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Browse by Current Cardiff authors

Number of items: 69.

Löffler, Marion ORCID: 2025. Radical translation at the ‘Break of Day’: Thomas Paine in a Celtic language. History of European Ideas 10.1080/01916599.2024.2445414

Loeffler, Marion ORCID: 2024. Gareth Evans-Jones 'Mae'r Beibl o'n Tu', Ymatebion Crefyddol y Cymry yn America i Gaethwasiaeth (1838-1868) [Book Review]. Llên Cymru 47 , pp. 121-126. 10.16922/lc.47.6

Loeffler, Marion ORCID: 2024. "One million speakers": Wales, the Welsh language and the politics of survival. Europäisches Journal für Minderheitenfragen / European Journal of Minority Studies 17 (1) , pp. 39-62. 10.35998/ejm-2024-0004
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Loeffler, Marion ORCID: 2024. Arloeswr Angof o'r Almaen: Friedrich Carl Meyer (1800-1885). Hanes Byw 5/Hydr , pp. 24-27.

Löffler, Marion ORCID: 2024. Tomos Glyn Cothi (Thomas Evans, 1764–1833): Beauty of the bilingual mind. Transactions of the Honourable Society of Cymmrodorion 30 , pp. 11-37.
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Loeffler, Marion ORCID: 2024. 'Generation 1789': Welsh dissenters and radicals lost in translation. Roberts, Matthew, ed. Memory and Modern British Politics: Commemoration, Tradition, Legacy, Bloomsbury Academic, pp. 35-65.

Loeffler, Marion ORCID: 2024. Ethé, Carl Hermann (1844-1917), ysgolhaig. [Online]. Dictionary of Welsh Biography. Available at:

Loeffler, Marion ORCID: 2024. 'Cranogwen. Gan Jane Aaron. Cyfres Dawn Dweud. Gwasg Prifysgol Cymru, Caerdydd, 2023. [Book Review]. The Welsh History Review 32 , pp. 216-219.
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Loeffler, Marion ORCID: 2024. PICTON, Sir THOMAS (1758 - 1815), soldier, colonial governor and enslaver. [Online]. Dictionary of Welsh Biography. Available at:

Loeffler, Marion ORCID: 2024. Hanes y Fam Gymraeg. Barn 738 (73) , pp. 61-63.

Loeffler, Marion ORCID: 2023. Darren Chetty, Grug Muse, Hanan Issa, Iestyn Tyne (eds). Welsh [Plural]. Essays on the Future of Wales (Repater Books: London, 2022). International Journal of Welsh Writing in English 10 (1) 10.16995/wwe.10843

Loeffler, Marion ORCID: 2023. ‘Oes y Byd i’r Iaith Gymraeg?’ The National Eisteddfod and the Welsh language. The Welsh Agenda 71 , pp. 30-32.

Loeffler, Marion ORCID: 2023. Family matters: War-time discourses on women in Wales, 1793-1805. Jenkins, Beth, O'Leary, Paul and Ward, Stephanie, eds. Gender in Modern Welsh. History Perspectives on Masculinity and Femininity in Wales from 1750 to 2000, Gender Studies in Wales, University of Wales Press, pp. 39-65.

Loeffler, Marion ORCID: 2022. Ôl-strwythuraeth a'r Tro Diwylliannol: Rhywedd, Dwyreinioldeb ac Ôl-drefedigaethedd. Powel, Meilyr and Matthews, Gethin, eds. Llunio Hanes. Hanesyddiaeth a Chrefft yr Hanesydd, Gwasg Prifysgol Cymru, pp. 129-154.

Loeffler, Marion ORCID: 2022. 'Hen Wlad Fy Nhadau' a 'The Land of My Fathers': Diwylliant Darostyngol yng Ngwasanaeth yr Ymerodraeth. Llafur: the Journal of Welsh People’s History 13 , pp. 67-81.

Loeffler, Marion ORCID: 2021. 'Here in Britain': William Fleetwood, his Welsh translators and Anglo-Welsh networks before 1721. Huntington Library Quarterly 84 (4) , pp. 825-852. 10.1353/hlq.2021.0045

Loeffler, Marion ORCID: 2021. Review: Hester Lynch Thrale Piozzi by Michael Franklin. Welsh History Review 30 (4) , pp. 644-647.

Loeffler, Marion ORCID: 2021. Review: Avalon 66° Nord. Zur Frühgeschichte und Rezeption eines Mythos. Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 81 , pp. 153-155.

Loeffler, Marion ORCID: 2021. Translation as Conceptual Reverberation: "Revolution" in Wales 1688-1937. Amann, Elizabeth and Boyden, Michael, eds. Reverberations of Revolution. Transnational Perspectives, 1770-1850, Edinburgh University Press, pp. 56-76.

Loeffler, Marion ORCID: 2021. Suffering 'for thousands': Glamorgan women 1793-1815. Morgannwg. The Journal of Glamorgan History 64 , pp. 5-24.

Loeffler, Marion ORCID: 2020. Prince Albert's 'Celtic' librarian: culture, diplomacy and politics. Freitag, Friedegund, ed. Dynastie, Wissenschaft, Kunst: Die Verbindungen der Dynastien Sachsen-Gotha-Altenburg und Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha zum Britischen Empire, Königshausen & Neumann, pp. 145-160.

Löffler, Marion ORCID: 2020. A century of change. the Eisteddfod and Welsh cultural nationalism. Lajosi, Krisztina and Stynen, Andreas, eds. The Matica and Beyond: Cultural Associations and Nationalism in Europe, Vol. 21. National Cultivation of Culture, Brill, pp. 233-254. (10.1163/9789004425385_013)

Löffler, Marion ORCID: 2019. Welsh correspondence of the French Revolution, 1789-1802 ed. Ffion M. Jones [Book Review[]. Cylchgrawn Hanes Cymru / Welsh History Review 29 (4) , pp. 659-660. 10.16922/whr.29.4.6

Loeffler, Marion ORCID: 2019. 'Wales and the sea : 10,000 years of Welsh maritime history / edited by Mark Redknap, Sian Rees and Alan Aberg [Book Review]. Morgannwg: The Journal of Glamorgan History LXIII , pp. 229-231.

Loeffler, Marion ORCID: 2018. Olion Llenyddol Ymwelwyr â Llanofer. Llên Cymru 41 (1) , pp. 53-88. 10.16922/lc.41.3

Loeffler, Marion ORCID: 2018. Challenging the state: subversive Welsh translators in Britain in the 1790s. Baumgarten, Stefan and Cornella-Detrell, Jordi, eds. Translation and Global Spaces of Power, Multilingual Matters, pp. 75-88.

Loeffler, Marion ORCID: 2018. Stephens, Thomas. Leerssen, Joep, ed. Encyclopedia of Romantic Nationalism in Europe, Vol. 1. University of Amsterdam Press, pp. 548-550. (10.5117/9789462981188/ngWD8O86jWNO8HjnPYPS2DtK)

Loeffler, Marion ORCID: 2018. Publications on Welsh history. Leerssen, Joep, ed. Encyclopedia of Romantic Nationalism in Europe, Vol. 2. Amsterdam University Press, pp. 1464-1468. (10.5117/9789462981188/ngWD1S06iXtShHjLPWFS2Dvg)

Loeffler, Marion ORCID: 2018. Bunsen, Mueller a Meyer: Tri Almaenwr, Y Gymraeg, Y Frenhines a'r Ymerodraeth. Y Traethodydd CLXXII , pp. 19-32.

Loeffler, Marion ORCID: 2018. Olion Llenyddol Ymwelwyr â Llanofer. Llên Cymru 41 , pp. 53-88.

Loeffler, Marion ORCID: 2017. Famous first words: 'Never in My Life Will I master Gaelic' - Kuno Meyer in his diaries and correspondence. Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 74 , pp. 33-39.

Loeffler, Marion ORCID: 2017. Welsh keywords: Gweriniaeth. Planet 225 , pp. 42-49.

Loeffler, Marion ORCID: 2016. Yn Sgil Chwyldro Ffrengig 1789: Cyfieithu Radicalaidd i'r Cymry. Llên Cymru 39 (1) , pp. 33-55. 10.16922/lc.39.4

Loeffler, Marion ORCID: 2016. Radnorshire and newspapers before 1804. The Radnorshire Society Transactions 86 , pp. 48-64.

Loeffler, Marion ORCID: 2016. Dathlu Trichanmlwyddiant Pregeth a Bregethwyd yng Nghapel Ty-Ely yn Holbourn 1716. Ysgrifau Beirniadol 34 , pp. 113-134.

Loeffler, Marion ORCID: and Jenkins, Bethan 2014. Political pamphlets and sermons from Wales, 1790-1806. Wales and the French Revolution, Cardiff, UK: University of Wales Press.

Loeffler, Marion ORCID: 2014. Thomas Charles a Gwleidyddiaeth y Methodistiaid. Morgan, D. Densil, ed. Thomas Charles o'r Bala, University of Wales Press, pp. 93-109.

Loeffler, Marion ORCID: 2013. Failed founding fathers and abandoned sources: Edward Williams, Thomas Stephens and the Young J. E. Lloyd. Evans, Neil and Pryce, Huw, eds. Writing a Small Nation's Past: Wales in Comparative Perspective, 1850-1950, Farnham, pp. 61-81.

Loeffler, Marion ORCID: 2013. The 'Marseillaise' in Wales. Constantine, Mary-Ann and Johnston, Dafydd, eds. "Footsteps of Liberty and Revolt": Essays on Wales and the French Revolution, University of Wales Press, pp. 93-114.

Loeffler, Marion ORCID: 2013. Serial literature and radical poetry in Wales at the end of the eighteenth century. Kirk, John, Brown, Michael and Noble, Andrew, eds. Political Poetry and Song in the Age of Revolution. Volume 3: Cultures of Radicalism in Britain and Ireland, Pickering & Chatto, pp. 113-128.

Loeffler, Marion ORCID: 2012. 'Bordering on the region of the marvellous': the battle of St Fagans (1848) in nineteenth-century Welsh history-writing. Welsh History Review 26 (1) , pp. 2-33.

Loeffler, Marion ORCID: 2012. Welsh responses to the French Revolution: press and public discourse 1789-1802. Cardiff, UK: University of Wales Press.

Loeffler, Marion ORCID: 2012. 'The Arcadia of Britain': Iolo Morganwg and Radnorshire. Radnorshire Society Transactions LXXXI , pp. 61-76.

Loeffler, Marion ORCID: 2010. Thomas Stephens a Llythyru Cyhoeddus yng Nghymru Oes Fictoria. Y Traethodydd CLXV , pp. 35-49.

Loeffler, Marion ORCID: 2010. Cerddi newydd gan John Jones, 'Jac Glan-y-Gors'. Llên Cymru 33 , pp. 143-150.

Loeffler, Marion ORCID: 2008. 'The murmur of Welsh voices': Jasper Fforde and Wales. Wolf, Hans-Georg, Peter, Lothar and Polzenhagen, Frank, eds. Focus on English. Linguistic Structure, language variation and discursive use. Studies in honour of Peter Lucko, Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag, pp. 261-269.

Loeffler, Marion ORCID: 2008. English in Wales. Momma, Haruko and Matto, Michael, eds. A Companion to the History of the English Language, Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 350-357.

Loeffler, Marion ORCID: 2007. The literary and historical legacy of Iolo Morganwg 1826-1926. Cardiff, UK: University of Wales Press.

Loeffler, Marion ORCID: 2006. 'Foundations of a nation': The Welsh League of Youth and Wales before the Second World War. The Welsh History Review 23 (1) , pp. 74-105.

Loeffler, Marion ORCID: 2004. Der Pankeltismus vor dem ersten Weltkrieg im europäischen Kontext. Poppe, Erich, ed. Keltologie heute. Themen und Fragenstellungen, Studien und Texte zur Keltologie, Munster: Nodus, pp. 271-290.

Loeffler, Marion ORCID: 2003. Purism and the Welsh language: A matter of survival? Brincat, Joseph, Boeder, Winfried and Stolz, Thomas, eds. Purism in Minor Languages, Endangered Languages, Regional Languages, Mixed Languages: Papers from the Conference "Purism in the Age of Globalisation" Bremen, September 2001, Volume 2 of Diversitas linguarum, Brockmeyer, pp. 61-90.

Loeffler, Marion ORCID: 2002. Britisches Englisch. Janich, Nina and Greule, Albrecht, eds. Sprachkulturen in Europa. Ein internationales Handbuch, Gunter Narr Verlag, pp. 19-26.

Loeffler, Marion ORCID: 2002. Kymrisch (Walisisch). Janich, Nina and Greule, Albrecht, eds. Sprachkulturen in Europa. Ein internationales Handbuch, Gunter Narr Verlag, pp. 138-143.

Loeffler, Marion ORCID: 2001. Kate Bosse-Griffiths (1910-1998). Maier, Bernhard and Zimmer, Stefan, eds. 150 Jahre 'Mabinogion' Deutsch-Walisische Kulturbeziehungen, Niemeyer Verlag, pp. 167-184.

Loeffler, Marion ORCID: 2001. The Welsh Language in the twenty-first century: Echoes of Tynged yr Iaith. Kelz, Heinrich P., Simek, Rudolf and Zimmer, Stefan, eds. Europäische Kleinsprachen. Zu Lage und Status der kleinen Sprachen an der Schwelle zum dritten Jahrtausend, Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, pp. 83-98.

Loeffler, Marion ORCID: 2000. 'A Book of Mad Celts': John Wickens and the Celtic Congress of Caernarfon 1904. Gwasg Gomer.

Loeffler, Marion ORCID: 2000. Mudiad yr iaith Gymraeg yn hanner cyntaf yr Ugeinfed ganrif: cyfraniad y chwildroadau tawel. Jenkins, Geraint H. and Williams, Mari A., eds. 'Eu Hiaith a Gadwant': Y Gymraeg yn yr Ugeinfed Ganrif, University of Wales Press, pp. 173-205.

Loeffler, Marion ORCID: 2000. 'Maes mawr cenedlaetholdeb' a Chymdeithasau Cymraeg cyn yr Ail Ryfel Byd. Cof Cenedl XV , pp. 129-160.

Loeffler, Marion ORCID: 2000. The Welsh language movement in the first half of the Twentieth century: an exercise in quiet revolutions. Jenkins, Geraint H. and Williams, Mari A., eds. 'Let's Do Our Best For the Ancient Tongue': The Welsh Language in the Twentieth Century, University of Wales Press, pp. 181-215.

Loeffler, Marion ORCID: 2000. Mudiad yr iaith gymraeg a dwyieithrwydd: beth all cymdeithasau lleol ei gyflawni? Jenkins, Geraint H. and Williams, Mari A., eds. 'Eu Hiaith a Gadwant? Y Gymraeg Yn Yr Ugeinfed Ganrif, University of Wales Press, pp. 473-506.

Loeffler, Marion ORCID: 2000. The Welsh language movement and bilingualism: what can local organizations achieve? Jenkins, Geraint H. and Williams, Mari A., eds. 'Let's Do Our Best For the Ancient Tongue': The Welsh Language in the Twentieth Century, University of Wales Press, pp. 491-526.

Loeffler, Marion ORCID: 1999. Language ability and language use. Teenagers in two small towns in west Wales. Carls, Uwe and Lucko, Peter, eds. Form, Function and Variation in English. Studies in Honour of Klaus Hansen, Peter Lang, pp. 207-218.

Loeffler, Marion ORCID: 1999. Mudiadau ieuenctid yng Ngheredigion cyn yr Ail Ryfel Byd. Ceredigion XIII , pp. 36-58.

Loeffler, Marion ORCID: 1998. The National Union of Welsh Societies, 1913-1941. Transactions of the Honourable Society of Cymmrodorion , pp. 124-152.

Loeffler, Marion ORCID: 1997. English und Kymrisch in Wales: Geschichte der Sprachpolitik und Sprachsituation. Verlag Dr Kovac.

Loeffler, Marion ORCID: 1997. A Romantic Nationalist. Marion Loeffler on Mallt Williams. Planet. The Welsh Internationalist 121 , pp. 58-66.

Loeffler, Marion ORCID: 1995. The Welsh language in Wales. Public gain and private grief? Journal for the Study of British Cultures 2 , pp. 187-200.

Loeffler, Marion ORCID: 1993. Die Zeit on Wales. Visions of a German journalist. Planet. The Welsh Internationalist 99 , pp. 59-64.

Loeffler, Marion ORCID: 1991. Die Ausbreitung des Englischen in Irland und in Wales im 19. Jahrhundert. Hansen, Klaus, ed. Studien zur Sprachvariation im Englischen und zur Textlinguistik (unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Lexik), Humboldt-Universität Berlin, pp. 127-138.

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