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Browse by Current Cardiff authors

Number of items: 10.

Wright, Esther 2024. “Layers of history”: History as construction/constructing history in Pentiment. ROMchip: A Journal of Game Histories 6 (1) , 191.

Wright, Esther 2023. Paratexts, “authenticity”, and the margins of digital (game) history. Seiwald, Regina and Vollans, Ed, eds. (Not) In the Game: History, Paratexts and Games, Video Games and the Humanities, vol. 13. Berlin: De Gruyter, pp. 33-56. (10.1515/9783110732924-003)

Donald, Iain, Webber, Nick and Wright, Esther 2023. Video games, historical representation and soft power. Journal of Gaming & Virtual Worlds 15 , pp. 105-127. 10.1386/jgvw_00075_1

Wright, Esther 2023. '“What’s famous” and “what’s true”: Women’s place from Revolver to Redemption. Wright, Esther and Wills, John, eds. Red Dead Redemption: History, Myth, and Violence in the Video Game West, Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, pp. 128-148.

Wright, Esther and Wills, John 2023. Introduction. Wright, Esther and Wills, John, eds. Red Dead Redemption: History, Myth and Violence in the Video Game West, Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, pp. 1-25.

Wright, Esther 2022. Still playing with the past: History, historians, and digital games. History & Theory 61 (4) , pp. 166-177. 10.1111/hith.12280

Wright, Esther 2022. Rockstar Games and American history: Promotional materials and the construction of authenticity. Berlin: De Gruyter Oldenbourg. 10.1515/9783110716610

Wright, Esther 2021. Rockstar Games, Red Dead Redemption, and narratives of "progress". European Journal of American Studies 16 , 3. 10.4000/ejas.17300

Wright, Esther 2018. On the promotional context of historical video games. Rethinking History 22 (4) , pp. 598-608. 10.1080/13642529.2018.1507910

Wright, Esther 2017. Marketing authenticity: Rockstar Games and the use of cinema in video game promotion. Kinephanos: Journal of Media Studies and Popular Culture 7 (1) , pp. 131-164.

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