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Increased nutritional quality of rice grains and migration mechanisms of selenium by spraying a foliar selenium-rich nutrient solution

Zhang, Xiaorong, Li, Wenshuan, Gong, Zongqiang, Ludlow, Richard A., Xiao, Mei, Zhao, Bin, Li, Xiaojun, Jia, Chunyun, Li, Peijun and Liu, Wan 2024. Increased nutritional quality of rice grains and migration mechanisms of selenium by spraying a foliar selenium-rich nutrient solution. Journal of Plant Nutrition 47 (9) , pp. 1347-1363. 10.1080/01904167.2024.2310572

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Foliar application of selenium (Se) is an effective method for biofortificationin rice, to ensure that sufficient Se is supplied by the crop to maintainhuman health. In order to improve Se concentration in rice and meet thedaily recommended intake for humans, a foliar Se fertilizer was applied infive regions of Liaoning and Jilin provinces, China, and its effects on ricequality, leaf morphology, and wax characteristics were assessed in fieldtests. The effects of alkyl polyglycosides (APG) in the Se fertilizer were eval-uated, and epicuticular waxes were measured to analyze the effects of thefertilizer on plant water status. The Se fertilizer effectively enhancedorganic Se levels in rice (p < 0.05), ranging from 599.8 to 2002.0 mg kg−1.An intake of 50 g d−1 of Se-enriched rice can meet nutritional require-ments, with total Se intake ranging from 30.0 to 100.1 mg d−1. The Se fertil-izer increased the protein content and decreased the proportion of chalkyrice (p < 0.05). APG increased the wettability of Se fertilizer on the surfaceof leaves, so Se could be better absorbed into the leaves and accumulatein rice. The Se fertilizer increased the epicuticular wax so that moisture lossfrom leaves was reduced. Mean cuticular wax thicknesses were 2.36 and2.25 mg cm2 in Daohuaxiang and Wuyou 4, respectively. These results sug-gest a link between the quality of rice and epicuticular wax thickness, andthe foliar application of Se fertilizer shows promise for increasing Se con-tent in rice grown in Se deficient soils

Item Type: Article
Date Type: Published Online
Status: Published
Schools: Biosciences
Publisher: Taylor and Francis Group
ISSN: 0190-4167
Date of Acceptance: 11 September 2023
Last Modified: 11 Oct 2024 15:00

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