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Browse by Current Cardiff authors

Number of items: 7.

Thomas, Michelle 2005. Improving access to health care. The Sea (176) , p. 4.

Thomas, Michelle 2005. The sexual health of cruise ship crews. Presented at: Seafarers International Research Centre Symposium 2005, Cardiff University, July 2005. Seafarers International Research Centre Symposium Proceedings (2005). Cardiff, UK: Seafarers International Research Centre, pp. 129-142.

Thomas, Michelle 2004. All in a day's work for seafarers? The Sea (170) , pp. 4-5.

Thomas, Michelle 2003. Lost at sea and lost at home: the predicament of seafaring families. [Project Report]. Seafarers International Research Centre.

Thomas, Michelle 2003. 'Get yourself a proper job girlie!': recruitment, retention and women seafarers. Presented at: Seafarers International Research Centre Symposium 2003, Cardiff University, 19 September 2003. Seafarers International Research Centre Symposium Proceedings (2003). Cardiff, UK: Seafarers International Research Centre, pp. 25-38.

Thomas, Michelle 2002. Home is the sailor, home from the sea... The Sea 158 , p. 4.

Thomas, Michelle, Sampson, Helen ORCID: and Minghua, Zhao 2001. Behind the scenes: seafaring and family life. Presented at: Seafarers International Research Centre Symposium 2001, Cardiff University, 29 June 2001. Seafarers International Research Centre Symposium Proceedings (2001). Cardiff, UK: Seafarers International Research Centre, pp. 117-143.

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