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Browse by Current Cardiff authors

Number of items: 29.

Walker, Kathleen, Phillips, Nicola and Sheeran, Liba ORCID: 2025. Exploring the use of digital technology for injury prevention and self-management among recreational runners. Physical Therapy in Sport 71 , pp. 85-91. 10.1016/j.ptsp.2024.12.004

Clenin, German E. and Phillips, Nicola 2024. How can I strengthen safeguarding in sports as team physio and team doctor? Sports & Exercise Medicine Switzerland 72 (1) , pp. 54-56. 10.34045/SEMS/2024/15

Phillips, Nicki, Mario, Bizzini and Nicolas, Mathieu 2024. Safeguarding in sports physiotherapy. Sports & Exercise Medicine Switzerland 72 (1) , pp. 13-15. 10.34045/SEMS/2024/14

Paterson, Colin and Phillips, Nicola 2021. Developing sports physiotherapy expertise - the value of informal learning. International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy 16 (3) , pp. 959-961. 10.26603/001c.23608

Walker, Kathleen, Phillips, Nicola and Sheeran, Liba ORCID: 2021. Recreational runners’ attitudes towards running-related injury prevention, self-management and the use of digital technology to prevent and self-manage injury. Presented at: 2021 IOC World Conference on Prevention of Injury & Illness in Sport, Monaco, 25-27 November, 2021.

Phillips, Nicola and Paterson, Colin 2020. Growing sports physiotherapy experts takes a village. Technical, creative and contextual learning doesn’t happen in a vacuum. British Journal of Sports Medicine 54 , pp. 499-501. 10.1136/bjsports-2019-101333

Adern, C., Glasgow, P., Schneiders, A., Witvrouw, E., Clarsen, B., Cools, A., Gojanovic, B., Griffin, S., Khan, K., Moksnes, H., Mutch, S. and Phillips, Nicola 2016. 2016 Consensus statement on return to sport from the First World Congress in Sports Physical Therapy, Bern. British Journal of Sports Medicine 50 , pp. 853-864. 10.1136/bjsports-2016-096278

Phillips, Nicola, Grant, Marie Elaine and Booth, Lynn 2015. Using criteria-based interview models for assessing clinical expertise to select physiotherapists at major multisport games. British Journal of Sports Medicine 49 (5) , pp. 312-317. 10.1136/bjsports-2014-094176

Glasgow, P., Phillips, Nicola and Bleakley, C. 2015. Optimal loading: key variables and mechanisms. British Journal of Sports Medicine 49 (5) , pp. 278-279. 10.1136/bjsports-2014-094443

Phillips, Nicola 2014. Measuring physiotherapy intervention in high performance sport [Editorial]. Physical Therapy in Sport 15 (1) , pp. 1-2. 10.1016/j.ptsp.2013.08.006

Grant, Marie-Elaine, Steffen, Kathrin, Glasgow, Philip, Phillips, Nicola, Booth, Lynn and Galligan, Marie 2014. The role of sports physiotherapy at the London 2012 Olympic Games. British Journal of Sports Medicine 48 (1) , pp. 63-70. 10.1136/bjsports-2013-093169

Glasgow, Philip, Bleakley, Christopher M. and Phillips, Nicola 2013. Being able to adapt to variable stimuli: The key driver in injury and illness prevention? British Journal of Sports Medicine 47 , pp. 64-65. 10.1136/bjsports-2012-091960

Baker, T., Day, R., Phillips, N., University College Cardiff Consultants Ltd. 2012. Physical Performance Assessment. PCT/GB2012/051148. [Patent].

Phillips, Nicola and Becker, Caryl 2012. Olympic event: Logistical and treatment considerations. Zachazewski, James E. and Magee, D. J., eds. Handbook of Sports Medicine and Science: Sports Therapy Services: Organization and Operations, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, pp. 48-67. (10.1002/9781118429778.ch6)

Zachazewski,, James E., Boland, J. E. and Phillips, Nicola 2012. A history of sports medicine and sports therapy. Zachazewski, James E. and Magee, D. J., eds. Handbook of Sports Medicine and Science: Sports Therapy Services: Organization and Operations, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, pp. 9-18. (10.1002/9781118429778.ch2)

Cardiff University 2011. Intelligent Rehabilitation. GB1108577.6. [Patent].

Griffith, Richard, McNamee, Mike and Phillips, Nicola 2011. On the duty of the doctor not to disclose athlete doping data without consent. International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics 3 (2) , pp. 191-203. 10.1080/19406940.2011.579144

McNamee, M. and Phillips, Nicola 2011. Confidentiality, disclosure and doping in sports medicine. British Journal of Sports Medicine 45 (3) , pp. 174-177. 10.1136/bjsm.2009.064253

Phillips, Nicola 2010. Motor learning. Everett, Tony and Kell, Clare, eds. Human Movement: An Introductory Text. 6th ed., Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone, pp. 85-101.

Phillips, Nicola 2009. Postgraduate specialisation in sports physiotherapy -Academic or clinical expertise? Physical Therapy in Sport 10 (3) , p. 83. 10.1016/j.ptsp.2009.05.003

Phillips, Nicola and Sharp, Timothy Neil ORCID: 2009. Functional outcome measures following ACL-r. Presented at: ACPSM National Conference, Belfast, 2009.

Orchard, J. W., Best, T. M., Mueller-Wohlfahrt, H.-W., Hunter, G., Hamilton, B. H., Webborn, N., Jaques, R., Kenneally, D., Budgett, R., Phillips, Nicola, Becker, C. and Glasgow, P. 2008. The early management of muscle strains in the elite athlete: best practice in a world with a limited evidence basis [Editorial]. British Journal of Sports Medicine 42 (3) , pp. 158-159. 10.1136/bjsm.2008.046722

Phillips, Nicola and Van Deursen, Robert William Martin ORCID: 2008. Landing stability in anterior cruciate ligament deficient versus healthy individuals: A motor control approach. Physical Therapy in Sport 9 (4) , pp. 193-201. 10.1016/j.ptsp.2008.06.010

Fairclough, John, Hayashi, Koji, Toumi, Hechmi, Lyons, Kathleen, Bydder, Graeme, Phillips, Nicola, Best, Thomas M. and Benjamin, Michael 2007. Is iliotibial band syndrome really a friction syndrome? Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport 10 (2) , pp. 74-76. 10.1016/j.jsams.2006.05.017

Phillips, Nicola 2007. Measuring flexibility. Winter, E. M. and Jones, A. M., eds. Sport and Exercise Physiology Testing Guidelines: Volume II - Exercise and Clinical Testing: The British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences Guide, London: Routledge, pp. 84-100.

Fairclough, John, Hayashi, Koji, Toumi, Hechmi H., Lyons, Kathleen, Bydder, Graeme, Phillips, Nicola, Best, Thomas M., Benjamin, Michael and TM, Best 2006. The structure of the iliotibial band in relation to iliotibial band friction syndrome. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 38 (5) , S552-S552.

Toumi, Hechmi, Poumarat, Georges, Phillips, Nicola, Benjamin, Michael, Best, Thomas M. and Fairclough, John 2006. An anatomical and electrophysiological study of vastus medialis - how distinct is its distal oblique component?: 1682: board #55 2: pm – 3:00 pm. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 38 (5) , S261-S261.

Fairclough, John, Hayashi, Koji, Toumi, Hechmi, Lyons, Kathleen, Bydder, Graeme, Phillips, Nicola, Best, Thomas M. and Benjamin, Michael 2006. The functional anatomy of the iliotibial band during flexion and extension of the knee: implications for understanding iliotibial band syndrome. Journal of Anatomy 208 (3) , pp. 309-316. 10.1111/j.1469-7580.2006.00531.x

Phillips, Nicola, Benjamin, Michael, Everett, Tony and Van Deursen, Robert William Martin ORCID: 2000. Outcome and progression measures in rehabilitation following anterior cruciate ligament injury. Physical Therapy in Sport 1 (4) , pp. 106-118. 10.1054/ptsp.2000.0031

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