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Browse by Current Cardiff authors

Number of items: 10.

Russell, Roseanne and Villiers, Charlotte 2017. Gender justice in financial markets. Herzog, Lisa, ed. Just Financial Markets? Finance in a Just Society, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 271–292. (10.1093/oso/9780198755661.003.0012)

Russell, Roseanne and Sjafjell, Beate 2017. Introducing Daughters of Themis: International network of female business scholars. International and Comparative Corporate Law Journal 12 (2) , pp. 7-11.

Russell, Roseanne 2017. How do FTSE100 companies frame gender equality? International and Comparative Corporate Law Journal 12 (2) , pp. 80-102.

Hosking, K. and Russell, Roseanne 2016. Discrimination law, equality law, and implicit bias. Brownstein, M. and Saul, J., eds. Implicit Bias and Philosophy, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 254-278.

Russell, Roseanne 2015. Amy Ludlow: privatising public prisons: labour law and the public procurement process. Journal of Law and Society 42 (4) , pp. 674-678. 10.1111/j.1467-6478.2015.00733.x

Hayes, Lydia ORCID: and Russell, Roseanne 2015. Women in labour law: the use and implications of empirical methods. Ludlow, Amy and Blackham, Alysia, eds. New Frontiers in Empirical Labour Law Research, London: Hart,

Russell, Roseanne and Cahill-O'callaghan, Rachel ORCID: 2015. Speaking in the classroom: the impact of gender and affective responses on oral participation. The Law Teacher 49 (1) , pp. 60-72. 10.1080/03069400.2014.988459

Russell, Roseanne and Villiers, C. 2014. Boardroom quotas: a review of the arguments. Tchotourian, I. and Malecki, C., eds. Company Law and CSR: Convergence or Divergence? A Comparative Approach about the New Challenge of Law, Bruylant,

Russell, Roseanne 2012. Implicating public companies in the equal pay debate. International Journal of Discrimination and the Law 12 (2) , pp. 81-98. 10.1177/1358229112456587

Russell, Roseanne 2011. Malone and others v British Airways plc: Protection of Managerial Prerogative? [2010] EWCA Civ 1225. Industrial Law Journal 40 (2) , pp. 207-213. 10.1093/indlaw/dwr005

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