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Browse by Current Cardiff authors

Number of items: 52.

García Pérez, Rafael, Navarro Juan, David and Prout, Ryan ORCID:, eds. 2024. Normas y diferencias. Images of Disability / Imágenes de la diversidad funcional, De Gruyter. 10.1515/9783111561462

Prout, Ryan ORCID: 2024. No laughing matter? Comedy soft spots, hard kernels and the epistemology of disability in The Red Chapel. Hartwig, Susanne, ed. Representaciones cómicas de la diversidad funcional: entre inclusión y exclusión, BWG Austria,

Prout, Ryan ORCID: 2024. ‘Vengo deshecho del duro bregar’: dudas, discapacidad y deterioro en Monsignor Quixote. Checa, Julio, Conte, David and Aventín Fontana, Alejandra, eds. Imágenes de la vejez, Berlin: Peter Lang,
Item availability restricted.

Prout, Ryan ORCID: 2022. Made to measure: The Dress and the politics of sexual citizenship. Short Film Studies 12 (2) , pp. 173-182.

Prout, Ryan ORCID: 2022. Smouldering village beliefs: gender, disability, and the persistence of metaphor in critical interpretation and adaptation of Thomas Hardy’s ‘The Withered Arm’. Checa, Julio, ed. Representación de la diversidad funcional desde la perspectiva de género en las artes escénicas, audiovisuales, virtuales, y en la literatura, Vol. 5. Images of Disability. Literature, Scenic, Visual, and Virtual Arts / Imágenes de la diversidad funcional. Literatura, artes escénicas, visuales y virtuales, Bern: Peter Lang, pp. 223-243.

Prout, Ryan ORCID: 2021. Gated reverb: queering the pitch in trade queen. Short Film Studies

Prout, Ryan ORCID: 2020. V for vivienda, V for viñeta: Housing policy and spaces for living in Spanish comics and graphic novels. Bulletin of Spanish Visual Studies 10.1080/24741604.2020.1827611

Prout, Ryan ORCID: 2020. Still waters run deep: Disability counter currents in La Piscina (2012). Hartwig, Susanne, ed. Inclusión, integración, diferenciación: la diversidad funcional en la literatura, el cine y las artes escénica, Berlin: Peter Lang, pp. 275-291.

Prout, Ryan ORCID: 2019. A small and silent revolution. Short Film Studies 9 (2) , pp. 153-156. 10.1386/sfs.9.2.153_1

Prout, Ryan ORCID: 2019. Invisible, unseeing, alienated: Mexico and William S. Burroughs in Bernardo Fernández’s Uncle Bill. International Journal of Comic Art 21 (2) , pp. 91-114.
Item availability restricted.

Prout, Ryan ORCID: 2018. Tangents of pain, cuerpos en carne viva: disability, disorder, and reflexivity in Insensibles and La herida. Hartwig, Susanne and Checa Puerta, Julio Enrique, eds. ¿Discapacidad?: Literatura, teatro y cine hispánicos vistos desde los disability studies, Images of Disability. Literature, Scenic, Visual, and Virtual Arts, Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Warszawa, Wien: Peter Lang,

Prout, Ryan ORCID: 2018. Falling between the cracks (gentrification and diversification in Luis Prieto's Bamboleho). Short Film Studies 8 (2) , pp. 143-147. 10.1386/sfs.8.2.143_1

Prout, Ryan ORCID: and Bartual, Roberto 2018. Wrinkles, furrows, and laughter lines: Paco Roca in conversation at the Lakes International Comic Art Festival. International Journal of Comic Art 20 (1) , pp. 510-23.

Prout, Ryan ORCID: 2017. Canine colloquium: skeuomorphism and the transitional dog in 'La Criatura', 'Solas', and 'Recuerdos de perrito de mierda'. Bulletin of Spanish Studies 1 (1) , pp. 65-93. 10.1080/24741604.2017.1301351

Prout, Ryan ORCID: 2017. Otras competencias: Ethnobotany, the Badianus codex, and metaphors of Mexican memory loss and disability in Las buenas hierbas (2010). Antebi, Susan and Jörgensen, Beth E., eds. Libre Acceso: Critical Disability Studies in Latin American Literature and Film, SUNY series in Latin American and Iberian Thought and Culture, Albany, NY: State University of New York Press (SUNY Press), pp. 83-102.

Prout, Ryan ORCID: 2017. Within, against, inside, out: Ian Padrón, Fuera de liga, Habanastation, and music video. Baron, Guy, Stock, Ann Marie and Álvarez Pitaluga, Antonio, eds. The Cinema of Cuba: Contemporary Film and the Legacy of Revolution, London: I. B. Tauris, pp. 195-219.

Prout, Ryan ORCID: 2016. Piensa diferente: Rethinking neurodiversity in Spanish and Latin American visual cultures. London: IGRS.

Prout, Ryan ORCID: 2015. À la recherche du chien perdu: Watch Dogs, Memory, and Mourning in Recuerdos de perrito de mierda (Shitty Little Dog Memories). International Journal of Comic Art 17 (2) , pp. 82-97.

Prout, Ryan ORCID: 2014. From boom to bubble and bust: comical economics in Aleix Salós Troika Trilogy. International Journal of Comic Art 16 (1) , pp. 458-476.

Prout, Ryan ORCID: 2013. Mapping neuro-diverse alterity in 'social and sensitive' comics from Spain. International Journal of Comic Art 15 (1) , pp. 84-99.

Prout, Ryan ORCID: 2013. Films and finality. JG Cinema: Cinema and Globalization

Prout, Ryan ORCID: 2013. Coming out in stereo city: the GDR and the eschatology of the closet. JG Cinema: Cinema and Globalization

Grant, Barry Keith, Prout, Ryan ORCID: and Radomski, Marcin 2012. Around the circuit. Film International 10 (6) , pp. 86-96. 10.1386/fiin.10.6.86_7

Prout, Ryan ORCID: 2012. Between automoción patria and maternal combustion: Driving through change in Sor Citroën (1967). International Journal of Iberian Studies 24 (2) , pp. 109-127. 10.1386/ijis.24.2.109_1

Prout, Ryan ORCID: 2012. Critical condition: Alzheimer's and identity in Carla Subirana's 'Nedar' (2008). Journal of Iberian and Latin American Studies 18 (2-3) , pp. 245-263. 10.1080/14701847.2012.795692

Prout, Ryan ORCID: and Kramer, Gary M. 2011. Fourth Iris Prize Festival Report and Interview with Magnus Mork, director of Samaritan (Norway, 2010). Film International 9 (4) , pp. 84-91. 10.1386/fiin.9.4.84

Prout, Ryan ORCID: and Altenberg, Tilmann ORCID:, eds. 2011. Seeing in Spanish: From Don Quixote to Daddy Yankee - 22 essays on Hispanic visual cultures. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Prout, Ryan ORCID: 2011. Exploding Anonymity: The Romance and Risk of Derailment. Short Film Studies 1 (2) , pp. 239-243. 10.1386/sfs.1.2.239_1

Prout, Ryan ORCID: 2011. River, rain, pool: Envisioning adoptive identity in three women’s narratives from contemporary Spain. Prout, Ryan and Altenberg, Tilmann, eds. Seeing in Spanish: From Don Quixote to Daddy Yankee - 22 Essays on Hispanic Visual Cultures, Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 91-104.

Prout, Ryan ORCID: and Altenberg, Tilmann ORCID: 2011. Introduction. Prout, Ryan and Altenberg, Tilmann, eds. Seeing in Spanish: From Don Quixote to Daddy Yankee - 22 Essays on Hispanic Visual Cultures, Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, xiv-xxv.

Prout, Ryan ORCID: 2010. La teta asustada: Golden Bears, Amulets, and Old Wives' Tales? [Film review]. cinema and globalization

Prout, Ryan ORCID: 2010. Festival Report: 52nd International Leipzig Festival for Documentary and Animated Film. [Online]. Film International.

Prout, Ryan ORCID: 2010. Speaking Up / Coming Out: Regions of Authenticity in Juan Pinzás's Gay Galician Dogma Trilogy. Galicia 21 (B) , pp. 68-91.

Prout, Ryan ORCID: 2009. An interview with Till Kleinert, winner of 2008 Iris Prize for LGBT short film. Film International 2009 (1 May)

Prout, Ryan ORCID: 2009. Cradling the nation: Asha Miró's autoethnographies, discourses of international adoption, and the construction of Spanishness. Bulletin of Spanish Studies 86 (4) , pp. 493-512. 10.1080/14753820902938019

Prout, Ryan ORCID: 2008. 'Inmenso estrecho: obstacles to achieving post-inmigration identity change in Spanish short fiction'. Tejuelo: Didactics of Langauge and LiIterature. Education 2 , pp. 66-77.

Prout, Ryan ORCID: 2008. Cryptic Triptych: (Re)Reading Disabilility in Spanish Film 1960-2003: "El cochecito", "El jardín de las delicias", and "Planta cuarta". Arizona Journal of Hispanic Cultural Studies 12 , pp. 165-187.

Prout, Ryan ORCID: 2007. Entrevista con la escritora Mexicana Rosamaría Roffiel. Journal of Iberian and Latin American Studies 10 (1) , pp. 85-95. 10.1080/1470184042000236305

Prout, Ryan ORCID: 2007. Straitened circumstances: spanishness, psychogeography, and the borderline personality. Sánchez-Conejero, C, ed. Spanishness in the Spanish Novel and Cinema of the 20th-21st Century, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 215-226.

Prout, Ryan ORCID: 2006. Fortress Europe in Recent Spanish Film. Third Text 20 (6) , pp. 723-731. 10.1080/09528820601072809

Prout, Ryan ORCID: 2005. Cria cuervos: raise ravens. Mira, Alberto and Gubern, Roman, eds. 24 Frames: The Cinema of Spain and Portugal, Wallflower Press, pp. 149-158.

Prout, Ryan ORCID: 2005. Marcelino pan y vino: The miracle of Marcelino. Mira, Alberto and Gubern, Roman, eds. 24 Frames: The Cinema of Spain and Portugal, Wallflower Press, pp. 71-77.

Prout, Ryan ORCID: 2005. El Diputado/The Congressman. Mira, A, ed. 24 Frames; The Cinema of Spain and Portugal, Wallflower Press, pp. 159-167.

Prout, Ryan ORCID: 2004. All about Spain: transplant and identity in La flor de mi secreto and Todo sobre mi madre. Studies in Hispanic Cinemas 1 (1) , pp. 43-62. 10.1386/shci.1.1.43/0

Prout, Ryan ORCID: 2002. A load of bull: cultural patrimony, machismo, and merchandise. Godsland, Shelley and White, Anne M., eds. Cultura Popular: Studies in Spanish and Latin American Popular Culture, Peter Lang, pp. 113-128.

Prout, Ryan ORCID: 2000. Greenery blues: Synaesthesia, landscape, and Lorca's Lassitude in Vermont. Bulletin of Hispanic Studies 77 (3) , pp. 393-441.

Prout, Ryan ORCID: 2000. Femme foetal: The triple terror of the young Basque woman in 'Pasajes'. Jordan, Barry and Morgan-Tamosunas, Rikki, eds. Contemporary Spanish Cultural Studies, Arnold, pp. 283-294.

Prout, Ryan ORCID: 2000. Sects and secularity: Another cinema, another Spain. Jordan, Barry and Morgan-Tamosunas, Rikki, eds. Contemporary Spanish Cultural Studies, Arnold, pp. 123-133.

Prout, Ryan ORCID: 2000. Cosmic Weddings and a Funeral: Sexuality, Techno-science, and the National Romance in Laura Esquivel's La ley del amor. Journal of Iberian and Latin American Studies 6 (1) , pp. 43-54. 10.1080/13507490050020941

Prout, Ryan ORCID: 1999. Jail-house Rock: Cuba, AIDS, and the Incorporation of Dissent in Bengt Norborg's Socialism or Death. Bulletin of Latin American Research 18 (4) , pp. 423-436. 10.1111/j.1470-9856.1999.tb00143.x

Prout, Ryan ORCID: 1993. Textuality transcendent: Juan Goytisolo's 'La cuarentena' and the politics of eschatology. Journal of Hispanic Research 2 , pp. 307-324.

Prout, Ryan ORCID: Profit, loss, and collateral damage: disability and the bomb in Doctor Fischer of Geneva. García, Alba Gómez, Juan, David Navarro and Álvarez, Javier Velloso, eds. Discapacidad y los límites de la ficción, Bern: Peter Lang, Berlin, pp. 165-186. (10.3726/b18755)

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