Boyns, Trevor ORCID:
Measuring profit and performance, a cautionary tale: Birmingham Small Arms c.1911-c.1936.
Accounting History Review
, pp. 81-102.
Item availability restricted. |
Boyns, Trevor ORCID: 2021. Organizational change, budgetary control and success and failure in Formula 1: Rubery Owen and British Racing Motors, 1947-1977. Management and Organizational History 16 (3-4) , pp. 204-227. 10.1080/17449359.2022.2027643 |
Boyns, Trevor ORCID: 2021. Depreciation during the second industrial revolution: the British cycle and motor vehicle industries, c.1896-c.1922. Accounting History Review 31 (1) , pp. 73-112. 10.1080/21552851.2021.1922123 |
Boyns, Trevor ORCID: 2020. The Cardiff (ABFH/AHR) conference and accounting, business & financial history, 1989-2011 - some (personal) reflections. Accounting History Review 30 (3) , 341-361-361. 10.1080/21552851.2020.1811736 |
Gooberman, Leon ORCID: and Boyns, Trevor ORCID: 2019. Public venture capital in a regional economy: The Welsh Development Agency 1976-1994. Enterprise and Society 20 (4) , pp. 978-1006. 10.1017/eso.2019.15 |
Gooberman, Leon ORCID: and Boyns, Trevor ORCID: 2019. The Welsh Development Agency: activities and impact, 1976 to 2006. Miskell, Louise, ed. New Perspectives on Welsh Industrial History, Cardiff: University of Wales Press, |
Parker, Lee D. and Boyns, Trevor ORCID: 2019. Language in pursuit of professional branding: The case of scientific costing. British Accounting Review 51 (2) , pp. 193-210. 10.1016/ |
Boyns, Trevor ORCID: and Cerbioni, Fabrizio 2019. Accounting and performance monitoring in Tuscany: Larderello, 1836–1858. Accounting History Review 29 (2) , pp. 243-267. 10.1080/21552851.2019.1606524 |
Boyns, Trevor ORCID: and Gray, Steven 2016. Welsh coal and the informal empire in South America, 1850-1913. Atlantic Studies 13 (1) , pp. 53-77. 10.1080/14788810.2015.1110678 |
Imano, Takashi and Boyns, Trevor ORCID: 2015. The role of the state and private enterprise in the development of the Japanese coal industry in the Meiji era (1868-1912). Aprile, Sylvie, De Oliveira, Matthieu, Touchelay, Béatrice and Hoin, Karl-Michael, eds. Les houillères entre l‘état, le marché et la société : les territoires de la résilience XVIII-XXI siècles, Villeneuve d'Ascq: Presses Universitaires du Septentrion, pp. 171-188. |
Takeda, Hiroshi and Boyns, Trevor ORCID: 2014. Management, accounting and philosophy: the development of management accounting at Kyocera, 1959-2013. Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal 27 (2) , pp. 317-356. 10.1108/AAAJ-10-2013-1495 |
Noguchi, Masayoshi and Boyns, Trevor ORCID: 2013. The South Manchuria Railway Company and its interactions with the military: An accounting and financial history. The Japanese Accounting Review 3 , pp. 61-101. 10.11640/tjar.3.2013.03 |
Edwards, John Richard ORCID: and Boyns, Trevor ORCID: 2012. A history of management accounting: The British experience. Routledge New Works in Accounting History, Abingdon: Routledge. |
Noguchi, Masayoshi and Boyns, Trevor ORCID: 2012. The development of budgets and their use for purposes of control in Japanese aviation, 1928-1945: the role of the state. Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal 25 (3) , pp. 416-451. 10.1108/09513571211209590 |
Boyns, Trevor ORCID: 2011. Communications and commerce. Williams, Chris, Williams, Sian Rhiannon and Griffiths, Ralph A., eds. The Gwent County History : Industrial Monmouthshire, 1780-1914, Gwent County History, vol. 4. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, pp. 53-72. |
Pitts, Marianne and Boyns, Trevor ORCID: 2011. Accounting and economic returns in British coal mining: the Carlton Main colliery, 1872-1909. Business History 53 (6) , pp. 917-938. 10.1080/00076791.2011.582578 |
Boyns, Trevor ORCID: 2009. BICC -- structural change and the development of management accounting, c.1945--c.1960. Management & Organizational History 4 (4) , pp. 401-426. 10.1177/1744935909341778 |
Antonelli, Valerio, Boyns, Trevor ORCID: and Cerbioni, Fabrizio 2009. The development of cost accounting in Italy, c.1800 to c.1940. Accounting History 14 (4) , pp. 465-507. 10.1177/1032373209342478 |
Fleischman, Richard K., Boyns, Trevor ORCID: and Tyson, Thomas N. 2008. The search for standard costing in the United States and Britain. Abacus 44 (4) , pp. 341-376. 10.1111/j.1467-6281.2008.00267.x |
Antonelli, Valerio, Boyns, Trevor ORCID: and Cerbioni, Fabrizio 2008. The development of accounting in Europe in the era of scientific management: the Italian engineering conglomerate, Ansaldo, 1918-1940. Accounting Historians Journal 35 (1) , pp. 49-81. |
Boyns, Trevor ORCID: 2008. Accounting, information and communication systems. Jones, Geoffrey and Zeitlin, Jonathan, eds. The Oxford Handbook of Business History, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 447-469. (10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199263684.001.0001) |
Antonelli, Valerio, Boyns, Trevor ORCID: and Cerbioni, Fabrizio 2006. Multiple Origins of Accounting? An early Italian example of the development of accounting for managerial purposes. European Accounting Review 15 (3) , pp. 367-401. 10.1080/09638180600916275 |
Boyns, Trevor ORCID:, Edwards, John Richard ORCID: and Nikitin, M. 2006. The development of industrial accounting in Britain and France before 1880. Fleischman, Richard, ed. Accounting History, Vol. 1. SAGE Library in Business and Management, London: SAGE, pp. 326-364. |
Boyns, Trevor ORCID: and Edwards, John Richard ORCID: 2006. The development of cost and management accounting in Britain. Chapman, Christopher S., Hopwood, Anthony G. and Shields, Michael D., eds. Handbook of Management Accounting Research, Vol. 2. Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp. 969-1034. (10.1016/S1751-3243(06)02020-7) |
Smith, Ian George and Boyns, Trevor ORCID: 2005. Scientific management and the pursuit of control in Britain to c.1960. Accounting Business & Financial History 15 (2) , pp. 187-216. 10.1080/09585200500121249 |
Smith, Ian and Boyns, Trevor ORCID: 2005. British management theory and practice: the impact of Fayol. Management Decision 43 (10) , pp. 1317-1334. 10.1108/00251740510634895 |
Boyns, Trevor ORCID: 2005. The Welsh economy - historical myth or modern reality? Llafur: Journal of the Welsh People's History Society 9 (2) , pp. 84-96. |
Boyns, Trevor ORCID: 2004. Government, accounting and control in the twentieth century: some thoughts based on certain episodes in the British experience. Presented at: 10th Annual Management and Accounting History Conference, Besancon, France, 25-26 March 2004. |
Boyns, Trevor ORCID:, Matthews, Mark and Edwards, John Richard ORCID: 2004. The Development of Costing in the British Chemical Industry, c. 1870 – c. 1940. Accounting and Business Research 34 (1) , pp. 3-24. |
Bátiz-Lazo, Bernardo and Boyns, Trevor ORCID: 2004. The business and financial history of mechanisation and technological change in twentieth-century banking. Accounting Business & Financial History 14 (3) , pp. 225-232. 10.1080/0958520042000277720 |
Edwards, John Richard ORCID:, Boyns, Trevor ORCID: and Matthews, Mark 2003. Costing, pricing and politics in the British steel industry, 1918-1967. Management Accounting Research 14 (1) , pp. 25-49. 10.1016/S1044-5005(02)00033-1 |
Boyns, Trevor ORCID: and Smith, Ian 2003. Fayol et son influence sur la pensée et les pratiques managériales en Grande-Bretagne. Peaucelle, Jean-Louis, ed. Henri Fayol, inventeur des outils de gestion: textes originaux et recherches actuelles, Paris: Economica, pp. 237-255. |
Boyns, Trevor ORCID: 2003. In Memoriam: Alexander Hamilton Church's System of 'Scientific Machine Rates' at Hans Renold Ltd., C.1901-C.1920. The Accounting Historians Journal 30 (1) , pp. 3-44. |
Berland, N., Boyns, Trevor ORCID: and Zimnovitch, H. 2002. The influence of the accounting profession on the dissemination of costing in Great Britain and France: 1880-1950. CCA (Comptabilité - Contrôle - Audit) , pp. 189-208. |
Boyns, Trevor ORCID:, Berland, N. and Zimnovitch, H. 2002. L'influence de la profession comptable sur les méthodes de calcul de coût en Grande-Bretagne et en France: 1880-1950. CCA (Comptabilité - Contrôle - Audit) May , pp. 169-188. |
Edwards, John Richard ORCID:, Boyns, Trevor ORCID: and Matthews, Mark 2002. Standard costing and budgetary control in the British iron and steel industry: a study of accounting change. Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal 15 (1) , pp. 12-45. 10.1108/09513570210418879 |
Berland, Nicolas and Boyns, Trevor ORCID: 2002. The development of budgetary control in France and Britain from the 1920s to the 1960s: a comparison. European Accounting Review 11 (2) , pp. 329-356. 10.1080/09638180220125544 |
Berland, N., Boyns, Trevor ORCID: and Zimnovitch, H. 2002. The influence of the USA on the development of standard costing and budgeting in the UK and France. Kipping, Matthias and Tiratsoo, Nick, eds. Americanisation in 20th Century Europe: Business, Culture, Politics, Vol. 2. vol. 29. Lille: Université Charles de Gaulle, pp. 129-144. |
Boyns, Trevor ORCID: and Carmona, Salvador 2002. Accounting history research in Spain, 1996-2001: an introduction. Accounting Business & Financial History 12 (2) , pp. 149-155. 10.1080/09585200210134884 |
Matthews, M. D. and Boyns, Trevor ORCID: 2001. A schedule of the Lyndall Fownes Urwick Archive. Cardiff: Cardiff Business School, Business History Research Unit. |
Boyns, Trevor ORCID: and Zimnovitch, H. 2001. L’influence de la profession comptable sur les méthodes de calcul de coût en Grande-Bretagne et en France: 1880-1950. Presented at: Septièmes Journées d'histoire de la Comptabilité et du Management, Saint-Nazaire, France, 22-23 March 2001. Published in: Lemarchand, Yannick and McWatters, Cheryl eds. Mer, Navires et Gestion, une histoire en chantier: septièmes Journées d'histoire de la comptabilité et du management, Saint-Nazaire, 22-23 mars 2001. Nantes: Centre de recherche en gestion Nantes-Atlantique, LAGON, pp. 215-234. |
Boyns, Trevor ORCID: 2001. Hans and Charles Renold: entrepreneurs in the introduction of scientific management techniques in Britain. Management Decision 39 (9) , pp. 719-728. 10.1108/00251740110408737 |
Boyns, Trevor ORCID: and Nikitin, Marc 2001. Introduction [Editorial]. Accounting Business & Financial History 11 (1) , pp. 1-6. 10.1080/09585200010014997 |
Boyns, Trevor ORCID: and Edwards, John Richard ORCID: 2000. Pluralistic approaches to knowing more: a comment on Hoskin and Macve. The Accounting Historians Journal 27 (1) , pp. 151-158. |
Boyns, R. E., Boyns, Trevor ORCID: and Edwards, John Richard ORCID: 2000. Historical accounting records: A guide for archivists and researchers. London: Society of Archivists. |
Boyns, Trevor ORCID:, Edwards, John Richard ORCID: and Emmaneil, Clive 1999. A longitudinal study of the determinants of transfer pricing change. Management Accounting Research 10 (2) , pp. 85-108. 10.1006/mare.1998.0093 |
Boyns, Trevor ORCID: and Edwards, John Richard ORCID: 1997. Cost and management accounting in early Victorian Britain: a Chandleresque analysis? Management Accounting Research 8 (1) , pp. 19-46. 10.1006/mare.1996.0032 |
Boyns, Trevor ORCID:, Edwards, John Richard ORCID: and Nikitin, Marc 1997. The birth of industrial accounting in France and Britain. New York, NY: Garland Publishing. |
Boyns, Trevor ORCID:, Edwards, John Richard ORCID: and Nikitin, Marc 1997. The development of industrial accounting in Britain and France before 1880: a comparative study of accounting literature and practice. European Accounting Review 6 (3) , pp. 393-437. 10.1080/713764730 |
Boyns, Trevor ORCID: and Edwards, John Richard ORCID: 1997. British cost and management accounting theory and practice, c.1850-c.1950; resolved and unresolved issues. Business and Economic History 26 (2) , pp. 452-462. |
Boyns, Trevor ORCID: and Edwards, John Richard ORCID: 1996. The development of accounting in mid-nineteenth century Britain: a non-disciplinary view. Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal 9 (3) , pp. 40-60. 10.1108/09513579610121974 |
Boyns, Trevor ORCID:, Anderson, Malcolm and Edwards, John Richard ORCID:, eds. 1996. British cost accounting 1887-1952. Contemporary essays from the accounting literature. New York, NY: Garland Publishing. |
Edwards, John Richard ORCID:, Boyns, Trevor ORCID: and Anderson, Malcolm 1995. British cost accounting development: Continuity and change. The Accounting Historians Journal 22 (2) , pp. 1-41. |
Boyns, Trevor ORCID: and Edwards, John Richard ORCID: 1995. Editorial. Accounting Business & Financial History 5 (1) , pp. 1-2. 10.1080/09585209500000028 |
Edwards, John Richard ORCID: and Boyns, Trevor ORCID: 1994. Accounting practice and business finance: some case studies from the iron and coal industry 1865-1914. Journal of Business Finance & Accounting 21 (8) , pp. 1151-1178. 10.1111/j.1468-5957.1994.tb00369.x |
Edwards, John Richard ORCID: and Boyns, Trevor ORCID: 1992. Industrial organization and accounting innovation: charcoal ironmaking in England 1690-1783. Management Accounting Research 3 (2) , pp. 151-169. |
Boyns, Trevor ORCID: and Edwards, John Richard ORCID: 1991. 'Do accountants matter? The role of accounting in economic development. Accounting History Review 1 (2) , pp. 177-195. 10.1080/09585209100000028 |