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Crystal structure of DegP (HtrA) reveals a new protease-chaperone machine

Krojer, Tobias, Garrido-Franco, Marta, Huber, Robert, Ehrmann, Michael ORCID: and Clausen, Tim 2002. Crystal structure of DegP (HtrA) reveals a new protease-chaperone machine. Nature Nature , pp. 455-459. 10.1038/416455a

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Molecular chaperones and proteases monitor the folded state of other proteins. In addition to recognizing non-native conformations, these quality control factors distinguish substrates that can be refolded from those that need to be degraded1. To investigate the molecular basis of this process, we have solved the crystal structure of DegP (also known as HtrA), a widely conserved heat shock protein that combines refolding and proteolytic activities2. The DegP hexamer is formed by staggered association of trimeric rings. The proteolytic sites are located in a central cavity that is only accessible laterally. The mobile sidewalls are constructed by twelve PDZ domains, which mediate the opening and closing of the particle and probably the initial binding of substrate. The inner cavity is lined by several hydrophobic patches that may act as docking sites for unfolded polypeptides. In the chaperone conformation, the protease domain of DegP exists in an inactive state, in which substrate binding in addition to catalysis is abolished.

Item Type: Article
Date Type: Publication
Status: Published
Schools: Biosciences
ISSN: 0028-0836
Last Modified: 17 Oct 2022 08:47

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