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Eluned Morgan y los 'Hijos del Sol'

James, E. Wyn 2014. Eluned Morgan y los 'Hijos del Sol'. Gavirati, Marcelo and Coronato, Fernando, eds. Los Galeses en la Patagonia VI, Los Galeses en la Patagonia, vol. VI. Translated from the original by Brooks, Walter. Puerto Madryn, Chubut, Argentina: Asociación Punta Cuevas, Asociación Cultural Galesa de Puerto Madryn & Centro de Estudios Históricos y Sociales de Puerto Madryn, pp. 267-286.

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Item Type: Book Section
Date Type: Publication
Status: Published
Schools: Schools > Welsh
Subjects: F History United States, Canada, Latin America > F1201 Latin America (General)
G Geography. Anthropology. Recreation > GN Anthropology
P Language and Literature > PB Modern European Languages > PB1001 Celtic languages and literature
Language other than English: Spanish
Publisher: Asociación Punta Cuevas, Asociación Cultural Galesa de Puerto Madryn & Centro de Estudios Históricos y Sociales de Puerto Madryn
ISBN: 9789872457754
Last Modified: 14 Apr 2022 10:04

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