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Number of items: 57.


Baker, Katharine S., Mattingley, Jason B., Chambers, Christopher D. ORCID: and Cunnington, Ross 2011. Attention and the readiness for action. Neuropsychologia 49 (12) , pp. 3303-3313. 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2011.08.003

Bayram, Ali, Bayraktaroglu, Zubeyir, Karahan, Esin, Erdogan, Basri, Bilgic, Basar, Özker, Muge, Kasikci, Itir, Duru, Adil D., Ademoglu, Ahmet, Öztürk, Cengizhan, Arikan, Kemal, Tarhan, Nevzat and Demiralp, Tamer 2011. Simultaneous EEG/fMRI analysis of the resonance phenomena in steady-state visual evoked responses. Clinical EEG and Neuroscience 42 (2) , pp. 98-106. 10.1177/155005941104200210

Beltrachini, Leandro ORCID:, von Ellenrieder, Nicolas and Muravchik, Carlos 2011. General bounds for electrode mislocation on the EEG inverse problem. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 103 (1) , pp. 1-9.

Blain, C. R. V., Brunton, S., Williams, V. C., Leemans, Alexander, Turner, M. R., Andersen, P. M., Catani, M., Stanton, B. R., Ganesalingham, J., Jones, Derek K. ORCID:, Williams, S. C. R., Leigh, P. N. and Simmons, A. 2011. Differential corticospinal tract degeneration in homozygous 'D90A' SOD-1 ALS and sporadic ALS. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry 82 (8) , pp. 843-849. 10.1136/jnnp.2010.236018

Bompas, Aline ORCID: and Sumner, Petroc ORCID: 2011. Saccadic inhibition reveals the timing of automatic and voluntary signals in the human brain. The Journal of Neuroscience 31 (35) , pp. 12501-12512. 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2234-11.2011

Boy, Frederic, Evans, Christopher John ORCID:, Edden, Richard A. E., Lawrence, Andrew David ORCID:, Husain, Masud, Singh, Krish Devi ORCID: and Sumner, Petroc ORCID: 2011. Dorsolateral Prefrontal γ-Aminobutyric Acid in Men Predicts Individual Differences in Rash Impulsivity. Biological Psychiatry 70 (9) , pp. 866-872. 10.1016/j.biopsych.2011.05.030

Bozzali, Marco, Parker, Geoffrey J. M., Serra, Laura, Embleton, Karl, Gili, Tommaso, Perri, Roberta, Caltagirone, Carlo and Cercignani, Mara ORCID: 2011. Anatomical connectivity mapping: a new tool to assess brain disconnection in Alzheimer's disease. NeuroImage 54 (3) , pp. 2045-2051. 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2010.08.069


Cairney, Scott A., Durrant, Simon J., Musgrove, Hazel and Lewis, Penelope A. ORCID: 2011. Sleep and environmental context: interactive effects for memory. Experimental Brain Research 214 , pp. 83-92. 10.1007/s00221-011-2808-7

Cochand, Nicholas J., Wild, M., Brugniaux, J. V., Davies, P. J., Evans, K. A., Wise, Richard Geoffrey ORCID: and Bailey, D. M. 2011. Sea-Level Assessment of Dynamic Cerebral Autoregulation Predicts Susceptibility to Acute Mountain Sickness at High Altitude. Stroke 42 (12) , pp. 3628-3630. 10.1161/STROKEAHA.111.621714

Cruse, Damian and Wilding, Edward Lewis ORCID: 2011. Temporally and functionally dissociable retrieval processing operations revealed by event-related potentials. Neuropsychologia 49 (7) , pp. 1751-1760. 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2011.02.053


De Santis, Silvia ORCID:, Gabrielli, Andrea, Palombo, Marco ORCID:, Maraviglia, Bruno and Capuani, Silvia 2011. Non-Gaussian diffusion imaging: a brief practical review. Magnetic Resonance Imaging 29 (10) , pp. 1410-1416. 10.1016/j.mri.2011.04.006

Deprez, Sabine, Amant, Frederic, Yigit, Refika, Porke, Kathleen, Verhoeven, Judith, Stock, Jan Van den, Smeets, Ann, Christiaens, Marie-Rose, Leemans, Alexander, Hecke, Wim Van, Vandenberghe, Joris, Vandenbulcke, Mathieu and Sunaert, Stefan 2011. Chemotherapy-induced structural changes in cerebral white matter and its correlation with impaired cognitive functioning in breast cancer patients. Human Brain Mapping 32 (3) , pp. 480-493. 10.1002/hbm.21033

DiNuzzo, M., Gili, Tommaso ORCID:, Maraviglia, B. and Giove, F. 2011. Modeling the contribution of neuron-astrocyte cross talk to slow blood oxygenation level-dependent signal oscillations. Journal of Neurophysiology 106 (6) , pp. 3010-3018. 10.1152/jn.00416.2011

Durrant, Simon J., Taylor, Charlotte, Cairney, Scott A. and Lewis, Penelope A. ORCID: 2011. Sleep-dependent consolidation of statistical learning. Neuropsychologia 49 (5) , pp. 1322-1331. 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2011.02.015


Edden, Richard Anthony Edward and Jones, Derek K. ORCID: 2011. Spatial and orientational heterogeneity in the statistical sensitivity of skeleton-based analyses of diffusion tensor MR imaging data. Journal of Neuroscience Methods 201 (1) , pp. 213-219. 10.1016/j.jneumeth.2011.07.025

Elze, Tobias, Song, Chen ORCID:, Stollhoff, Rainer and Jost, Jürgen 2011. Chinese characters reveal impacts of prior experience on very early stages of perception. BMC Neuroscience 12 (1) , 14. 10.1186/1471-2202-12-14


Galli, G., Bauch, E. M. and Gruber, Matthias ORCID: 2011. When anticipation aids long-term memory: What cognitive and neural processes are involved? Journal of Neuroscience 31 (12) , pp. 4355-4356. 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.6369-10.2011

Gallichan, Daniel ORCID:, Cocosco, Chris. A., Dewdney, Andrew, Schultz, Gerrit, Welz, Anna, Hennig, Jürgen and Zaitsev, Maxim 2011. Simultaneously driven linear and nonlinear spatial encoding fields in MRI. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 65 (3) , pp. 702-714. 10.1002/mrm.22672

Greve, Andrea, Evans, Christopher John ORCID:, Graham, Kim Samantha ORCID: and Wilding, Edward Lewis ORCID: 2011. Functional specialisation in the hippocampus and perirhinal cortex during the encoding of verbal associations. Neuropsychologia 49 (9) , pp. 2746-2754. 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2011.06.002


Hamandi, Khalid, Singh, Krish Devi ORCID: and Muthukumaraswamy, Suresh Daniel ORCID: 2011. Reduced movement-related beta desynchronisation in juvenile myoclonic epilepsy: A MEG study of task specific cortical modulation. Clinical Neurophysiology 122 (11) , pp. 2128-2138. 10.1016/j.clinph.2011.04.017

Harris, Julia J., Schwarzkopf, D. Samuel, Song, Chen ORCID:, Bahrami, Bahador and Rees, Geraint 2011. Contextual illusions reveal the limit of unconscious visual processing. Psychological Science 22 (3) , pp. 399-405. 10.1177/0956797611399293

Heinen, Klaartje, Ruff, Christian C., Bjoertomt, Otto, Schenkluhn, Bertram, Bestmann, Sven, Blankenburg, Felix, Driver, Jon and Chambers, Christopher D. ORCID: 2011. Concurrent TMS-fMRI reveals dynamic interhemispheric influences of the right parietal cortex during exogenously cued visuospatial attention. European Journal of Neuroscience 33 (5) , pp. 991-1000. 10.1111/j.1460-9568.2010.07580.x

Hu, L., Liang, M., Mouraux, A., Wise, Richard Geoffrey ORCID:, Hu, Y. and Iannetti, G. D. 2011. Taking into account latency, amplitude, and morphology: improved estimation of single-trial ERPs by wavelet filtering and multiple linear regression. Journal of Neurophysiology 106 (6) , pp. 3216-3229. 10.1152/jn.00220.2011


Ibáñez, A, Petroni, A, Urquina, H, Torrente, F, Torralva, T, Hurtado, E, Guex, R, Blenkmann, A, Beltrachini, Leandro ORCID:, Muravchik, C, Báez, S, Cetkovich, M, Sigman, M, Lischinsky, A and Manes, F 2011. Cortical deficits of emotional face processing in adults with ADHD: its relation to social cognition and executive function. Social Neuroscience 61 (5-6) , pp. 464-481. 10.1080/17470919.2011.620769


Jeurissen, Ben, Leemans, Alexander, Jones, Derek K. ORCID:, Tournier, Jacques-Donald and Sijbers, Jan 2011. Probabilistic fiber tracking using the residual bootstrap with constrained spherical deconvolution. Human Brain Mapping 32 (3) , pp. 461-479. 10.1002/hbm.21032

Jones, Derek K. ORCID: and Leemans, Alexander 2011. Diffusion tensor imaging. Modo, Michel and Bulte, Jeff W. M., eds. Magnetic Resonance Neuroimaging: Methods and Protocols, Vol. 711. Methods in Molecular Biology, vol. 2. Springer, pp. 127-144. (10.1007/978-1-61737-992-5_6)


Kennedy, J. S., Singh, Krish Devi ORCID: and Muthukumaraswamy, Suresh Daniel ORCID: 2011. An MEG investigation of the neural mechanisms subserving complex visuomotor coordination. International Journal of Psychophysiology 79 (2) , pp. 296-304. 10.1016/j.ijpsycho.2010.11.003

Kiss, Ágata, Delattre, Ana Márcia, Pereira, Sofia I.R., Carolino, Ruither G., Szawka, Raphael E., Anselmo-Franci, Janete A., Zanata, Sílvio M. and Ferraz, Anete C. 2011. 17β-Estradiol replacement in young, adult and middle-aged female ovariectomized rats promotes improvement of spatial reference memory and an antidepressant effect and alters monoamines and BDNF levels in memory- and depression-related brain areas. Behavioural Brain Research 227 (1) , pp. 100-108. 10.1016/j.bbr.2011.10.047

Klemen, Jane, Verbruggen, Frederick ORCID:, Skelton, Corrina and Chambers, Christopher D. ORCID: 2011. Enhancement of perceptual representations by endogenous attention biases competition in response selection. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 73 (8) , pp. 2514-2527. 10.3758/s13414-011-0188-5

Koch, Giacomo, Cercignani, Mara ORCID:, Bonni, Sonia, Giacobbe, Viola, Bucchi, Giulia, Versace, Viviana, Caltagirone, Carlo and Bozzali, Marco 2011. Asymmetry of parietal interhemispheric connections in humans. Journal of Neuroscience 31 (24) , pp. 8967-8975. 10.1523/jneurosci.6567-10.2011

Koelewijn, Loes ORCID:, Dumont, Julie R., Muthukumaraswamy, Suresh Daniel ORCID:, Rich, Anina N. and Singh, Krish Devi ORCID: 2011. Induced and evoked neural correlates of orientation selectivity in human visual cortex. NeuroImage 54 (4) , pp. 2983-2993. 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2010.11.045

Kopanoglu, Emre ORCID:, Erturk, V. B. and Atalar, E. 2011. Analytic expressions for the ultimate intrinsic signal-to-noise ratio and ultimate intrinsic specific absorption rate in MRI. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 66 (3) , pp. 846-858. 10.1002/mrm.22830

Kurniawan, Veldri, Klemen, Jane and Chambers, Christopher D. ORCID: 2011. Microcontroller based fibre-optic visual presentation system for multisensory neuroimaging. Journal of Neuroscience Methods 202 (1) , pp. 28-37. 10.1016/j.jneumeth.2011.08.033


Lai, Meng-Chuan, Lombardo, Michael V., Pasco, Greg, Ruigrok, Amber N. V., Wheelwright, Sally J., Sadek, Susan A., Chakrabarti, Bhismadev, Bailey, A. J., Bolton, P. F., Bullmore, E. T., Carrington, Sarah J. ORCID:, Catani, M., Craig, M. C., Daly, E. M., Deoni, S. C., Ecker, C., Happé, F., Henty, J., Jezzard, P., Johnston, P., Jones, Derek K. ORCID:, Lai, M. C., Madden, A., Mullins, D., Murphy, C. M., Murphy, D. G. M., Spain, D., Stewart, R., Suckling, J., Williams, S. C. and Baron-Cohen, S. 2011. A Behavioral Comparison of Male and Female Adults with High Functioning Autism Spectrum Conditions. PLoS ONE 6 (6) , e20835. 10.1371/journal.pone.0020835

Lewis, Penelope A. ORCID:, Cairney, S., Manning, L. and Critchley, H. D. 2011. The impact of overnight consolidation upon memory for emotional and neutral encoding contexts. Neuropsychologia 49 (9) , pp. 2619-2629. 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2011.05.009

Lewis, Penelope A. ORCID:, Rezaie, Roozbeh, Browne, Rachel, Roberts, Neil and Dunbar, R. I. M. 2011. Ventromedial prefrontal volume predicts understanding of others and social network size. NeuroImage 57 (4) , pp. 1624-1629. 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2011.05.030


Metzler-Baddeley, Claudia ORCID:, Jones, Derek K. ORCID:, Aggleton, John Patrick ORCID: and O'Sullivan, Michael 2011. The fornix in ageing and memory decline: a diffusion MRI tractography study. Journal of Neurology 258 (S1) , p. 18. 10.1007/s00415-011-6026-9

Metzler-Baddeley, Claudia ORCID:, Jones, Derek K. ORCID:, Belaroussi, Boubakeur, Aggleton, John Patrick ORCID: and O'Sullivan, Michael 2011. Frontotemporal connections in episodic memory and aging: A diffusion MRI tractography study. The Journal of Neuroscience 31 (37) , pp. 13236-13245. 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2317-11.2011

Morgan, H. M., Muthukumaraswamy, Suresh Daniel ORCID:, Hibbs, Carina Susan, Shapiro, Kimnron L., Bracewell, R. Martyn, Singh, Krish Devi ORCID: and Linden, David Edmund Johannes ORCID: 2011. Feature integration in visual working memory: parietal gamma activity is related to cognitive coordination. Journal of Neurophysiology 106 (6) , pp. 3185-3194. 10.1152/jn.00246.2011

Mouraux, André, Diukova, Ana, Lee, Michael C., Wise, Richard Geoffrey ORCID: and Iannetti, Gian Domenico 2011. A multisensory investigation of the functional significance of the 'pain matrix'. NeuroImage 54 (3) , pp. 2237-2249. 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2010.09.084

Murphy, Kevin ORCID:, Harris, Ashley D., Diukova, Ana, Evans, Christopher John ORCID:, Lythgoe, David J., Zelaya, Fernando and Wise, Richard Geoffrey ORCID: 2011. Pulsed arterial spin labeling perfusion imaging at 3 T: estimating the number of subjects required in common designs of clinical trials. Magnetic Resonance Imaging 29 (10) , pp. 1382-1389. 10.1016/j.mri.2011.02.030

Murphy, Kevin ORCID:, Harris, Ashley D. and Wise, Richard Geoffrey ORCID: 2011. Robustly measuring vascular reactivity differences with breath-hold: Normalising stimulus-evoked and resting state BOLD fMRI data. NeuroImage 54 (1) , pp. 369-379. 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2010.07.059

Muthukumaraswamy, Suresh Daniel ORCID: 2011. Temporal dynamics of primary motor cortex gamma oscillation amplitude and piper corticomuscular coherence changes during motor control. Experimental Brain Research 212 (4) , pp. 623-633. 10.1007/s00221-011-2775-z

Muthukumaraswamy, Suresh Daniel ORCID: and Singh, Krish Devi ORCID: 2011. A cautionary note on the interpretation of phase-locking estimates with concurrent changes in power. Clinical Neurophysiology 122 (11) , pp. 2324-2325. 10.1016/j.clinph.2011.04.003


Nagel, Simon, Papadakis, Michalis, Chen, Ruoli, Hoyte, Lisa C, Brooks, Keith J, Gallichan, Daniel ORCID:, Sibson, Nicola R, Pugh, Chris and Buchan, Alastair M 2011. Neuroprotection by dimethyloxalylglycine following permanent and transient focal cerebral ischemia in rats. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism 31 (1) , pp. 132-143. 10.1038/jcbfm.2010.60


Perry, Gavin ORCID:, Adjamian, Peyman, Thai, Ngoc J., Holliday, Ian E., Hillebrand, Arjan and Barnes, Gareth R. 2011. Retinotopic mapping of the primary visual cortex - a challenge for MEG imaging of the human cortex. European Journal of Neuroscience 34 (4) , pp. 652-661. 10.1111/j.1460-9568.2011.07777.x

Puts, Nicolaas, Edden, Richard A. E., Evans, Christopher John ORCID:, McGlone, Francis and McGonigle, David ORCID: 2011. Regionally specific human GABA concentration correlates with tactile discrimination thresholds. Journal of Neuroscience 31 (46) , pp. 16556-16560. 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.4489-11.2011


Schultz, G., Weber, H., Gallichan, Daniel ORCID:, Witschey, W. R. T., Welz, A. M., Cocosco, C. A., Hennig, J. and Zaitsev, M. 2011. Radial imaging with multipolar magnetic encoding fields. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 30 (12) , pp. 2134-2145. 10.1109/TMI.2011.2164262

Serra, Laura, Cercignani, Mara ORCID:, Petrosini, Laura, Basile, Barbara, Perri, Roberta, Fadda, Lucia, Spano, Barbara, Marra, Camillo, Fiubilei, Franco, Carlesimo, Giovanni A., Caltagrione, Carlo and Bozzali, Marco 2011. Neuroanatomical correlates of cognitive reserve in Alzheimer disease. Rejuvenation Research 14 (2) , pp. 143-151. 10.1089/rej.2010.1103

Sheppard, A. L., Evans, Christopher John ORCID:, Singh, Krish Devi ORCID:, Wolffsohn, J. S., Dunne, M. C. M. and Davies, L. N. 2011. Three-Dimensional Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Phakic Crystalline Lens during Accommodation. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 52 (6) , pp. 3689-3697. 10.1167/iovs.10-6805

Sokunbi, Moses, Staff, R. T., Waiter, G. D., Ahearn, T. S., Fox, H. C., Deary, I. J., Starr, J. M., Whalley, L. J. and Murray, A. D. 2011. Inter-individual differences in fMRI entropy measurements in old age. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 58 (11) , pp. 3206-3214. 10.1109/TBME.2011.2164793

Song, Chen ORCID:, Kanai, Ryota, Fleming, Stephen M., Weil, Rimona S., Schwarzkopf, D. Samuel and Rees, Geraint 2011. Relating inter-individual differences in metacognitive performance on different perceptual tasks. Consciousness and Cognition 20 (4) , pp. 1787-1792. 10.1016/j.concog.2010.12.011

Song, Chen ORCID:, Schwarzkopf, D Samuel and Rees, Geraint 2011. Interocular induction of illusory size perception. BMC Neuroscience 12 (1) , 27. 10.1186/1471-2202-12-27

Song, Chen ORCID:, Schwarzkopf, D. S., Kanai, R. and Rees, G. 2011. Reciprocal anatomical relationship between primary sensory and prefrontal cortices in the human brain. Journal of Neuroscience 31 (26) , pp. 9472-9480. 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0308-11.2011


Varnava, Alice, Stokes, Mark G. and Chambers, Christopher D. ORCID: 2011. Reliability of the 'observation of movement' method for determining motor threshold using transcranial magnetic stimulation. Journal of Neuroscience Methods 201 (2) , pp. 327-332. 10.1016/j.jneumeth.2011.08.016

Vos, Sjoerd B., Jones, Derek K. ORCID:, Viergever, Max A. and Leemans, Alexander 2011. Partial volume effect as a hidden covariate in DTI analyses. NeuroImage 55 (4) , pp. 1566-1576. 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2011.01.048


Wiestler, Tobias, McGonigle, David ORCID: and Diedrichsen, Jörn 2011. Integration of sensory and motor representations of single fingers in the human cerebellum. Journal of Neurophysiology 105 (6) , pp. 3042-3053. 10.1152/jn.00106.2011

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