Musilek, Karel ORCID: and Kimberly, Jamie 2024. Gig economy. Ritzer, George, Rojek, Chris and Ryan, Michael, eds. The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology, Wiley & Sons, |
Musilek, Karel ORCID:, Jamie, Kimberly and Learmonth, Mark 2023. ‘Money probably has something to do with my life’: Discourse and materiality in the working lives of start-up entrepreneurs. Work, Employment and Society 10.1177/0950017023118503 |
Musilek, Karel ORCID:, Jamie, Kimberly and McKie, Linda 2020. Cold winds and warm attachments: interrogating the personal attachment to neoliberal work and economy. Work, Employment and Society 34 (3) , pp. 514-525. 10.1177/0950017019856798 |
Musilek, Karel ORCID: and Katrnak, Tomas 2015. The notion of social class in Czech political discourse. Sociologicky Casopis 51 (3) , pp. 387-416. 10.13060/00380288.2015.51.3.184 |
Musilek, Karel ORCID: 2015. Nurturing the worker’s self: The ethic of authenticity in the discourse of professional self-development. Presented at: Engaging Foucault, Belgrade, Serbia, 5-7 Dec 2014. Published in: Ivković, Marjan, Pudar Daško, Gazela and Prodanović, Srđan eds. Engaging Foucault. , vol.2 Belgrade: University of Belgrade: Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, pp. 22-36. |
Musilek, Karel ORCID: 2008. The transition to democracy in South Korea: Theoretical analysis of the role of mass mobilization in the process of transition. Politologický časopis - Czech Journal of Political Science 2008 (4) , -. |