Reid, Chloe 2020. Employer engagement with schools in Wales. [Online]. British Educational Research Organisation. Available at: |
Reid, Chloe 2020. Creative methods for the not so creative. [Online]. ESRC Wales DTP Methods Blog: ESRC Wales Doctoral Training Partnership. Available at: |
Reid, Chloe 2020. Book Review: Indebted: How families make college work at any cost. [Online]. London: London School of Economics. Available at: |
Reid, Chloe 2020. Employer engagement with schools, the aspirations of young people and post-16 transitions in Wales. Presented at: SOCSI Doctoral Conference, Virtual, 27-31 July 2020. |
Reid, Chloe 2020. Employer engagement with schools, the aspirations of young people and post-16 transitions in Wales. Presented at: WISERD Online Lunchtime Seminar 2020, Virtual, 6 October 2020. |
Reid, Chloe 2018. The importance of reflecting on our digital practice | Pwysigrwydd myfyrio ar ein harferion digidol. [Online]. Cardiff: Cardiff University Learning Technology Community. Available at: |