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Number of items: 102.

Vigna, Elisa, Meek, Andrea and Beyer, Stephen ORCID: 2024. Supported employment, quality of jobs and employment typicalness: The experience of the Engage to Change project. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities 37 (3) , e13226. 10.1111/jar.13226

Vigna, Elisa, Meek, Andrea and Beyer, Stephen ORCID: 2024. The impact of COVID‐19 pandemic on jobs for people with intellectual disabilities and autism in Wales. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities 37 (2) , e13194. 10.1111/jar.13194

Vigna, Elisa, Beyer, Stephen ORCID: and Meek, Andrea 2023. A demographic and qualitative analysis of the determinants of success in a National Supported Employment project. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities 36 (4) , pp. 787-795. 10.1111/jar.13094

Caton, Sue, Bradshaw, Jill, Gillooly, Amanda, Hatton, Chris, Flynn, Samantha, Oloidi, Edward, Jahoda, Andrew, Maguire, Roseann, Marriott, Anna, Mulhall, Peter, Taggart, Laurence, Todd, Stuart, Abbott, David, Beyer, Stephen ORCID:, Gore, Nick, Heslop, Pauline, Scior, Katrina and Hastings, Richard P. 2023. Digital participation of people with profound and multiple learning disabilities during the Covid‐19 pandemic in the UK. British Journal of Learning Disabilities 51 (2) , pp. 163-174. 10.1111/bld.12501

Caton, Sue, Hatton, Chris, Gillooly, Amanda, Oloidi, Edward, Clarke, Libby, Bradshaw, Jill, Flynn, Samantha, Taggart, Laurence, Mulhall, Peter, Jahoda, Andrew, Maguire, Roseann, Marriott, Anna, Todd, Stuart, Abbott, David, Beyer, Stephen ORCID:, Gore, Nick, Heslop, Pauline, Scior, Katrina and Hastings, Richard P 2022. Online social connections and Internet use among people with intellectual disabilities in the United Kingdom during the COVID-19 pandemic. New Media and Society 26 (5) , pp. 2804-2828. 10.1177/14614448221093762

Hatton, C., Bailey, T., Bradshaw, J., Caton, S., Flynn, S., Gillooly, A., Jahoda, A., Maguire, R., Marriott, A., Mulhall, P., Oloidi, E., Taggart, L., Todd, S., Abbott, D., Beyer, S. ORCID:, Gore, N., Heslop, P., Scior, K. and Hastings, R. P. 2021. The willingness of UK adults with intellectual disabilities to take COVID-19 vaccines. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research 65 (11) , pp. 949-961. 10.1111/jir.12884

Robertson, Janet, Beyer, Steve ORCID:, Emerson, Eric, Baines, Susannah and Hatton, Chris 2019. The association between employment and the health of people with intellectual disabilities: A systematic review. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities 32 (6) , pp. 1335-1348. 10.1111/jar.12632

Beyer, Stephen ORCID: 2017. Economic impact of inclusion in the open labour market for persons with disabilities. Éditions universitaires européennes.

Beyer, Stephen ORCID: and Beyer, Annie 2017. A systematic review of the literature on the benefits for employers of employing people with learning disabilities. [Technical Report]. Mencap. Available at:

Beyer, Stephen Richard ORCID: 2016. Commentary on 'Employment for all: United States disability policy'. Tizard Learning Disability Review 21 (3) , pp. 162-164. 10.1108/TLDR-04-2016-0013

Beyer, Stephen ORCID:, Meek, Andrea and Davies, Amy 2016. Supported work experience and its impact on young people with intellectual disabilities, their families and employers. Advances in Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities 10 (3) , pp. 207-220. 10.1108/AMHID-05-2014-0015

Davies, A., Beyer, Stephen ORCID: and Meek, Andrea 2014. Age peer supported work experience and apprenticeship and their impact on young people with intellectual disabilities, peers and employers. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities 27 (4) , p. 372.

Beyer, Stephen Richard ORCID:, Meek, Andrea Janine and Davies, A. 2014. Supported work experience and its impact on young people with intellectual disabilities and their families [Abstract]. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities 27 (4) , p. 372. 10.1111/jar.12101

Meek, Andrea Janine, Vigna, Elisa and Beyer, Stephen Richard ORCID: 2014. Evaluation of the inclusion of teenagers and young adults with ID within the real opportunities project in Wales [Poster]. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities 27 (4) , p. 399. 10.1111/jar.12096

Kaehne, Axel and Beyer, Stephen Richard ORCID: 2014. Person-centred reviews as a mechanism for planning the post-school transition of young people with intellectual disability. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research 58 (7) , pp. 603-613. 10.1111/jir.12058

Kaehne, Axel and Beyer, Stephen Richard ORCID: 2013. Supported employment for young people with intellectual disabilities facilitated through peer support: A pilot study. Journal of Intellectual Disabilities 17 (3) , pp. 236-251. 10.1177/1744629513495265

Beyer, Stephen Richard ORCID: and Perry, Jonathan 2013. Promoting independence through the use of assistive technology. Tizard Learning Disability Review 18 (4) , pp. 179-185. 10.1108/TLDR-03-2013-0028

Vigna, Elisa, Beyer, Stephen Richard ORCID: and Kerr, Michael Patrick 2012. Supported employment agency as mediator for people with intellectual disabilities health: results from a qualitative study [Abstract]. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research 56 (7-8) , p. 711. 10.1111/j.1365-2788.2012.01583_6.x

Kaehne, Axel and Beyer, Stephen Richard ORCID: 2012. Does person-centred planning facilitate good transition planning for young people leaving school? [Abstract]. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research 56 (7-8) , p. 709. 10.1111/j.1365-2788.2012.01583_6.x

Vigna, Elisa, Kerr, Michael Patrick, Jordán de Urríes, F. B., Verdugo, M. A. and Beyer, Stephen Richard ORCID: 2012. Cross cultural study on the role of supported employment agencies in promoting the health of People with intellectual disabilities: a comparison between the UK and Spain [Abstract]. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research 56 (7-8) , p. 716. 10.1111/j.1365-2788.2012.01583_6.x

Beyer, Stephen Richard ORCID:, Kaehne, Axel, Gould, S. and Carr, J. 2012. Outcomes and cost: benefit of transition from college to employment: the ROSE Project [Abstract]. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research 56 (7-8) , p. 713. 10.1111/j.1365-2788.2012.01583_6.x

Beyer, Stephen Richard ORCID: 2012. The impact of agency organisation and natural support on supported employment outcomes. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation 36 (2) , pp. 109-119. 10.3233/JVR-2012-0586

Perry, Jonathan and Beyer, Stephen Richard ORCID: 2012. Ethical issues around telecare: The views of people with intellectual disabilities and people with dementia. Journal of Assistive Technologies 6 (1) , pp. 71-75. 10.1108/17549451211214382

Beyer, Stephen Richard ORCID: 2012. The progress towards integrated employment in the UK. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation 37 , pp. 185-194. 10.3233/jvr-120613

Beyer, Stephen Richard ORCID: and Kaehne, Axel 2011. Getting a life: professional views of its effectiveness and employment outcomes. [Project Report]. Cardiff: Welsh Centre for Learning Disabilities, Cardiff University. Available at:

Melling, Kathy, Beyer, Stephen Richard ORCID: and Kilsby, Mark Stephen 2011. Supported employment for people with learning disabilities in the UK: the last 15 years. Tizard Learning Disability Review 16 (2) , pp. 23-32. 10.5042/tldr.2011.0165

Kaehne, Axel and Beyer, Stephen Richard ORCID: 2011. 'Stroppy' or 'confident'? Do carers and professionals view the impact of transition support on young people differently? British Journal of Learning Disabilities 39 (2) , pp. 154-160. 10.1111/j.1468-3156.2010.00642.x

Beyer, Stephen Richard ORCID:, de Borja Jordan de Urries, Francisco and Angel Verdugo, Miguel 2010. A comparative study of the situation of supported employment in Europe. Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities 7 (2) , pp. 130-136.

Vigna, Elisa, Beyer, Stephen Richard ORCID: and Kerr, Michael Patrick 2010. The role of supported employment agencies in promoting health of people with ID [Abstract]. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities 23 (5) , p. 447. 10.1111/j.1468-3148.2010.00584.x

Perry, Jonathan, Beyer, Stephen Richard ORCID: and Felce, David John 2010. Assistive technology and telecare: cost, quality of life and ethics [Abstract]. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities 23 (5) , p. 489. 10.1111/j.1468-3148.2010.00588.x

Beyer, Stephen Richard ORCID: 2010. Using a cost: benefit framework for supported employment policy and practice: an analysis of two UK agencies [Abstract]. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disability 23 (5) , p. 447. 10.1111/j.1468-3148.2010.00584.x

Beyer, Stephen Richard ORCID: and Perry, Jonathan 2010. An ethical code of practice for the use of telecare. London: Social Care Institute for Excellence.

Beyer, Stephen Richard ORCID:, Brown, Anthony, Akandi, Rachel and Rapley, Mark 2010. A comparison of quality of life outcomes for people with intellectual disabilities in supported employment, day services and employment enterprises. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities 23 (3) , pp. 290-295. 10.1111/j.1468-3148.2009.00534.x

Kaehne, Axel and Beyer, Stephen Richard ORCID: 2009. 'Views of professionals on aims and outcomes of transition for young people with learning disabilities'. British Journal of Learning Disabilities 37 (2) , pp. 138-144. 10.1111/j.1468-3156.2008.00534.x

Kaehne, Axel and Beyer, Stephen Richard ORCID: 2009. Transition partnerships: the views of education professionals and staff in support services for young people with learning disabilities. British Journal of Special Education 36 (2) , pp. 112-119. 10.1111/j.1467-8578.2009.00427.x

Beyer, Stephen Richard ORCID: and Robinson, Carol 2009. A review of the research literature on supported employment: a report for the cross-Government learning disability employment strategy team. [Project Report]. London: Department of Health. Available at:

Kaehne, A. and Beyer, Stephen Richard ORCID: 2009. Mind the Gap. Learning Disability Today

Perry, Jonathan, Beyer, Stephen Richard ORCID: and Holm, Soren 2009. Assistive technology, telecare and people with intellectual disabilities: ethical considerations. Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (2) , pp. 81-86. 10.1136/jme.2008.024588

Perry, Jonathan and Beyer, Stephen Richard ORCID: 2009. The impact on objective quality of life outcomes of assistive technology in residential services for people with learning disabilities. Journal of Assistive Technologies 3 (1) , pp. 5-14. 10.1108/17549450200900002

Beyer, Stephen Richard ORCID: 2009. A review of the literature on the ethical issues associated with assistive technology. London: Social Care Institute for Excellence.

Beyer, Stephen Richard ORCID: 2009. Evaluation of the London Borough of Newham Employment Initiative: Final evaluation report. London, UK: Department of Health Valuing People Support Team.

Beyer, Stephen Richard ORCID: 2009. Scoping study on existing courses and qualifications for job coaches. London, UK: Department of Health, Valuing Employment Now Team.

Barnard, Steve and Beyer, Stephen Richard ORCID: 2009. Barriers to using personalised technology with people with learning disabilities. Journal of Assistive Technologies 3 (3) , pp. 50-57. 10.1108/17549450200900025

Beyer, Stephen Richard ORCID: 2008. Transition and employment support for young people with ID in school or college in the UK [Abstract]. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research 52 (8-9) , p. 688. 10.1111/j.1365-2788.2008.01087.x

Beyer, Stephen Richard ORCID: 2008. An evaluation of the outcomes of supported employment in North Lanarkshire (2007). Motherwell: North Lanarkshire Social Work Service. Available at:

Beyer, Stephen Richard ORCID:, Kaehne, Axel, Grey, Jillian Mary, Sheppard, Kim and Meek, Andrea Janine 2008. What works?: Transition to employment for young people with learning disabilities. Chippenham: Shaw Trust. Available at:

Beyer, Stephen Richard ORCID:, Kaehne, Axel, Grey, Jillian Mary, Sheppard, Kim and Meek, Andrea Janine 2008. What works? – Transition to employment for young people with learning disabilities. Full report. Chippenham: Shaw Trust.

Beyer, Stephen Richard ORCID:, Kaehne, Axel, Grey, Jillian Mary, Sheppard, Kim and Meek, Andrea Janine 2008. What works? – Good practice in transition to employment for young people with learning disabilities. Chippenham: Shaw Trust.

Beyer, Stephen Richard ORCID:, Kaehne, Axel, Grey, Jillian Mary, Sheppard, Kim and Meek, Andrea Janine 2008. What works? – A guide for young people with learning difficulties in moving towards employment. Chippenham: Shaw Trust. Available at:

Beyer, Stephen Richard ORCID:, Perry, Jonathan and Meek, Andrea Janine 2008. A guide to implementing assistive technology for people with learning disabilities. A product of the TATE project. Bristol: Home Farm Trust. Available at:

Beyer, Stephen Richard ORCID:, Kilsby, Mark Stephen, Meek, Andrea Janine and Perry, Jonathan 2008. The TATE Project: an evaluation. Bristol: Home Farm Trust. Available at:

Beyer, Stephen Richard ORCID:, Meek, Andrea Janine, Kilsby, Mark Stephen and Perry, Jonathan 2008. The TATE [Through Assistive Technology to Employment] Project: Outcomes of the TATE Project for people with learning disabilities and staff. Journal of Assistive Technologies 2 (3) , pp. 57-65. 10.1108/17549450200800030

Beyer, Stephen Richard ORCID: and Kaehne, Axel 2008. The transition of young people with learning disabilities to employment: What works? Journal on Developmental Disabilities 14 (1) , pp. 85-94.

Kaehne, Axel and Beyer, Stephen Richard ORCID: 2008. Carer perspectives on the transition of young people with learning disabilities to employment. Journal on Developmental Disabilities 14 (1) , pp. 95-104.

Beyer, Stephen Richard ORCID:, Meek, Andrea Janine and Kaehne, A 2006. Policy perspectives of different agencies in the transition from education to employment [Conference Material]. Journal of Applied Research and Intellectual Disabilities 19 (3) , p. 270. 10.1111/j.1468-3148.2006.00324_1.x

Beyer, Stephen Richard ORCID: and Kaehne, Axel 2006. Models of transition support. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities 19 (3) , pp. 227-230. 10.1111/j.1468-3148.2006.00322_1.x

Grey, Jillian Mary, Kaehne, Axel and Beyer, Stephen Richard ORCID: 2006. Parental views of transition from education to employment [Abstract]. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities 19 (3) , p. 271. 10.1111/j.1468-3148.2006.00324_1.x

Beyer, Stephen Richard ORCID:, Grove, Bob, Schneider, Justine, Simons, Ken and Williams, Val 2004. The role of supported employment (SE) in the modernisation of day centres in the UK. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research 48 , p. 402.

Beyer, Stephen Richard ORCID:, Thornton, P and Thomas, J 2004. The impact of job coaching on the UK Supported Employment Programme. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research 48 , p. 402.

Kilsby, Mark Stephen, Bennert, Kristina and Beyer, Stephen Richard ORCID: 2002. Measuring and reducing acquiescence in vocational profiling procedures for first time job-seekers with mental retardation. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation 17 (4) , pp. 287-299.

Kilsby, Mark Stephen and Beyer, Stephen Richard ORCID: 2002. Enhancing self-determination in job matching in supported employment for people with learning disabilities - an intervention study. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation 17 (2) , pp. 125-135.

Chadsey, Janis and Beyer, Stephen Richard ORCID: 2001. Social relationships in the workplace. Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities Research Reviews 7 (2) , pp. 128-133. 10.1002/mrdd.1018

Beyer, Stephen Richard ORCID: and Kilsby, Mark Stephen 2000. Impact of agency organization on supported employment effectiveness [Abstract]. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research 44 (3-4) , pp. 207-208. 10.1046/j.1365-2788.2000.d01-124.x

Shearn, Julia, Beyer, Stephen Richard ORCID: and Felce, David John 2000. The cost-effectiveness of supported employment for people with severe intellectual disabilities and high support needs: a pilot study. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities 13 (1) , pp. 29-37. 10.1046/j.1468-3148.2000.00005.x

Todd, Stuart Philip, Felce, David John, Beyer, Stephen Richard ORCID:, Shearn, Julia, Perry, Jonathan and Kilsby, Mark Stephen 2000. Strategic planning and progress under the All Wales Strategy: reflecting the perceptions of stakeholders. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research 44 (1) , pp. 31-44. 10.1046/j.1365-2788.2000.00248.x

Beyer, Stephen Richard ORCID: and Kilsby, Mark Stephen 2000. Impact of agency organization on supported employment effectiveness. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities 44 , pp. 207-208. 10.1046/j.1468-3148.2000.00005.x

Beyer, Stephen Richard ORCID:, Hill-Tout, J., Adams, D., Johanson-Brown, S., Davies, H. and Shiers, B. 2000. Into work: Stockport Employment Services Horizon Project: final evaluation report. [Project Report]. Stockport, UK: Stockport Borough Council.

Walsh, Patricia Noonan, Mank, David, Beyer, Stephen Richard ORCID:, McDonald, Rebecca and O'Bryan, Ann 1999. Continuous Quality Improvement in supported employment: a European perspective. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation 12 (3) , pp. 165-174.

Beyer, Stephen Richard ORCID:, Kilsby, Mark Stephen and Shearn, Julia 1999. The organisation and outcomes of supported employment in Britain. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation 12 (3) , pp. 137-146.

Walsh, P. N. and Beyer, Stephen Richard ORCID: 1999. Guest Editors' Introduction [Editorial]. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation 12 , pp. 127-129.

Beyer, Stephen Richard ORCID: and Kilsby, Mark Stephen 1998. Financial costs and benefits of two supported employment agencies in Wales. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities 11 (4) , pp. 303-319. 10.1111/j.1468-3148.1998.tb00039.x

Rapley, Mark and Beyer, Stephen Richard ORCID: 1998. Daily activity, community participation and Quality of Life in an ordinary housing network: a two-year follow-up. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities 11 (1) , pp. 34-43. 10.1111/j.1468-3148.1998.tb00032.x

Perry, Jonathan, Beyer, Stephen Richard ORCID:, Felce, David John and Todd, Stuart Philip 1998. Strategic service change: development of core services in Wales, 1983-1995. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities 11 (1) , pp. 15-33. 10.1111/j.1468-3148.1998.tb00031.x

Rapley, M., Ridgway, J. and Beyer, Stephen Richard ORCID: 1998. Staff: staff and staff: client reliability of the Schalock & Keith (1993) Quality of Life Questionnaire. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research 42 (1) , pp. 37-42. 10.1046/j.1365-2788.1998.00066.x

Beyer, Stephen Richard ORCID: and Felce, David John 1997. Making progress together: The interplay between research and services. Fraser, W., Sines, D. and Kerr, M., eds. Hallas’ The Care of People with Intellectual Disabilities, London: Butterworth/Heinemann, pp. 42-60.

Beyer, Stephen Richard ORCID: and Kilsby, Mark Stephen 1996. The future of employment for people with learning disabilities. British Journal of Learning Disabilities 24 (4) , pp. 134-137. 10.1111/j.1468-3156.1996.tb00221.x

Kilsby, Mark Stephen and Beyer, Stephen Richard ORCID: 1996. Engagement and interaction: a comparison between supported employment and day service provision. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research 40 (4) , pp. 348-357. 10.1046/j.1365-2788.1996.777777.x

Kilsby, Mark Stephen and Beyer, Stephen Richard ORCID: 1996. Engagement and interaction: a comparison between supported employment and ATCs. Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology 6 (2) , pp. 141-152. 10.1002/(SICI)1099-1298(199605)6:2<141::AID-CASP362>3.0.CO;2-N

Rapley, Mark and Beyer, Stephen Richard ORCID: 1996. Daily Activity, Community Participation and Quality of Life in an Ordinary Housing Network. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities 9 (1) , pp. 31-39. 10.1111/j.1468-3148.1996.tb00096.x

Felce, David John and Beyer, Stephen Richard ORCID: 1996. Approaches to evaluation. McConkey, R., ed. Innovations in Evaluating Services for People with Intellectual Disabilities, Chorley: Lisieux Hall Publications, pp. 41-60.

Beyer, Stephen Richard ORCID: 1996. Supported employment. Wertheimer, A., ed. Changing Days: Developing new day opportunities with people who have learning difficulties, London: King's Fund, pp. 35-48.

Beyer, Stephen Richard ORCID:, Kilsby, Mark Stephen and Willson, Claire 1995. Interaction and engagement of workers in supported employment: a British comparison between workers with and without learning disabilities. Mental Handicap Research 8 (3) , pp. 137-155. 10.1111/j.1468-3148.1995.tb00151.x

Beyer, Stephen Richard ORCID: 1995. Real jobs and supported employment. Philpot, T. and Ward, L., eds. Values and visions: changing ideas in services for people with learning disabilities, Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann, pp. 55-72.

Evans, G., Todd, Stuart Philip, Beyer, Stephen Richard ORCID:, Felce, David John and Perry, Jonathan 1994. Assessing the impact of the All-Wales Mental Handicap Strategy: A survey of four districts. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research 38 (2) , pp. 109-133. 10.1111/j.1365-2788.1994.tb00368.x

Beyer, Stephen Richard ORCID:, Kilsby, Mark Stephen and Lowe, Kathy 1994. What do ATCs offer in Wales?: a survey of Welsh day services. Mental Handicap Research 7 (1) , pp. 16-40. 10.1111/j.1468-3148.1994.tb00114.x

Beyer, Stephen Richard ORCID: and Scally, M. 1994. Doing service based research: Some lessons from the All-Wales Strategy. Truman, C. and Humphreys, B., eds. Re-thinking social research: The development of anti-discriminatory methods, Aldershot: Avebury, pp. 146-167.

Todd, Stuart Philip, Shearn, Julia, Beyer, Stephen Richard ORCID: and Felce, David John 1993. Reflecting on change: consumers' views of the impact of the All-Wales Strategy. Journal of the British Institute of Mental Handicap (APEX) 21 (4) , pp. 128-136. 10.1111/j.1468-3156.1993.tb00713.x

Felce, David John, Beyer, Stephen Richard ORCID: and Kilsby, Mark Stephen 1993. Day services for adults with learning disabilities: Changing policies and the evolution of service design. Robbins, D., ed. Community Care: Findings from Department of Health Funded Research 1988-1992, London: HMSO,

Todd, Stuart Philip, Shearn, Julia, Beyer, Stephen Richard ORCID: and Felce, David John 1993. Careers in caring: the changing situations of parents caring for an offspring with learning difficulties. The Irish Journal of Psychology 14 (1) , pp. 130-153. 10.1080/03033910.1993.10557919

Lowe, K., Beyer, Stephen Richard ORCID:, Kilsby, Mark Stephen and Felce, David John 1992. Activities and engagement in day services for people with a mental handicap. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research 36 (6) , pp. 489-503. 10.1111/j.1365-2788.1992.tb00568.x

Beyer, Stephen Richard ORCID: and Scally, M 1992. Integrating staff and service development. Lessons from West Glamorgan. Clinical Psychology Forum 45 , pp. 2-9.

Beyer, Stephen Richard ORCID:, Todd, Stuart Philip and Felce, David John 1991. The implementation of the All-Wales Mental Handicap Strategy, 1983-1988. Mental Handicap Research 4 (2) , pp. 115-140. 10.1111/j.1468-3148.1991.tb00096.x

Todd, Stuart Philip, Evans, Gerry and Beyer, Stephen Richard ORCID: 1991. Into adulthood - the vocational situation of young people with severe learning difficulties. British Journal of Mental Subnormality 37 (72) , pp. 5-16.

Jenkins, Richard, Beyer, Stephen Richard ORCID:, Jenkins, P. and Skone, J. 1991. Changing approaches to mental handicap. [Working Paper]. Occasional Paper, vol. 23. Swansea: School of Social Studies, University College of Swansea.

Todd, Stuart Philip, Evans, Gerry and Beyer, Stephen Richard ORCID: 1990. More recognised than known: the social visibility and attachment of people with developmental disabilities. Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disability 16 (3) , pp. 207-218. 10.1080/07263869000034021

Evans, Gerry, Todd, Stuart Philip and Beyer, Stephen Richard ORCID: 1990. The evaluation of the All-Wales Strategy for people with a mental handicap. Sharkey, Sheila and Barna, Sara, eds. Community care: people leaving long-stay hospitals, London: Routledge, p. 211.

Todd, Stuart Philip, Evans, G. and Beyer, Stephen Richard ORCID: 1990. More recognized than known the social visibility and attachment of people with developmental disabilities. Australia and New Zealand Journal of Developmental Disabilities 16 (3) , pp. 207-218.

Evans, Gerry, Beyer, Stephen Richard ORCID: and Todd, Stuart Philip 1988. Looking forward not looking back: the evaluation of community living. Disability & Society 3 (3) , pp. 239-252. 10.1080/02674648866780241

Todd, Stuart Philip, Beyer, Stephen Richard ORCID:, Evans, Gerry and Blunden, Roger 1987. The AWS and education of children with severe mental handicaps. Journal of the British Institute of Mental Handicap (APEX) 15 (1) , pp. 22-25. 10.1111/j.1468-3156.1987.tb00384.x

Beyer, Stephen Richard ORCID: 1987. Victoria Adamson. Humphreys, Simone, Evans, Gerry and Todd, Stuart, eds. Lifelines: an account of the life experiences of seven people with a mental handicap who used the NIMROD Service, London: King Edward's Hospital Fund,

Evans, Gerry, Beyer, Stephen Richard ORCID:, Todd, Stuart Philip and Blunden, Roger 1986. Planning for the all-Wales strategy. Journal of the British Institute of Mental Handicap (APEX) 14 (3) , pp. 108-110. 10.1111/j.1468-3156.1986.tb00357.x

Beyer, Stephen Richard ORCID: 1986. Pursuing quality through a quality action group: experiences in the CUSS Home Support Service. Ward, L., ed. Getting better all the time?: Issues and strategies for ensuring quality in community services for people with mental handicap, King's Fund Project Paper, vol. 66. London: Kings Fund, pp. 45-53.

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