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Browse by Current Cardiff authors

Number of items: 26.

Beynon, Huw, Blakely, Helen ORCID:, Bryson, Alex and Davies, Owen ORCID: 2021. The persistence of union membership within the coalfields of Britain. British Journal of Industrial Relations 59 (4) , pp. 1131-1152. 10.1111/bjir.12588

Beynon, Huw and Hudson, Ray 2021. The shadow of the mine: coal and the end of industrial Britain. Verso.

Beynon, Huw and Hudson, Ray 2020. The road to Brexit on the British coalfields. Werner, Marion, Peck, Jamie, Lave, Rebecca and Christophers, Brett, eds. Doreen Massey: Critical Dialogues, Agenda Publishing, pp. 161-171.

Beynon, Huw 2019. Out of the ashes: The Durham miners' gala. Williams, Granville, ed. Shafted: The Media, the Miners' Strike and the Aftermath, Exeter: CPBF, pp. 140-162.

Beynon, Huw 2019. After the Long Boom: Living with capitalism in the twenty first century. Historical Studies in Industrial Relations 40 , pp. 187-221.

Beynon, Huw 2017. People, place and politics: the anatomy of dispossession in the geography of Ray Hudson. European Urban and Regional Studies 24 (2) , pp. 122-125. 10.1177/0969776416689225

Ramalho, José Ricardo, Santos, Rodrigo and Beynon, Huw 2016. Huw Beynon: marxismo e sociologia. Sociologia & Antropologia 6 (1) 10.1590/2238-38752016v611

Beynon, Huw 2016. Huw Beynon: uma sociologia publica do trabalho. Contemporanea 6 , pp. 237-258.

Beynon, Huw 2016. The Rise of the Corporate University in the UK. Global Dialogue: Magazine of the International Sociological Association 6 (3)

Beynon, Huw and Austrin, Terry 2015. The performance of power: Sam Watson a miners? Leader on many stages. Journal of Historical Sociology 28 (4) , pp. 458-490. 10.1111/johs.12052

Beynon, Huw 2015. Beyond Fordism. Edgell, Stephen, Gottfried, Heidi and Granter, Edward, eds. The Sage Handbook of the Sociology of Work and Employment, Sage, pp. 306-328.

Beynon, Huw 2015. ‘When all hell breaks loose’: striking on the British coalfields 1984–85. Smith, A., Dawson, M., Fowler, B., Miller, D. and Rampton, D., eds. Stretching the Sociological Imagination: Essays in Honour of John Eldridge, London, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 65-82.

Beynon, Huw 2014. ‘Still too much socialism in Britain’: The legacy of Margaret Thatcher. Industrial Relations Journal 45 (3) , pp. 214-233. 10.1111/irj.12051

Beynon, Huw 2011. Engaging Labour: British Sociology 1945-2010. Global Labour Journal 2 (1) , pp. 5-26.

Beynon, Huw 2009. O paradoxo Ingles. Limoncic, Flavio and Martinho, Carlos Palomanes, eds. A grande depressao, politica e economia na decada de 1930, Rio de Janeiro: Civilizacao Brazileira, pp. 277-305.

Nichols, Theo and Beynon, Huw, eds. 2006. The Fordism of Ford and modern management: Fordism and Post-Fordism. Edward Elgar.

Beynon, Huw and Nichols, Theo, eds. 2006. Patterns of work in the Post-Fordist era: Fordism and Post-Fordism. Edward Elgar.

Scourfield, Jonathan Bryn ORCID:, Evans, Jonathan, Shah, Wahida and Beynon, Huw 2005. The negotiation of minority ethnic identities in virtually all-white communities: research with children and their families in the South Wales valleys. Children & Society 19 (3) , pp. 211-224. 10.1002/chi.831

Beynon, Huw and Quilley, Stephen 2005. The Guernsey Tom: the rise and fall of an island economy. Food and history 3 (1) , pp. 151-196. 10.1484/J.FOOD.2.301901

Beynon, Huw, Cam, Surhan ORCID:, Fairbrother, Peter and Nichols, Theo 2003. The rise and transformation of the UK domestic appliances industry. [Working Paper]. School of Social Sciences Working Papers Series, vol. 42. Cardiff: Cardiff University.

Beynon, Huw 2003. Globalization, trade union organization and workers' rights. Fairbrother, P. and Yates, C. A. B., eds. Trade Unions in Renewal: A Comparative Study, Routledge Studies in Employment and Work Relations in Context, London: Routledge, 263 - 281.

Nichols, Theo, Beynon, Huw, Fairbrother, Peter and Cam, Surhan ORCID: 2002. International sector comparison of management strategy and employee relations. The Future of Work Bulletin 4 , pp. 7-8.

Scourfield, Jonathan Bryn ORCID:, Evans, Jonathan, Shah, Wahida and Beynon, Huw 2002. Responding to the experiences of minority ethnic children in virtually all-white communities. Child & Family Social Work 7 (3) , pp. 161-175. 10.1046/j.1365-2206.2002.00243.x

Beynon, Huw, Grimshaw, Damian, Rubery, Jill and Ward, Kevin 2002. Managing employment change: the new realities of work. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Grimshaw, Damian, Beynon, Huw, Rubery, Jill and Ward, Kevin 2002. The restructuring of career paths in large service sector organizations: 'delayering', upskilling and polarisation. The Sociological Review 50 (1) , pp. 89-115. 10.1111/1467-954X.00356

Nichols, Theo and Beynon, Huw 1977. Living with capitalism: class relations and the modern factory. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul.

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