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Browse by Current Cardiff authors

Number of items: 19.

Craig, Campbell ORCID: 2024. Who, exactly, will ban the bomb? Journal of Strategic Studies 47 (4) , pp. 574-582. 10.1080/01402390.2024.2339867

Craig, Campbell ORCID: 2024. Did the Bush Administration mean well? Journal of Strategic Studies 47 (2) , pp. 316-324. 10.1080/01402390.2023.2236869

Craig, Campbell ORCID: and Amadae, S.M. 2023. The myth of the nuclear revolution: Power politics in the atomic age. Journal of Strategic Studies 46 (1) , pp. 212-220. 10.1080/01402390.2021.1930534

Craig, Campbell ORCID: 2022. The logic of American nuclear strategy: Why strategic superiority matters by Matthew Kroenig, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2018, 280 pp., £23.49, (HB), ISBN 9780190849184. Journal of Strategic Studies 45 (1) , pp. 161-165. 10.1080/01402390.2020.1798582

Craig, Campbell ORCID: 2020. The atom bomb as policy maker: FDR and the road not taken. Gordin, Michael D. and Ikenberry, G. John, eds. The Age of Hiroshima, Princeton, NJ and Woodstock: Princeton University Press, pp. 19-33. (10.2307/j.ctvkwnq1q.5)

Craig, Campbell ORCID: 2020. Can the danger of nuclear war be eliminated by disarmament?'. Sauer, Tom and Kustermans, Jorg, eds. Non-Nuclear Peace: Beyond the Nuclear Ban Treaty, Rethinking Peace and Conflict Studies, Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 167-180.

Craig, Campbell ORCID: 2019. Solving the nuclear dilemma: Is a world state necessary? Journal of International Political Theory 15 (3) , pp. 349-366. 10.1177/1755088218795981

Craig, Campbell ORCID: 2019. The hell of good intentions: America’s foreign policy elite and the decline of U.S. primacy by Stephen Walt, New York, Farrar Straus Giroux [Book Review]. Journal of Strategic Studies 42 (3-4) , p. 557. 10.1080/01402390.2019.1575024

Craig, Campbell ORCID: and Radchenko, Sergey ORCID: 2018. MAD, not Marx: Khrushchev and the nuclear revolution. Journal of Strategic Studies 41 (1-2) , pp. 208-233. 10.1080/01402390.2017.1330683

Craig, Campbell ORCID: 2017. When the whip comes down: Marxism, the Soviet experience, and the nuclear revolution. European Journal of International Security 2 (2) , pp. 223-239. 10.1017/eis.2017.4

Craig, Campbell ORCID: 2016. The nuclear revolution as theory. Booth, Ken and Erskine, Toni, eds. International Relations Theory Today, Cambridge Press: Polity, pp. 139-152.

Craig, Campbell ORCID: 2016. Classical realism for the twenty-first century: responding to the challenge of globality. van Munster, Rens and Sylvest, Casper, eds. Politics of globality since 1945: assembling the planet, Routledge, pp. 71-88.

Craig, Campbell ORCID: 2013. Kennedy's international legacy, fifty years on. International Affairs -London then Oxford- 89 (6) , pp. 1367-1378. 10.1111/1468-2346.12078

Craig, Campbell ORCID: and Ruzicka, Jan 2013. The nonproliferation complex. Ethics and International Affairs 27 (3) , pp. 329-348. 10.1017/S0892679413000257

Craig, Campbell ORCID: 2010. The resurgent idea of world government. Tinnevelt, Ronald and De Schutter, Helder, eds. Global Democracy and Exclusion, Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 27-36. (10.1002/9781444328288.ch3)

Craig, Campbell ORCID: 2009. American power preponderance and the nuclear revolution. Review of International Studies 35 (1) , pp. 27-44. 10.1017/S0260210509008316

Craig, Campbell ORCID: and Logevall, Fredrik 2009. America's Cold War: the politics of insecurity. US: Harvard University Press.

Craig, Campbell ORCID: and Radchenko, Sergey ORCID: 2008. The atomic bomb and the origins of the cold war. U.S.: Yale University Press.

Craig, Campbell ORCID: 2004. Glimmer of a new leviathan: total war in the realism of Niebuhr, Morgenthau, and Waltz. Columbia University Press.

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