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Browse by Current Cardiff authors

Number of items: 6.

Leahy, Thomas ORCID: 2023. ‘Rigorous impartiality’? The UK Government, amnesties and Northern Ireland conflict legacy 1998-2022. McAtackney, Laura and Ó Catháin, Máirtín, eds. The Routledge Handbook of the Northern Ireland Conflict and Peace, Routledge, pp. 31-49. (10.4324/9781003224372-4)
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Williams, Eleanor Leah and Leahy, Thomas ORCID: 2023. The ‘Unforgivable’?: Irish Republican Army (IRA) informers and dealing with Northern Ireland conflict legacy, 1969-2021. Intelligence and National Security 38 (3) , pp. 470-490. 10.1080/02684527.2022.2104000

Leahy, Thomas ORCID: 2020. The intelligence war against the IRA. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 10.1017/9781108767033

Leahy, Thomas ORCID: 2019. The politics of Troubles memories in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland, 1998 to 2018. Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research 32 (3) , pp. 293-314. 10.1080/13511610.2018.1517299

Leahy, Thomas ORCID: and Dochartaigh, Niall O 2018. Citizenship on the ethnic frontier: nationality, migration and rights in Northern Ireland since 1920. Ellis, Steven G, ed. Enfranchising Ireland?: Identity, Citizenship and State, Royal Irish Academy, pp. 89-106.

Leahy, Thomas ORCID: 2015. The influence of informers and agents on Provisional Irish Republican Army military strategy and British counter-insurgency strategy, 1976-94. Twentieth Century British History 26 (1) , pp. 122-146. 10.1093/tcbh/hwu026

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