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Browse by Current Cardiff authors

Number of items: 15.

Pecis, Lara and Ge, Bingbing 2025. The bittersweet taste of family business: exploring the dynamics gendering and racializing entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship and Regional Development 10.1080/08985626.2025.2459232

Ge, Bingbing, Bauer, Florian and Pecis, Lara 2024. Stick to the knitting? Legacy beyond the original family businesses through rhetorical history. Presented at: 84th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Chicago, IL, USA, 9-13 August 2024. Academy of Management Proceedings. , vol.2024 (1) Academy of Management, 10.5465/AMPROC.2024.226bp

Pecis, Lara and Touboulic, Anne 2024. Academic mothers and the practice of embodied care: Navigating and resisting uncaring structures in the neoliberal academy. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal 43 (5) , pp. 784-803. 10.1108/EDI-07-2022-0194

Pecis, Lara, Ge, Bingbing and Bauer, Florian 2024. The strategic realignment of paradoxical family and business goals in family business: A rhetorical history perspective. Business History 10.1080/00076791.2024.2317938

Pecis, Lara and Berglund, Karin 2021. Hidden in the limelight: A feminist engagement with innovation studies. Organization 28 (6) , pp. 993-1017. 10.1177/13505084211015380

Pecis, Lara 2021. Concept as method: ethnography in a posthumanist world. Stead, V., Elliott, C. and Mavin, S., eds. Handbook of Research Methods on Gender and Management, Edward Elgar, pp. 281-294. (10.4337/9781788977937.00028)

Priola, Vincenza and Pecis, Lara 2020. Missing voices: the absence of women from Italy's Covid-19 pandemic response. Gender in Management: An International Journal 35 (7/8) , pp. 619-627. 10.1108/GM-07-2020-0218

Introna, L. and Pecis, L. 2019. Bitcoin as a mediating technology of organization. Beyes, T., Holt, R. and Pias, C., eds. The Oxford Handbook of Media, Technology, and Organization Studies, Oxford University Press, (10.1093/oxfordhb/9780198809913.013.5)

Pecis, Lara and Priola, Vincenza 2019. The 'new industrial man' as unhero: Doing postfeminist masculinities in an Italian pharmacological research centre. Gender, Work and Organization 26 (10) , pp. 1413-1432. 10.1111/gwao.12359

Pecis, Lara 2019. Book review: the organization of craft work: identities, meanings, and materiality (Routledge Studies in Management, Organizations and Society). Organization Studies 40 (11) , pp. 1771-1774. 10.1177/0170840619842723

Contu, Alessia and Pecis, Lara 2017. Groups and teams at work. Knights, D. and Wilmott, H., eds. Introducing Organizational Behaviour and Management, Cengage Learning, pp. 113-157.

Pecis, Lara 2016. Doing and undoing gender in innovation: Femininities and masculinities in innovation processes. Human Relations 69 (11) , pp. 2117-2140. 10.1177/0018726716634445

Contu, A and Pecis, L 2016. On the knowledge making enterprise in OMT: the significance of reflexivity and diffraction. Presented at: IFIP Working Group 8.2 Conference, Dublin, Ireland, 9 - 10 December 2016.

Pecis, L, Thirlaway, K and Archer-Brown, C 2016. Towards a sociomaterial approach to emotions in IS research. Presented at: 2016 International Conference on Information Systems, Dublin, Ireland, 11 - 14 December 2016.

Pecis, Lara 2014. Organizational multi-sited ethnography: challenges and strategies in management research. Presented at: AOM Meeting, Lake Buena Vista, Orlando, Florida, 9-13 August 2013. Academy of Management Proceedings. , vol.2014 (1) Academy of Management,

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