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Browse by Current Cardiff authors

Number of items: 5.

Pustelnikovaite, Toma ORCID: and Chillas, Shiona 2023. Modes of incorporation: The inclusion of migrant academics in the UK. Work, Employment and Society 37 (6) , pp. 1627-1645. 10.1177/09500170221092337

Richards, James, Ellis, Vaughan, Canduela, Jesus, Pustelnikovaite, Toma ORCID: and Saxena, Siddhartha 2023. Developing the concept of leaveism: From presenteeism/absence to an emergent and expanding domain of employment? Human Resource Management Journal 33 (2) , pp. 384-405. 10.1111/1748-8583.12452

Pustelnikovaite, Toma ORCID:, Nyfoudi, Margarita, Williams, Hannah, Gomes, Marcus VinĂ­cius Peinado ORCID: and Manolchev, Constantine 2022. "Despite the lockdown, the university has a lot to offer?: Exploring university identity during crisis. Academy of Management Proceedings 2022 (1) 10.5465/AMBPP.2022.17951abstract

Pustelnikovaite, Toma ORCID: 2021. Locked out, locked in and stuck: exploring migrant academics' experiences of moving to the UK. Higher Education 82 (4) , pp. 783-797. 10.1007/s10734-020-00640-0

Pustelnikovaite, Toma ORCID: and Chillas, Shiona 2016. Perspectives on knowledge work. Orr, Kevin, Nutley, Sandra, Bain, Rod, Hacking, Bonnie and Moran, Clare, eds. Knowledge and Practice in Business and Organisations, Routledge Advances in Organizational Learning and Knowledge Management, London: Routledge, pp. 59-76. (10.4324/9781315674025)
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