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Browse by Current Cardiff authors

Number of items: 7.

Jha, Harsh and Wharton, Robyn 2023. Social mobility through higher education: exploratory analysis of ethno-racial, gender and class intersection in professional undergraduate programmes. Studies in Higher Education 48 (7) , pp. 1052-7. 10.1080/03075079.2023.2182281

Toivonen, Tuukka, Idoko, Onyaglanu, Jha, Harsh Kumar and Harvey, Sarah 2023. Creative jolts: exploring how entrepreneurs let go of ideas during creative revision. Academy of Management Journal 66 (3) , pp. 829-858. 10.5465/amj.2020.1054

Villeseche, Florence, Meliou, Elina and Jha, Harsh Kumar 2022. Feminism in women’s business networks: A freedom-centred perspective. Human Relations 79 (10) , pp. 1903-1927. 10.1177/00187267221083665

Tripathi, Vinayak R., Jha, Harsh Kumar, Popli, Marish, Shah, Pankaj and Desai, Gayatri 2021. Clinic, community, and in-between: the influence of space on real-time translation of medical expertise by frontline healthcare professionals in marginal tribal communities. Journal of Professions and Organization , joab012. 10.1093/jpo/joab012

Bohn, S., Lohmeyer, N., Jha, H. K. and Reinecke, J. 2021. Hostile frame takeover: co-opting the security frame in the German nuclear energy debate. Presented at: Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2021, Chicago, USA, August 2021. Academy of Management Best Papers Proceedings. 1 (16557) 10.5465/AMBPP.2021.198

Jha, Harsh Kumar and Jacob, Dimitry 2020. Legitimizing a practice across fields: microprocesses of theorization of design thinking. Journal of Professions and Organization 7 (2) , pp. 156-187. 10.1093/jpo/joaa007

Jha, Harsh K. and Beckman, Christine M. 2017. A patchwork of identities: emergence of charter schools as a new organizational form. Seidel, Marc-David and Greve, Henrich R., eds. Emergence, Vol. 50. Research in the Sociology of Organizations, Emerald Publishing Limited, pp. 69-107. (10.1108/S0733-558X20170000050003)

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