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Browse by Current Cardiff authors

Number of items: 20.

Wilkinson, Matthew and Quraishi, Muzammil 2024. Defining and illustrating “extremism” using the largest investigation into Islam in prison. Studies in Conflict and Terrorism 47 (1) , pp. 1-35. 10.1080/1057610X.2023.2247620

Quraishi, Muzammil and Wilkinson, Matthew 2023. ‘Oh you’re on our side, you’re my brother’: occupational ontology and challenges for Muslim prison officers in Europe. Contemporary Islam 17 , pp. 411-431. 10.1007/s11562-023-00526-9

Wilkinson, Matthew, Irfan, Lamia, Quraishi, Muzammil and Schneuwly Purdie, Mallory 2022. Islam in prison: finding faith, freedom and fraternity. Bristol, UK: Policy Press.

Schneuwly Purdie, Mallory, Wilkinson, Matthew, Irfan, Lamia and Quraishi, Muzammil 2022. La prison comme expérience liminale du changement religieux: Une analyse des trajectoires religieuses de personnes détenues de confession musulmane. Criminologie 55 (1) , pp. 139-165. 10.7202/1089732ar

Wilkinson, Matthew, Quraishi, Muzammil, Irfan, Lamia and Schneuwly Purdie, Mallory 2022. Building on the shoulders of Bhaskar and Matthews: a critical realist criminology. Journal of Critical Realism 21 (2) , pp. 123-144. 10.1080/14767430.2021.1992736

Irfan, Lamia, Quraishi, Muzammil, Schneuwly Purdie, Mallory and Wilkinson, Matthew 2022. The primacy of ontology: a philosophical basis for research on religion in prison. Journal of Critical Realism 21 (2) , pp. 145-169. 10.1080/14767430.2021.2007463

Quraishi, Muzammil, Irfan, Lamia, Schneuwly Purdie, Mallory and Wilkinson, Matthew L. N. 2021. Doing ‘judgemental rationality’ in empirical research: the importance of depth-reflexivity when researching in prison. Journal of Critical Realism 21 (1) , pp. 25-45. 10.1080/14767430.2021.1992735

Schneuwly Purdie, Mallory, Irfan, Lamia, Quraishi, Muzammil and Wilkinson, Matthew 2021. Living Islam in prison: how gender affects the religious experiences of female and male offenders. Religions 12 (5) , 298. 10.3390/rel12050298

Wilkinson, Matthew, Irfan, Lamia, Quraishi, Muzammil and Schneuwly Purdie, Mallory 2021. Prison as a site of intense religious change: the example of conversion to Islam. Religions 12 (3) , 162. 10.3390/rel12030162

Irfan, Lamia and Wilkinson, Matthew 2020. The ontology of the Muslim male offender: a critical realist framework. Journal of Critical Realism 19 (5) , pp. 481-499. 10.1080/14767430.2020.1827346

Wilkinson, Matthew L. N. 2018. The genealogy of terror: how to distinguish between Islam, Islamism and Islamist Extremism. London, UK: Routledge.

Sokolo, Moshe and Wilkinson, Matthew L. N. 2016. Education: Reclaiming the sacred common ground of Jewish-Muslim experiences of education. Meri, Josef, ed. The Routledge Handbook of Muslim-Jewish Relations, London, UK: Routledge, pp. 195-219.

Wilkinson, Matthew ORCID: 2016. Shakeel Begg v. BBC: Expert Witness Report. Unpublished.

Wilkinson, Matthew L. N. 2015. The metaphysics of a contemporary Islamic Shari'a: a metaRealist perspective. Journal of Critical Realism 14 (4) , pp. 350-365. 10.1179/1476743015Z.00000000074

Wilkinson, Matthew L. N. 2014. A fresh look at Islam in a multi-faith world: a philosophy for success through education. Routledge.

Wilkinson, Matthew L. N. 2014. Helping Muslim boys succeed: the case for history education. Curriculum Journal 25 (3) , pp. 396-431. 10.1080/09585176.2014.929527

Wilkinson, Matthew L. N. 2014. The concept of the absent curriculum: the case of the Muslim contribution and the English National Curriculum for history. Journal of Curriculum Studies 46 (4) , pp. 419-440. 10.1080/00220272.2013.869838

Wilkinson, Matthew L. N. 2013. Introducing Islamic critical realism. Journal of Critical Realism 12 (4) , pp. 419-442. 10.1179/1476743013Z.00000000014

Wilkinson, Matthew L. N. 2013. Including the Muslim Contribution in the National Curriculum for History. Primary History Journal 65 , 14.

Wilkinson, Matthew L.N. 2012. A broader, truer history for all. Curriculum for Cohesion.

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