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Browse by Current Cardiff authors

Number of items: 36.

Grego, Kim, Vicentini, Alessandra and Ylanne, Virpi ORCID:, eds. 2023. Age specific issues. Language, spaces, technologies. Linguistic Insights, Peter Lang. 10.3726/b20398

Ylanne, Virpi ORCID: 2023. Stereotypes of ageing in intergenerational talk and in media representations. Grego, Kim S., Vicentini, Alessandra and Ylanne, Virpi, eds. Age-Specific Issues. Language, Spaces, Technologies, Peter Lang, pp. 21-41.

Loos, Eugene, Ivan, Loredana, Sourbati, Maria, Xu, Wenqian, Christensen, Christa Lykke and Ylanne, Virpi ORCID: 2022. Visual ageism on public organisations' websites. Ylanne, Virpi, ed. Ageing and the Media. International Perspectives, Bristol: Policy Press, pp. 113-132.

Ylanne, Virpi ORCID: 2022. Older adults and the pandemic in UK news media. Ylanne, Virpi, ed. Ageing and the Media. International Perspectives, Ageing in a Global Context, Bristol. UK: Policy Press, pp. 30-45.

Ylanne, Virpi ORCID:, ed. 2022. Ageing and the media: International perspectives. Ageing in a Global Context, Bristol, UK: Policy Press.

Ylanne, Virpi ORCID:, Aldridge-Waddon, Michelle ORCID:, Spilioti, Tereza ORCID: and Bartlett, Tom ORCID: 2021. Managing information, interaction and team building in nurse shift-change handovers: a case study. Journal of Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice 16 (1) , pp. 51-75.

Ylanne, Virpi ORCID: 2021. Discourse and ageing. Hyland, Ken, Paltridge, Brian and Wong, Lillian, eds. The Bloomsbury Handbook of Discourse Analysis (2nd Edition), Bloomsbury Academic, pp. 347-359.

Ylanne, Virpi ORCID: 2021. UK magazine advertising portrayals of older adults: A longitudinal, content analytic, and a social semiotic lens. International Journal of Ageing and Later Life 10.3384/ijal.1652-8670.1700

Ylanne, Virpi ORCID: 2021. Ageing identities and women’s everyday talk in a hair salon, Rachel Heinrichsmeier. Routledge, New York (2020) [Book Review]. Journal of Pragmatics 176 (April) , pp. 41-43. 10.1016/j.pragma.2021.01.031

Lloyd, Harriet, Bartlett, Tom ORCID:, Aldridge-Waddon, Michelle ORCID:, Spilioti, Tereza ORCID: and Ylanne, Virpi ORCID: 2021. Opening up space for compassion in nurses' handover meetings. Communication and Medicine 16 (3) , pp. 224-237. 10.1558/cam.38920

Ylanne, Virpi ORCID: 2020. Media positionings of older people. Phelan, Amanda and O’Shea, Diarmuid, eds. Changing Horizons in the 21st century: Perspectives on Ageing, Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 306-319.

Bartlett, Thomas ORCID:, Ylanne, Virpi ORCID:, Spilioti, Tereza ORCID: and Aldridge-Waddon, Michelle ORCID: 2020. Nursing handovers as unbounded and scalar events. Applied Linguistics Review 12 (3) , pp. 401-418. 10.1515/applirev-2019-0135

Spilioti, Tereza ORCID:, Aldridge-Waddon, Michelle ORCID:, Bartlett, Thomas ORCID: and Ylanne, Virpi ORCID: 2019. Conceptualizing language awareness in healthcare communication: The case of nurse shift-change handover meetings. Language Awareness 28 (3) , pp. 207-226. 10.1080/09658416.2019.1636803

Ylanne, Virpi ORCID: and Nikander, Pirjo 2019. Being an 'older parent': Chrononormativity and practices of stage of life categorisation. Text and Talk 39 (4) , pp. 465-487. 10.1515/text-2019-2036

Ylanne, Virpi ORCID: 2019. Midlife and gender. Gu, Danan and Dupre, Matthew E., eds. Encyclopedia of Gerontology and Population Aging, Springer,

Ylanne, Virpi ORCID: 2019. 'Do you want to be categorized as one of the over fifty-fives'? Intergenerational relations in a public context. Harwood, Jake, Gasiorek, Jessica, Pierson, Herbert D., Nussbaum, Jon F. and Gallois, Cynthia, eds. Language, Communication, and Intergroup Relations: A Celebration of the Scholarship of Howard Giles, London and New York: Routledge, pp. 182-186.

Potts, Amanda ORCID: and Ylanne, Virpi ORCID: 2018. “Forget the stroppy, whingeing young who blame us wrinklies for Brexit!” A corpus-based discourse analysis of media representation of voter age and identity following the EU Referendum. Presented at: Critical Approaches to Discourse Analysis Across Disciplines, Aalborg, Denmark, 4-6 July 2018.

Ylanne, Virpi ORCID: 2018. Representacoes dos velhos e da velhice na propaganda do seculo XXI (Representations of older adults and ageing in the 21st century advertising media). Castro, Gisela G. S. and Hoff, Tania, eds. Communicacao, Consumo e Envelhecimento no Contemporaneo: Perspectivas Multidisciplinares, [Representacoes dos velhos e da velhice na propaganda do seculo XXI]. Editora Sulina, pp. 95-113.

Ylanne, Virpi ORCID: 2017. Representations of ageing and infertility in the twenty-first century British press. Davis, Gayle and Loughran, Tracey, eds. The Palgrave Handbook of Infertility in History: Approaches, Contexts and Perspectives, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 509-538.

Ylanne, Virpi ORCID: 2016. Too old to parent? Discursive representations of late parenting in the British press. Discourse and Communication 10 (2) , pp. 176-197. 10.1177/1750481315611242

Ylanne, Virpi ORCID: 2015. Representations of ageing in the media. Twigg, Julia and Martin, Wendy, eds. Routledge Handbook of Cultural Gerontology, Routledge International Handbooks, London: Routledge, pp. 369-376.

Ylanne, Virpi ORCID: 2014. Bert Hayslip and Gregory C. Smith (eds), Resilient grandparent caregivers: a strengths-based perspective, Routledge (Taylor & Francis), New York, 2013, 268 pp., pbk £30.99, ISBN 13: 978 0 415 89755 6. [Book Review]. Ageing and Society 34 (3) , pp. 538-540. 10.1017/S0144686X13000962

Ylänne, Virpi ORCID:, ed. 2012. Representing ageing: Images and identities. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Williams, Angela Marian, Ylänne, Virpi ORCID:, Wadleigh, Paul Mark and Chen, Chin-Hui 2010. Portrayals of older adults in UK magazine advertisements: Relevance of target audience. Communications. European Journal of Communication Research 35 (1) , pp. 1-27. 10.1515/comm.2010.001

Thurlow, Crispin, Jaworski, Adam and Ylänne, Virpi ORCID: 2010. Language crossing and identity play: Television holiday shows. Thurlow, Crispin and Jaworski, Adam, eds. Tourism Discourse: Language and Global Mobility, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 163-190.

Ylänne, Virpi ORCID:, Williams, Angela Marian and Wadleigh, Paul Mark 2010. Ageing well? Older people's health and well being as portrayed in UK magazine advertisements. International Journal of Ageing and Later Life 4 (2) , pp. 33-62. 10.3384/ijal.1652-8670.094233

Thurlow, Crispin ORCID:, Jaworski, Adam and Ylänne, Virpi ORCID: 2010. Transient identities, new mobilities: holiday postcards. Thurlow, Crispin and Jaworski, Adam, eds. Tourism Discourse: Language and Global Mobility, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 91-125.

Williams, Angela Marian, Wadleigh, Paul Mark and Ylänne, Virpi ORCID: 2010. Images of older people in UK magazine advertising: Toward a typology. International Journal of Aging and Human Development 71 (2) , pp. 83-114. 10.2190/AG.71.2.a

Ylänne, Virpi ORCID: and Williams, Angela Marian 2009. Positioning age: Focus group discussions about older people in TV advertising. International Journal of the Sociology of Language 200 , pp. 171-187. 10.1515/IJSL.2009.050

Williams, Angela Marian and Ylänne, Virpi ORCID: 2009. Media representations of older people. Sociology Review 91 (2) , pp. 20-23.

Ylänne, Virpi ORCID: and John, David Neale ORCID: 2008. Roles of medicines counter assistants in advice giving in community pharmacies: a Discourse Analysis. Pharmacy World and Science 30 (2) , pp. 199-207. 10.1007/s11096-007-9165-4

Ylänne, Virpi ORCID: 2008. Communication accommodation theory. Spencer-Oatey, H, ed. Culturally Speaking: Culture, Communication and Politeness Theory, London: Continuum, pp. 164-185.

Thurlow, Crispin, Jaworski, Adam and Ylänne, Virpi ORCID: 2005. 'Half-hearted tokens of transparent love?' Ethnic postcards and the visual mediation of host-tourist communication. Tourism, Culture and Communication 5 (2) , pp. 93-104.

Ylänne, Virpi ORCID: 2004. Shifting alignment and negotiating sociality in travel agency discourse. Discourse Studies 6 (4) , pp. 517-536. 10.1177/1461445604046592

Jaworski, Adam, Ylänne, Virpi ORCID:, Thurlow, Crispin and Lawson, Sarah 2003. Social roles and negotiation of status in host-tourist interaction: A view from British television holiday programmes. Journal of Sociolinguistics 7 (2) , pp. 135-164. 10.1111/1467-9481.00217

Ylänne, Virpi ORCID:, Jaworski, Adam, Thurlow, Crispin and Lawson, Sarah 2003. The uses and representations of local languages in tourist destinations: A view from British TV holiday programmes. Language Awareness 12 (1) , pp. 5-29. 10.1080/09658410308667063

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