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Number of items: 61.

Abbott, G. D., Ewbank, G., Edwards, Dianne ORCID: and Wang, G.-Y. 1998. Molecular characterization of some enigmatic Lower Devonian fossils. Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta 62 (8) , pp. 1407-1418. 10.1016/S0016-7037(98)00078-7

Allen, P., Alvin, K., Andrews, J., Batten, D., Chalton, C., Cleevely, R., Ensom, P., Evans, S., Francis, J., Hailwood, E., Harding, I., Horne, D., Hughes, N., Hunt, C., Jarzembowski, E., Jones, Timothy Peter ORCID:, Knox, R., Milner, A., Norman, D., Palmer, C., Parker, A., Patterson, G., Price, G. D., Radley, J., Rawson, P., Ross, A., Rolfe, S., Ruffell, A., Sellwood, B., Sladen, C., Taylor, K., Watson, J., Wright, Victor Paul and Wimbledon, W. 1998. Purbeck-Wealden (early Cretaceous) climates. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association 109 (3) , pp. 197-236. 10.1016/S0016-7878(98)80066-7

Berube, Kelly Ann ORCID:, Jones, Timothy Peter ORCID:, Williamson, B. J. and Richards, Roy J. 1998. Physicochemical characterisation of urban particulate matter [Abstract]. Proceedings of the Royal Microscopical Society 33 (2) , p. 101.

Blenkinsop, Thomas G. ORCID: 1998. Fieldwork: A geologist's memoir of the Kalahari: By Christopher Scholz [Book Review]. Precambrian Research 90 (3-4) , pp. 239-240.

Boschker, H. T. S., Nold, S. C., Wellsbury, P., Bos, D., de Graaf, W., Pel, R., Parkes, Ronald John and Cappenberg, T. E. 1998. Direct linking of microbial populations to specific biogeochemical processes by 13C-labelling of biomarkers. Nature 392 (6678) , pp. 801-805. 10.1038/33900

Boski, T., Pessoa, J., Pedro, P., Thorez, J., Dias, J. M. A. and Hall, Ian Robert ORCID: 1998. Factors governing abundance of hydrolyzable amino acids in the sediments from the N.W. European Continental Margin (47-50 degrees N). Progress in Oceanography 42 (1-4) , pp. 145-164. 10.1016/S0079-6611(98)00032-9

Brandon, A. D., Walker, Richard, Morgan, John W., Norman, Marc D. and Prichard, Hazel Margaret 1998. Coupled 186Os and 187Os evidence for core-mantle interaction. Science 280 (5369) , pp. 1570-1573. 10.1126/science.280.5369.1570

Cherns, Lesley ORCID: 1998. Chelodes and closely related Polyplacophora (Mollusca) from the Silurian of Gotland, Sweden. Palaeontology 41 (3) , pp. 545-573.

Cherns, Lesley ORCID: 1998. Silurian polyplacophora from Gotland, Sweden. Palaeontology 41 (5) , pp. 939-974.

Clift, P. D., MacLeod, Christopher John ORCID:, Tappin, D. R., Wright, D. J. and Bloomer, S. H. 1998. Tectonic controls on sedimentation and diagenesis in the Tonga Trench and forearc, southwest Pacific. Geological Society of America Bulletin 110 (4) , pp. 483-496. 10.1130/0016-7606(1998)110<0483:TCOSAD>2.3.CO;2

Cosca, Michael A., Arculus, Richard J., Pearce, Julian A. and Mitchell, John G. 1998. 40Ar/39Ar and K-Ar geochronological age constraints for the inception and early evolution of the Izu-Bonin - Mariana arc system. The Island Arc 7 (3) , pp. 579-595. 10.1111/j.1440-1738.1998.00211.x

Cragg, Barry Andrew, Law, K. M., Cramp, A. and Parkes, Ronald John 1998. The response of bacterial populations to sapropels in deep sediments of the Eastern Medierranean (Site 969). Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program Scientific Results 160 , pp. 303-307. 10.2973/

Davies, John Huw ORCID: and von Blanckenburg, F. 1998. Thermal controls on slab breakoff and the rise of high-pressure rocks during continental collisions. Hacker, B. and Liou, J. G., eds. When continents collide : Geodynamics and geochemistry of ultrahigh-pressure rocks, Petrology and Structural Geology, vol. 10. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 97-115.

Edwards, Dianne ORCID: 1998. Climate signals in Palaeozoic land plants. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B - Biological Sciences 353 (1365) , pp. 141-157. 10.1098/rstb.1998.0197

Edwards, Dianne ORCID:, Kerp, H. and Hass, H. 1998. Stomata in early land plants: an anatomical and ecophysiological approach. Journal of Experimental Botany 49 (90001) , pp. 255-278. 10.1093/jxb/49.Special_Issue.255

Edwards, Dianne ORCID:, Wellman, C.H. and Axe, Lindsey 1998. The fossil record of early land plants and interrelationships between primitive embryophytes: too little and too late? Bates, Jeff W., Ashton, N. W. and Duckett, Jeffrey G., eds. Bryology for the Twenty-First Century, Leeds: British Bryological Society (Maney Publishing), pp. 15-43.

Gayer, R, Garven, G and Rickard, D ORCID: 1998. Fluid migration and coal-rank development in foreland basins. Geology 26 (8) , pp. 679-682. 10.1130/0091-7613(1998)026<0679:FMACRD>2.3.CO;2

Grimes, S, Rickard, D ORCID:, Hawkesworth, C, van Calsteren, P and Browne, P 1998. A U-Th calcite isochron age from an active geothermal field in New Zealand. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 81 (3-4) , pp. 327-333. 10.1016/S0377-0273(98)00005-5

Hall, Ian Robert ORCID: and McCave, I. N. 1998. Glacial-interglacial variation in organic carbon burial on the slope of the N.W. European Continental Margin (48-50 degrees N). Progress in Oceanography 42 (1-4) , pp. 37-60. 10.1016/S0079-6611(98)00027-5

Hall, Ian Robert ORCID:, McCave, I. N., Chapman, M. R. and Shackleton, N. J. 1998. Coherent deep flow variation in the Iceland and American basins during the last interglacial. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 164 (1-2) , pp. 15-21. 10.1016/S0012-821X(98)00209-X

Hall, Ian Robert ORCID: and Measures, C. I. 1998. The distribution of AI in the IOC stations of the North Atlantic and Norwegian Sea between 52 degrees and 65 degrees North. Marine Chemistry 61 (1-2) , pp. 69-85. 10.1016/S0304-4203(98)00008-5

Housely, David Gareth, Maynard, R., Berube, Kelly Ann ORCID:, Jones, Timothy Peter ORCID:, Pooley, Frederick D. and Richards, Roy J. 1998. Epithelial response to instilled Montserrat and Antigua respirable dusts and their major mineral components [Abstract]. Respiratory Medicine 92 (11) , A22. 10.1016/S0954-6111(98)90233-5

Jones, Timothy Peter ORCID:, Berube, Kelly Ann ORCID: and Williamson, B. J. 1998. The microscopy of fossil soot: ancient PM10s. Proceedings of the Royal Microscopical Society 33 (2) , pp. 112-113.

Kemp, Alan E. S., Pearce, Richard B., Pike, Jennifer ORCID: and Marshall, J. E. A. 1998. Microfabric and microcompositional studies of Pliocene and Quaternary sapropels from the Eastern Mediterranean. Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program Scientific Results 160 , pp. 349-364. 10.2973/

Kent, R. W., Thomson, B. A., Skelhorn, R. R., Kerr, Andrew Craig ORCID:, Norry, M. J. and Walsh, J. N. 1998. Emplacement of Hebridean Tertiary flood basalts: evidence from an inflated pahoehoe lava flow on Mull, Scotland. Journal of the Geological Society 155 (4) , pp. 599-607. 10.1144/gsjgs.155.4.0599

Kerr, Andrew Craig ORCID: 1998. Mineral chemistry of the Mull-Morvern Tertiary lava succession, western Scotland. Mineralogical Magazine 62 (3) , pp. 295-312.

Kerr, Andrew Craig ORCID: 1998. Oceanic plateau formation: a cause of mass extinction and black shale deposition around the Cenomanian-Turonian boundary? Journal of the Geological Society 155 (4) , pp. 619-626. 10.1144/gsjgs.155.4.0619

Kerr, Andrew Craig ORCID: 1998. On the nature of the parental magma of the Palaeogene Staffa Magma sub-type, Isle of Mull, Scotland. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh - Earth Sciences 89 , pp. 87-93.

Kerr, Andrew Craig ORCID: and Kent, R. W. 1998. Discussion on application of palynological data to the chronology of the Palaeogene lava fields of the British Province. Journal of the Geological Society 155 (4) , pp. 733-735. 10.1144/gsjgs.155.4.0733

Kerr, Andrew Craig ORCID:, Tarney, J., Nivia, A., Marriner, G. F. and Saunders, A. D. 1998. The internal structure of oceanic plateaus: inferences from obducted Cretaceous terranes in western Colombia and the Caribbean. Tectonophysics 292 (3-4) , pp. 173-188.

Keskin, M, Pearce, Julian A. and Mitchell, J. 1998. Volcano-stratigraphy and geochemistry of collision-related volcanism on the Erzurum–Kars Plateau, northeastern Turkey. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 85 (1-4) , pp. 355-404. 10.1016/s0377-0273(98)00063-8

Leake, Bernard Elgey 1998. Widespread secondary Ca garnets and other Ca silicates in the Galway Granite and its satellite plutons, caused by fluid movements, W. Ireland. Mineralogical Magazine 62 (3) , pp. 381-386.

Lisle, Richard John 1998. Simple graphical constructions for the direction of shear. Journal of Structural Geology 20 (7) , pp. 969-973. 10.1016/S0191-8141(98)00018-2

Lord, R. A. and Prichard, Hazel Margaret 1998. Exploration and origin of stratigraphically controlled PGE mineralisation in crustal sequence ultramafics, Shetland ophiolite complex. Transactions of the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy. Section B: Applied Earth Science 106 , B179-B193.

Maier, W. D. ORCID: and Barnes, S. -J. 1998. Concentrations of rare earth elements in silicate rocks of the Lower, Critical, and Main Zones of the Bushveld Complex. Chemical Geology 150 (1-2) , pp. 85-103. 10.1016/S0009-2541(98)00054-0

Maier, Wolfgang ORCID: and Barnes, Sarah-Jane 1998. Exploration for magmatic Ni-Cu-PGE sulphide deposits: a review of recent advances in the use of geochemical tools, and their application to some South African ores. South African Journal of Geology 101 (3) , pp. 237-253.

Mumm, A. S., Oberthur, T., Vetter, U. and Blenkinsop, Thomas G. ORCID: 1998. High CO2 content of fluid inclusions in gold mineralisations in the Ashanti Belt, Ghana: a new category of ore forming fluids? a reply. Mineralium Deposita 33 (3) , pp. 320-322. 10.1007/s001260050152

Overmann, Jörg, Tuschak, Christian, Fröstl, Jürgen M. and Sass, Henrik ORCID: 1998. The ecological niche of the consortium " Pelochromatium roseum ". Archives of Microbiology 169 (2) , pp. 120-128. 10.1007/s002030050551

Palmer, M. R., Pearson, Paul Nicholas ORCID: and Cobb, S. J. 1998. Reconstructing past ocean pH-depth profiles. Science 282 (5393) , pp. 1468-1471. 10.1126/science.282.5393.1468

Parkinson, Ian J. and Pearce, Julian A. 1998. Peridotites from the Izu-Bonin-Mariana Forearc (ODP Leg 125): Evidence for Mantle Melting and Melt-Mantle Interaction in a Supra-Subduction Zone Setting. Journal of Petrology 39 (9) , pp. 1577-1618. 10.1093/petroj/39.9.1577

Pearce, Richard B., Kemp, Alan E. S., Koizumi, I., Pike, Jennifer ORCID:, Cramp, Adrian and Rowland, S. J. 1998. A lamina-scale, SEM-based study of a late Quaternary diatom-ooze sapropel from the Mediterranean Ridge, Site 971. Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program Scientific Results 160 , pp. 333-348. 10.2973/

Pearson, Paul Nicholas ORCID: 1998. Speciation and extinction asymmetries in paleontological phylogenies: evidence for evolutionary progress? Paleobiology -Chicago- 24 (3) , pp. 305-335.

Peate, David W. and Pearce, Julian A. 1998. Causes of spatial compositional variations in Mariana arc lavas: Trace element evidence. The Island Arc 7 (3) , pp. 479-495. 10.1111/j.1440-1738.1998.00205.x

Prichard, Hazel Margaret and Maliotis, G. 1998. Gold mineralization associated with low-temperature, off-axis, fluid activity in the Troodos ophiolite, Cyprus. Journal of the Geological Society 155 (2) , pp. 223-231. 10.1144/gsjgs.155.2.0223

Rieley, Gareth, Teece, Mark A., Peakman, Torren M., Raven, Anthony M., Greene, Kirstie J., Clarke, Timothy P., Murray, Martin, Lettley, John W., Campbell, Catherine N., Harris, Roger P., Parkes, Ronald John and Maxwell, James R. 1998. Long-chain alkenes of the haptophytes Isochrysis galbana and Emiliania huxleyi. Lipids 33 (6) , pp. 617-625. 10.1007/s11745-998-0248-0

Sass, Henrik ORCID:, Berchtold, Manfred, Branke, Jürgen, König, Helmut, Cypionka, Heribert and Babenzien, Hans-Dietrich 1998. Psychrotolerant sulfate-reducing bacteria from an oxic freshwater sediment, description of Desulfovibrio cuneatus sp. nov. and Desulfovibrio litoralis sp. nov. Systematic and Applied Microbiology 21 (2) , pp. 212-219.

Sass, Henrik ORCID:, Wieringa, Elze, Cypionka, Heribert, Babenzien, Hans-Dietrich and Overmann, Jörg 1998. High genetic and physiological diversity of sulfate-reducing bacteria isolated from an oligotrophic lake sediment. Archives of Microbiology 170 (4) , pp. 243-251. 10.1007/s002030050639

Searle, R. C., Cowie, P. A., Mitchell, Neil Charles, Allerton, S., MacLeod, Christopher John ORCID:, Escartin, J., Russell, S. M., Slootweg, P. A. and Tanaka, T. 1998. Fault structure and detailed evolution of a slow spreading ridge segment: the Mid-Atlantic Ridge at 29 degrees N. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 154 (1-4) , pp. 167-183. 10.1016/S0012-821X(97)00160-X

Shorrock, Christopher and Lisle, Richard John 1998. Datacon: A QuickBasic program to reformat orientation data from faults. Computers & Geosciences 24 (6) , pp. 585-590. 10.1016/S0098-3004(98)00056-9

Smith, Hance D ORCID: and Pinder, David 1998. Geostrategy, naval power, and naval port systems. Marine Policy 21 (4) , pp. 291-308. 10.1016/S0308-597X(97)00026-2

Srivastava, Deepak Chandra, Lisle, Richard John, Imran, M. and Kandpal, R. 1998. The kink band triangle: a triangular plot for palaeostress analysis from kink bands. Journal of Structural Geology 20 (11) , pp. 1579-1586. 10.1016/S0191-8141(98)00051-0

Teece, M. A., Getliff, J. M., Leftley, J. W., Parkes, Ronald John and Maxwell, J. R. 1998. Microbial degradation of the marine prymnesiophyte Emiliania huxleyi under oxic and anoxic conditions as a model for early diagenesis: long chain alkadienes, alkenones and alkyl alkenoates. Organic Geochemistry 29 (4) , pp. 863-880. 10.1016/S0146-6380(98)00145-4

Telling, J. P., Cragg, Barry Andrew, Rhodes, J., Palmer, M. R. and Parkes, Ronald John 1998. Preliminary findings on the microbiology of low temperature diagenesis in hydrothermal metalliferous sediments. Mineralogical Magazine 62A (3) , pp. 1500-1501. 10.1180/minmag.1998.62A.3.121

Theberge, S.M., Luther, G.W. and Rickard, D.T. ORCID: 1998. Determination of the size and mass of zinc sulfide clusters in aqueous solution. Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society 216 , U890.

Vallega, Abalberto, Smith, Hance D. ORCID: and Augustinius, Pieter G. E. F. 1998. Geography, oceans and coasts: towards sustainable development. [Geography, oceans and coasts: towards sustainable development]. 10.5962/bhl.title.68439

Van Weering, T. C. E., Hall, Ian Robert ORCID:, De Stigter, H. C., McCave, I. N. and Thomsen, L. 1998. Recent sediments, sediment accumulation and carbon burial at Goban Spur, N.W. European Continental Margin (47-50 degrees N). Progress in Oceanography 42 (1-4) , pp. 5-35. 10.1016/S0079-6611(98)00026-3

Van Weering, T. C. E., McCave, I. N. and Hall, Ian Robert ORCID: 1998. Ocean Margin Exchange (OMEX I) benthic processes study [Preface]. Progress in Oceanography 42 (1-4) , pp. 1-4. 10.1016/S0079-6611(98)00025-1

Wadge, G., Benaouda, D., Ferrier, G., Whitmarsh, R.B., Rothwell, R.G. and MacLeod, Christopher ORCID: 1998. Lithological classification within ODP holes using neural networks trained from integrated core-log data. Geological Society, London, Special Publications 136 (1) , pp. 129-140. 10.1144/GSL.SP.1998.136.01.11

Wellman, C. H., Edwards, Dianne ORCID: and Axe, Lindsey 1998. Permanent dyads in sporangia and spore masses from the Lower Devonian of the Welsh Borderland. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 127 (2) , pp. 117-147. 10.1111/j.1095-8339.1998.tb02092.x

Wellman, C. H., Edwards, Dianne ORCID: and Axe, Lindsey 1998. Ultrastructure of laevigate hilate spores in sporangia and spore masses from the Upper Silurian and Lower Devonian of the Welsh Borderland. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London Series B - Biological Sciences 353 (1378) , pp. 1983-2004.

Wellman, C. H., Thomas, R. G., Edwards, Dianne ORCID: and Kenrick, P. 1998. The Cosheston Group (Lower Old Red Sandstone) in southwest Wales: age, correlation and palaeobotanical significance. Geological Magazine 135 (3) , pp. 397-412. 10.1017/S0016756898008723

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