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Browse by Current Cardiff authors

Number of items: 31.

Munnik, Michael ORCID: 2023. Islamic State: The political challenge of naming. Al-Azami, Salman, ed. Media Language on Islam and Muslims: Terminologies and Their Effects, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 107-127. (10.1007/978-3-031-37462-3_6)

Munnik, Michael B. ORCID: 2023. What style guides tell secular journalists about Muslims and Islam. Journal of Religion, Media and Digital Culture 12 (1) , pp. 56-75. 10.1163/21659214-bja10083

Munnik, Michael B. ORCID: 2019. Answering for Islam: Journalistic and Islamic conceptions of authority. Religions 10 (7) , 435. 10.3390/rel10070435

Munnik, Michael B. ORCID: 2018. A field theory perspective on journalist-source relations: A study of 'new entrants' and 'authorised knowers' among Scottish Muslims. Sociology 52 (6) , pp. 1169-1184. 10.1177/0038038517696220

Munnik, Michael B. ORCID: 2018. Reaching out in a climate of negativity: perceptions and persistence among Muslim sources engaging with news media. Contemporary Islam 12 , pp. 211-277. 10.1007/s11562-018-0415-0

Munnik, Michael ORCID: 2017. From voice to voices: identifying a plurality of Muslim sources in the news media. Media Culture and Society 39 (2) , pp. 270-281. 10.1177/0163443716686941

Munnik, Michael ORCID: 2017. Book Review: 'Sadek Hamid's Sufis, Salafis and Islamists: The Contested Ground of British Islamic Activism'. Religion, State & Society 45 (1) , pp. 81-82. 10.1080/09637494.2017.1279902

Munnik, Michael B. ORCID: 2017. Muslim engagement with the mainstream media in a Scottish context. Hopkins, Peter, ed. Scotland's Muslims Society, Politics and Identity, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 218-235. (10.1515/9781474427258-014)

Munnik, Michael ORCID: 2016. Helen Kara, Creative Research Methods in the Social Sciences: A Practical Guide [Book Review]. Qualitative Research 16 (6) , pp. 750-751. 10.1177/1468794115618008

Munnik, Michael ORCID: 2016. Perceptions of negativity among Muslim sources engaging with news media. Presented at: IAMCR Annual Conference, Leicester, 27-31 July 2016.

Munnik, Michael ORCID: 2016. “Being Muslim” and “doing Muslim things”: How journalists implicate religion in their accounts of Muslim subjects. Presented at: Society of Religion Study Group of the British Sociological Association, Lancaster, 12-14 July 2016.

Munnik, Michael ORCID: 2016. Reaching out in a climate of negativity: The benefits of media engagement. Presented at: Muslims in Britain Research Network, Coventry, 5 April 2016.

Munnik, Michael ORCID: 2016. When you can't rely on public or private: using the ethnographic self as resource. Paterson, Chris, Lee, David, Saha, Anamik and Zoellner, Anna, eds. Advancing Media Production Research: Shifting Sites, Methods, and Politics, Global Transformations in Media and Communication Research, Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 147-160.

Munnik, Michael ORCID: 2015. Ross Perigoe and Mahmoud Eid, Mission invisible: race, religion, and news at the dawn of the 9/11 era [Book Review]. Journalism and Mass Communications Quarterly 92 (4) , pp. 1016-1018. 10.1177/1077699015610327o

Munnik, Michael ORCID: 2015. Aspiration and ambivalence among Muslim news sources: A case study in Glasgow. Presented at: IAMCR 2015, Université du Québec à Montréal, Montreal, Canada, 12-16 July 2015.

Munnik, Michael ORCID: 2015. Using the self as resource in media production research. Presented at: IAMCR 2015: Panel session: Advancing Media Production Research, Université du Québec à Montréal, Montreal, Canada, 12-16 July 2015.

Munnik, Michael ORCID: 2015. British journalists, British Muslims: arguments for "a more complex picture" of their relationship. Mukherjee, Sumita and Zulfiqar, Sadia, eds. Islam and the West: A love story?, Cambridge Scholars Press, pp. 17-33.

Munnik, Michael ORCID: 2015. Discourse analysis and media attitudes: the representation of Islam in the British press. Paul Baker, Costas Gabrielatos, and Tom McEnery. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2013. 294 pp. $99 hbk. $79 ebk [Book Review]. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 92 (1) , pp. 248-250. 10.1177/1077699015569232f

Munnik, Michael ORCID: 2015. ‘“Don’t be a gatekeeper”: Strategies for negotiating claims of authority among Muslims in media relations. Presented at: Muslim Leadership in Britain (Muslims in Britain Research Network), Preston, 1 April 2015.

Munnik, Michael ORCID: 2015. ‘Neither one nor t’other': How Scottish journalists conceive of Islam in the dominant sectarian paradigm. Presented at: Scottish Religious Cultures Network, Belfast, 28-29 May 2015.

Munnik, Michael ORCID: 2014. Barrie Gunter and Roger Dickinson (eds.), News media in the Arab world: a study of 10 Arab and Muslim countries [Book Review]. Journal of Religion, Media and Digital Culture 3 (3)

Munnik, Michael ORCID: 2014. Henry Jenkins, Sam Ford, Joshua Green. Spreadable media: creating value and meaning in a networked culture. New York: New York University Press, 2013. xv + 351 pp. $29.95 (cloth), ISBN 978-0-8147-4350-8; ISBN 978-0-8147-4351-5; ISBN 978-0-8147-4390-4 [Book Review]. JHistory

Munnik, Michael ORCID: 2014. From voice to voices: Identifying a plurality of Muslim sources in the British news media. Presented at: British Association for Islamic Studies, Edinburgh, 10-11 April 2014.

Munnik, Michael ORCID: 2014. What counts as a “Muslim” story? Presented at: International Society for Media, Religion and Culture, Canterbury, 4-7 August 2014.

Munnik, Michael ORCID: 2013. The Kirk, the Church, and the Umma: Conceptions of religious authority among Glasgow journalists. Presented at: IAMCR 2013, Dublin, Ireland, 25-29 June 2013.

Munnik, Michael ORCID: 2013. Orientalists, Islamists and the global public sphere: a genealogy of the modern essentialist image of Islam, Dietrich Jung. Equinox Publishing, 2011, 332 pages. ISBN: HB 9781845538996 £60.00/PB 9781845539009 £19.99 [Book Review]. Journal of History and Cultures 2 , pp. 61-62.

Munnik, Michael ORCID: 2013. ‘“The faith has no phone”: Source authority and representativeness for journalists reporting on Muslims. Presented at: Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies Research Seminar, Edinburgh, 8 April 2013.

Munnik, Michael ORCID: 2013. When you can’t rely on public or private: Designing a strategy for media production research post-Leveson and post-Savile scandal. Presented at: Advancing Media Production Analysis (Institute of Communication Studies/IAMCR Preconference), Leeds, 24 June 2013.

Munnik, Michael ORCID: 2013. Playing the journalist card: Using the self as resource in media production research. Presented at: IAMCR 2013, Dublin, 25-29 June 2013.

Munnik, Michael ORCID: 2013. Can journalism survive? An inside look at American newsrooms. David M. Ryfe. Cambridge: Polity Press, 2012. 220 pp. £17.00 (pbk). ISBN 978-0-7456-5428-7 [Book Review]. Journalism Practice 7 (2) , pp. 231-232. 10.1080/17512786.2012.746522

Munnik, Michael ORCID: 2012. British journalists, British Muslims: Using ethnography to push beyond the frame of Islamophobia. Presented at: Media, Religion and Culture, Eskisehir, Turkey, 8-12 July 2012.

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