana ORCID: 2004. Vittime o traditori? Vecchie e nuove metafore del tradurre e del traduttore. Semicerchio: rivista di poesia comparata 30-31 , pp. 7-10.

Burns, Jennifer and Polezzi, Loredana ORCID:, eds. 2003. Borderlines: migrazioni e identità nel Novecento. Isernia: Cosmo Iannone Editore.

Polezzi, Loredana ORCID: 2003. Non solo colonie: l“Africa” raccontata da scrittrici italiane contemporanee. Burns, Jennifer and Polezzi, Loredana ORCID:, eds. Borderlines: Migrazioni e identità nel Novecento, Isernia: Cosmo Iannone Editore, pp. 107-123.

Polezzi, Loredana ORCID: 2003. Non solo colonie: “Africa” in the work of contemporary Italian women writers. Burns, Jennifer and Polezzi, Loredana ORCID:, eds. Borderlines: Migrazioni e identità nel Novecento, Isernia: Cosmo Iannone Editore, pp. 309-321.

Polezzi, Loredana ORCID: 2003. Imperial reproductions: the circulation of colonial images across popular genres and media in the 1920s and 1930s. Modern Italy 8 (1) , pp. 31-47. 10.1080/1353294032000074061

Polezzi, Loredana ORCID: 2002. Aristocrats, geographers, reporters…: travelling through ‘Italian Africa’ in the 1930s. Burdett, Charles and Duncan, Derek, eds. Cultural encounters: European travel writing in the 1930s, Remapping Cultural History, vol. 1. Oxford: Berghahn Books, pp. 187-204.

Polezzi, Loredana ORCID: 2002. Did someone just travel all over me? Travel writing and the travelee. Le Disez, Jean-Yves and Borm, Jan, eds. Seuils et traverses: enjeux de l'écriture du voyage, Vol. 2. Brest: Université de Bretagne Occidentale, pp. 303-312.

Polezzi, Loredana ORCID:, ed. 2001. Translating travel: contemporary Italian travel writing in English translation. Studies in European Cultural Transition, vol. 12. Aldershot: Ashgate.

Polezzi, Loredana ORCID: 2001. Esotismi-eroismi: motivi d'Africa nell'immaginario fascista. Brilli, Attilio and Chieli, Francesca, eds. Immagini e retorica di regime, Milan: Motta, pp. 51-54.

Di Napoli, R., Polezzi, Loredana ORCID: and King, A., eds. 2001. Fuzzy boundaries? Modern languages and the humanities. London: CILT.

Polezzi, Loredana ORCID: 2001. Travels through translated Africa. Anglistica 5 (1-2) , pp. 79-103.

Polezzi, Loredana ORCID: and Di Napoli, R. 2000. What language does Italian culture speak? Seago, K. and Mc Bride, N., eds. Target culture – target language?, AFSL/CILT Current Issues in University Language Teaching Series, London: CILT, pp. 93-115.

Polezzi, Loredana ORCID: 2000. Reflections of things past: building Italy through the mirror of translation. New Comparison 29 , pp. 27-47.

Polezzi, Loredana ORCID: 1998. Different journeys along the river: Claudio Magris's "Danubio" and its translation. The Modern Language Review 93 (3) , pp. 678-694. 10.2307/3736490

Polezzi, Loredana ORCID: 1998. Thomas Jones: autobiografia e viaggio nelle memorie di un paesaggista gallese in Italia. Intersezioni 18 (1) , pp. 67-84. 10.1404/11772

Polezzi, Loredana ORCID: 1998. Rewriting Tibet: Italian travellers in English translation. The Translator 4 (2) , pp. 321-342.

Polezzi, Loredana ORCID: 1998. Oltre la fine del viaggio: Fosco Maraini. Antologia Viesseux 4 (10) , pp. 35-46.

Polezzi, Loredana ORCID: 1997. L’antipellegrino: ribaltamenti di un modello del viaggiare. Cleri, B., ed. Homo Viator, Urbino: Quattro Venti, pp. 65-79.

Polezzi, Loredana ORCID: 1994. Concordancers in the design and implementation of foreign language courses. Computers & Education 23 (1-2) , pp. 89-96. 10.1016/0360-1315(94)90036-1

Polezzi, Loredana ORCID: 1993. Concordancing and the teaching of ab initio Italian language for specific purposes. Recall 5 (9) , pp. 14-18. 10.1017/S0958344000004067

Polezzi, Loredana ORCID: 1993. Piero a Bloomsbury. Brilli, Attilio, ed. Piero della Francesca nella cultura europea e americana, Arezzo: Universita' degli studi di Siena, pp. 21-39.

Polezzi, Loredana ORCID:, ed. 1990. Lady Bell: piccolo manuale di giochi per viaggiatori. [Little games for travellers]. Translated from the original by Polezzi, Loredana ORCID: Palermo: Sellerio.

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