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Browse by Current Cardiff authors

Number of items: 6.

Khalifa, Abdel-Wahab ORCID: 2020. The hidden violence of retranslation: Mahfouz’s Awlād Ḥāratinā in English. Translator: Studies in Intercultural Communication 26 (2) , pp. 145-162. 10.1080/13556509.2020.1751472

Khalifa, Abdel-Wahab ORCID:, Hanna, Sameh and El-Farahaty, Hanem 2020. Introduction: The reality of Arabic translation and interpreting. Khalifa, Abdel-Wahab, Hanna, Sameh and El-Farahaty, Hanem, eds. The Routledge Handbook of Arabic Translation, Routledge Handbooks, London and New York: Routledge, pp. 1-6.

Khalifa, Abdel-Wahab ORCID:, Hanna, Sameh and El-Farahaty, Hanem, eds. 2020. The Routledge handbook of Arabic translation. Routledge Handbooks, Routledge.

Khalifa, Abdel-Wahab ORCID: and Elgindy, Ahmed 2014. The reality of Arabic fiction translation into English: a sociological approach. International Journal of Society, Culture & Language 2 (2) , pp. 41-56.

Khalifa, Abdel-Wahab ORCID: 2014. Rethinking agents and agency in translation studies. Khalifa, Abdel-Wahab, ed. Translators Have Their Say? Translation and the Power of Agency Selected Papers of the CETRA Research Summer School 2013, LIT-VERLAG, pp. 9-17.

Khalifa, Abdel-Wahab ORCID: 2014. Translators have their say? Translation and the power of agency. Representation - Transformation, Lit Verlag.

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