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Browse by Current Cardiff authors

Number of items: 28.

Seaman, Andrew ORCID:, Morgan-James, R., Sinnott, S., Comeau, Rhiannon and Shiner, Marion 2024. The Medieval period: Agriculture, assembly and burial. Guilbert, D., Morgan-Jones, R. and Sinnott, S, eds. A Journey Through 6000 years of History: Investigations along the A4226 Five Mile Lane Improvement Scheme, Red River Archaeology Group,

Campbell, Ewan, Seaman, Andy ORCID:, Lane, Alan ORCID: and Noble, Gordon 2023. A new chronology for the Welsh hillfort of Dinas Powys. Antiquity 97 (369) , pp. 1548-1563. 10.15184/aqy.2023.156

Seaman, Andrew ORCID: 2023. Rulers and ‘royal courts’ in late antique Wales and southwest England. Lavan, L. and Crawford, P., eds. Imperial Archaeologies, Leiden: Brill,

Comeau, Rhiannon and Seaman, Andrew ORCID: 2023. Research framework for the archaeology of Early Medieval Wales c. Ad 400–1070. [Discussion Paper]. CIFA Wales/Cymru.

Seaman, Andy ORCID: 2023. Hillforts in Southern Britain: Power and Place in the Late Antique Landscape. Presented at: Congrès International d’Histoire et d’Archéologie, Roquebrune-sur-Argens, France, 19-25 October 2019. Perchement et réalités fortifiées en Méditerranée et en Europe (Vème-Xème siècles) – Formes, rythmes, fonctions et acteurs. Archaeopress, pp. 420-432.

Comeau, Rhiannon, Seaman, Andrew ORCID: and Bloxam, Anna 2023. Plague, climate and faith in Early Medieval Western Britain: Investigating narratives of change. Medieval Archaeology 67 (1) , pp. 1-28. 10.1080/00766097.2023.2204655

Seaman, Andy ORCID: 2022. Late antique hillfort occupation in south Britain: chronology, context, and interpretation. Presented at: Intentions and Meaning: A comparative view of Late Antique Hilltop sites in Europe, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 22-24 September 2021. Published in: Pavlovič, Daša and Heinrich-Tamáska, Orsolya eds. Book of Abstracts - International Workshop - Intentions and Meaning: A comparative view of Late Antique Hilltop sites in Europe. National Museum of Slovenia, pp. 21-23.

Richardson, Andrew, Bintley, Michael, Hines, John ORCID:, Seaman, Andy ORCID: and Swift, Ellen, eds. 2022. Transitions and relationships over land and sea in the Early Middle Ages of Northern Europe. Canterbury: Canterbury Archaeological Trust.

Seaman, Andy ORCID: 2022. Fonmon Castle landscape project: geophysical survey on land west of Fonmon Castle. Archaeology in Wales 61 , pp. 65-70.

Seaman, Andy ORCID: 2020. Finnaun y Doudec Seint: A holy spring in the Early Medieval kingdom of Brycheiniog. Ray, Celeste, ed. Sacred Waters: A Cross-Cultural Compendium of Hallowed Springs and Holy Wells, London: Routledge, pp. 194-210.

Seaman, Andy ORCID: and Thomas, Leo Sucharyna 2020. Hillforts and power in the British Post-Roman West: A GIS analysis of Dinas Powys. European Journal of Archaeology 23 (4) , 547–566. 10.1017/eaa.2020.19

Seaman, Andy ORCID: 2020. The Llangorse Charter material. Lane, Alan and Redknap, Mark, eds. The Llangorse Crannog: An Early Medieval Island Residence of the Kings of Brycheiniog, Oxford: Oxbow, pp. 414-421.

Comeau, Rhiannon and Seaman, Andy ORCID: 2019. Introduction. Comeau, Rhiannon and Seaman, Andy, eds. Living off the Land: Agriculture in Wales c. 400-1600 AD, Oxford: Oxbow, pp. 1-14.

Seaman, Andy ORCID: 2019. Landscape, settlement and agriculture in early medieval Brycheiniog: the evidence from the Llandaff Charters. Comeau, Rhiannon and Seaman, Andy, eds. Living off the Land: Agriculture in Wales c. 400-1600 AD, Oxford: Oxbow, pp. 153-173.

Comeau, Rhiannon and Seaman, Andy ORCID:, eds. 2019. Living off the land: Agriculture in Wales c. 400-1600 AD. Oxford: Oxbow.

Seaman, Andy ORCID: 2019. Power, place and territory in early Medieval South-East Wales. York, Barbara, Reynolds, Andrew and Carroll, Jayne, eds. Power and Place in Europe in the 1st Millennium AD, London: British Academy, pp. 325-345.

Seaman, Andy ORCID: and Lane, Alan ORCID: 2019. Excavation of the Ty'n-y-Coed Earthworks 2011-14: the Dinas Powys 'Southern Banks'. Archaeologia Cambrensis 168 , pp. 1-27.

Seaman, Andy ORCID: 2019. Llywarch Hen’s Dyke: Place and narrative in Early Medieval Wales. Offa’s Dyke Journal 2019 (1) , pp. 96-113. 10.23914/odj.v1i0.252

Seaman, Andy ORCID: 2018. Landscape, economy and society in late and post Roman Wales. Diarte Blasco, Pilar and Christie, Neil, eds. Interpreting Transformations of Landscapes and People in Late Antiquity, Oxford: Oxbow, pp. 123-136.

Seaman, Andy ORCID: 2018. The Church of Julius, Aaron, and Alban at Caerleon. Monmouthshire Antiquary 34 , pp. 3-16.

Seaman, Andy ORCID: 2017. Further research on a predictive model of early medieval settlement location: exploring the use of field-names as proxy data. Medieval Settlement Research 32 , pp. 27-34.

Seaman, Andy ORCID: 2016. Defended settlement in early Medieval Wales: Problems of presence, absence and interpretation. Christie, Neil and Herold, Hajnalka, eds. Fortified Settlements in Early Medieval Europe: Defended Communities of the 8th-10th Centuries, Oxford: Oxbow, pp. 37-50.

Seaman, Andy ORCID: 2016. La religión en Britania. Desperta Ferro Antiqua y Medieval 36 , pp. 46-51.

Seaman, Andy ORCID: 2015. Julius and Aaron, 'Martyrs of Caerleon': In search of Wales' first Christian. Archaeologia Cambrensis 164 , pp. 201-219.

Seaman, Andy ORCID: 2014. Tempora Christiana? Conversion and Christianization in Western Britain AD 300-700. Church Archaeology 16 , pp. 1-22.

Seaman, Andy ORCID: 2013. Dinas Powys in context: Settlement and society in Post-Roman Wales. Studia Celtica 47 , pp. 1-23.

Seaman, Andy ORCID: 2012. The multiple estate model re-considered: Power and territory in Early Medieval Wales. Welsh History Review 26 , pp. 163-185.

Seaman, Andy ORCID: 2011. Towards a predictive model of early medieval settlement location: A case study from the Vale of Glamorgan. Medieval Settlement Research 25 , pp. 12-22.

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