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Number of items: 13.

Beck, Konrad ORCID: and Peters, Reiner 1985. Translational diffusion and phase separation in phospholipid monolayers: A fluorescence microphotolysis study. Bailey, Peter M. and Dale, Robert E., eds. Spectroscopy and the dynamics of molecular biological systems, London: Academic Press, pp. 177-196.

Campbell, A. K., Hallett, Maurice Bartlett ORCID: and Weeks, Ian ORCID: 1985. Chemiluminescence as an analytical tool in cell biology and medicine. Glick, D., ed. Methods in biochemical analysis, Vol. 31. New York: Wiley, pp. 317-416. (10.1002/9780470110522.ch7)

Charles, Brown Herbert and Smith, Keith 1985. Hydroboration. Grayson, M., Eckroth, D., Kirk, R. E. and Othmer, D. F., eds. Kirk-Othmer Concise Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology, New York: Wiley, pp. 612-615.

Collins, Harold Maurice ORCID: 1985. The medical literature: obviating ignorance or creating knowledge? Brittain, Michael, ed. Consensus and Penalties for Ignorance in the Medical Sciences - Implications for Information Transfer,, London: Taylor Graham,, pp. 148-159.

Collins, Harold Maurice ORCID:, Draper, R.C. and Green, R. H. 1985. Where's the expertise: expert systems as a medium of knowledge transfer. Merry, M. J., ed. Expert Systems 85, Cambridge University Press, pp. 323-334.

Dormer, Robert Leslie, Hallett, Maurice Bartlett ORCID: and Campbell, A. K. 1985. Measurement of intracellular free calcium: Importance during activation and injury of small cells. Parrat, J. R., ed. Control and manipulation of calcium movements: a Biological Council symposium, New York: Raven Press, pp. 1-27.

Haddock, Bruce 1985. Pareto, Vilfredo (1848-1923). Kruper, Adam and Kruper, Jessica, eds. The Social Science Encyclopedia, London: Routledge, pp. 571-572.

Milesi, Laurent ORCID: 1985. L'idiome babélien de Finnegans Wake: Recherches thématiques dans une perspective génétique. Jacquet, Claude, ed. Genèse de Babel: Joyce et la création, Paris: Editions du Centre national de la recherche scientifique, pp. 155-215.

Nicholson, Paul Thomas ORCID: 1985. Sheffield University archaeological expedition to Egypt 1984: The Ballâs Pottery Project. Winser, N. and Winser, S., eds. Expedition Yearbook 1984, Royal Geographical Society, pp. 53-54.

Nicholson, Paul Thomas ORCID: and Rose, P. J. 1985. Pottery fabrics and ware groups at el-Amarna. Kemp, B. J., ed. Amarna Reports II, Egypt Exploration Society, pp. 133-174.

Prichard, Hazel Margaret 1985. The Shetland Ophiolite. Gee, D. G. and Sturt, B. A., eds. The Caledonide Orogen: Scandinavia and related areas, Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 1173-1184.

Tansley, Katherine and Erichsen, Jonathan Thor ORCID: 1985. Vision. Campbell, Bruce and Lack, Elizabeth, eds. A Dictionary of Birds, Calton: T & A D Poyser, pp. 623-629.

Watson, Alan 1985. The synaptic basis for the integration of local reflexes in the locust. Feedback and Motor Control in Invertebrates and Vertebrates, Springer, pp. 231-250. (10.1007/978-94-011-7084-0_15)

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