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Browse by Current Cardiff authors

Number of items: 41.

Morris, Jonathan ORCID:, Stenner, Rosanna, Palmer, Geraint ORCID: and Foster Evans, Dylan ORCID: 2024. Prawf Sillafu Cymraeg Safonedig Consortiwm Canolbarth y De. [Project Report]. Swansea: Consortiwm Addysg Canolbarth y De. Available at:

Foster Evans, Dylan ORCID: 2023. Bydoedd Dr John Davies Mallwyd. Cynfael Lake, A. and Morgan, D. Densil, eds. Gofal ein Gwinllan: Ysgrifau ar gyfraniad Yr Eglwys yng Nghymru i'n llên a'n hanes a'n diwylliant, Vol. 1. Caerdydd: Corff Cynrychiolwyr yr Eglwys yng Nghymru, pp. 45-58.

Foster Evans, Dylan ORCID: 2023. 'Hen famwydd blwydd blu': Rhyfel, Rhywedd a Gofodau Dafydd ap Gwilym. Chapman, T. Robin and Huws, Bleddyn Owen, eds. Penrhaith ein heniaith ni: Cyfrol Deyrnged Gruffydd Aled Williams, Llanfihangel Genau'r Glyn: Atebol, pp. 40-67.

Morris, Jonathan ORCID:, Stenner, Rosanna, Palmer, Geraint ORCID: and Foster Evans, Dylan ORCID: 2022. Prawf darllen Cymraeg safonedig Consortiwm Canolbarth y De (Fersiwn 1.0). [Project Report].

Foster Evans, Dylan ORCID: 2021. Fajita. O'r Pedwar Gwynt 16 , p. 46.

Foster Evans, Dylan ORCID: 2021. Brochus. O'r Pedwar Gwynt 15 , p. 40.

Foster Evans, Dylan ORCID: 2021. Gwynedd O. Pierce. Bevan, Gareth A., Fychan, G. Angharad, Owen, Hywel Wyn and Owen, Ann Parry, eds. Ar Drywydd Enwau Lleoedd Ysgrifau i Anrhydeddu Gwynedd O. Pierce, Y Lolfa, ix-x.

Foster Evans, Dylan ORCID: 2021. 'The most Celtic Anglo-Saxon in Cardiff': John Hobson Matthews (1858-1914) ac enwau lleoedd Caerdydd. Bevan, Gareth A., Fychan, G. Angharad, Owen, Hywel Wyn and Owen, Ann Parry, eds. Ar Drywydd Enwau Lleoedd Ysgrifau i Anrhydeddu Gwynedd O. Pierce, Y Lolfa, pp. 27-39.

Foster Evans, Dylan ORCID: 2020. Cofiannu Caerdydd: ysgrifennu bywydau’r ddinas. Llên Cymru 43 (1) , pp. 53-84. 10.16922/lc.43.3

Foster Evans, Dylan ORCID: 2020. Dala’r slac yn dynn. O'r Pedwar Gwynt 12

Foster Evans, Dylan ORCID: 2019. Enwau'r Ardal Leol. Rhaglen Eisteddfod yr Urdd Caerdydd a'r Fro, Urdd Gobaith Cymru, pp. 26-29.

Foster Evans, Dylan ORCID: 2019. 'Croywiaith Ceredigion': the Welsh Language and its Literature, c.1060 - c.1730. Jenkins, Geraint H., Suggett, Richard and White, Eryn M., eds. Cardiganshire County History Volume 2: Medieval and Early Modern Cardiganshire, Cardiff: University of Wales Press, pp. 499-530.

Foster Evans, Dylan ORCID: 2018. Welsh traitors in a Scottish chronicle: Dafydd ap Gruffudd, Penwyn and the transmission of national memory. Studia Celtica 52 (1) , pp. 137-155. 10.16922/SC.52.8

Foster Evans, Dylan ORCID: 2018. Llaeth Cymreig gan wartheg Cymreig. O'r Pedwar Gwynt 8 , p. 50.

Foster Evans, Dylan ORCID: 2017. Bodio. O'r Pedwar Gwynt 5 , p. 46.

Foster Evans, Dylan ORCID: 2016. Streigl. O'r Pedwar Gwynt 1 , pp. 39-40.

Foster Evans, Dylan ORCID: 2016. Conquest, roads and resistance in medieval Wales. Allen, Valerie and Evans, Ruth, eds. Roadworks: Medieval Britain, Medieval Roads, Manchester: Manchester University Press, pp. 277-302. (10.7228/manchester/9780719085062.003.0012)

Foster Evans, Dylan ORCID: 2016. Gwireb. [Online]. Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol. Available at:

Foster Evans, Dylan ORCID: 2016. 'Y carl a'i trawai o'r cudd': ergyd y gwn ar y Cywyddwyr. Owen, Huws Bleddyn and Cynfael, Lake A., eds. Genres y Cywydd, Y golygyddion gyda chefnogaeth y Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol, pp. 227-248.

Foster Evans, Dylan ORCID: 2016. Y bardd a'i farf: y traddodiad barfol. Owen, Huws Bleddyn and Cynfael, Lake A., eds. Genres y Cywydd, Y golygyddion gyda chefnogaeth y Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol, pp. 109-124.

Foster Evans, Dylan ORCID: 2016. Gorhoffedd. [Online]. Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol. Available at:

Foster Evans, Dylan ORCID: 2016. Llawysgrif. [Online]. Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol. Available at:

Foster Evans, Dylan ORCID: 2015. Rees Rees 'Teifi': Un o Feirdd y Rhyfel Mawr. Y Garthen Mai 20 , pp. 14-15.

Foster Evans, Dylan ORCID: and Evas, Jeremy ORCID: 2014. Hanes y Gymraeg yng Nghaerdydd / The history of the Welsh language in Cardiff. Manteision dwyieithrwydd / The benefits of bilingualism. Presented at: Cynhadledd Caerdydd Ddwyieithog – Cardiff: A Bilingual City, Neuadd y Ddinas, Caerdydd/City Hall, Cardiff, 6 March 2014.

Foster Evans, Dylan ORCID:, Lewis, Barry J. and Parry Owen, Ann, eds. 2013. Gwalch Cywyddau Gwŷr: Ysgrifau ar Guto'r Glyn a Chymru'r Bymthegfed Ganrif / Essays on Guto'r Glyn and Fifteenth-Century Wales. Aberystwyth: Centre for Advanced Welsh and Celtic Studies, University of Wales.

Foster Evans, Dylan ORCID: 2013. Adeiladu Hudoliaeth: Dehongli Barddoniaeth Guto'r Glyn. Foster Evans, Dylan, Parry Owen, Ann and Lewis, Barry J., eds. Gwalch Cywyddau Gwŷr: Ysgrifau ar Guto'r Glyn a Chymru'r Bymthegfed Ganrif / Essays on Guto'r Glyn and Fifteenth-Century Wales, Aberystwyth: Centre for Advanced Welsh and Celtic Studies, University of Wales, pp. 453-473.

Foster Evans, Dylan ORCID: 2013. William Herbert of Raglan (d. 1469): Family History and Personal Identity. Foster Evans, Dylan, Parry Owen, Ann and Lewis, Barry J., eds. Gwalch Cywyddau Gwŷr: Ysgrifau ar Guto'r Glyn a Chymru'r Bymthegfed Ganrif / Essays on Guto'r Glyn and Fifteenth-Century Wales, Aberystwyth: Centre for Advanced Welsh and Celtic Studies, University of Wales, pp. 83-102.

Foster Evans, Dylan ORCID:, Parry Owen, Ann and Lewis, Barry J. 2013. Introduction. Foster Evans, Dylan ORCID:, Parry Owen, Ann and Lewis, Barry J., eds. Gwalch Cywyddau Gwŷr: Ysgrifau ar Guto'r Glyn a Chymru'r Bymthegfed Ganrif / Essays on Guto'r Glyn and Fifteenth-Century Wales, Aberystwyth: Centre for Advanced Welsh and Celtic Studies, University of Wales, pp. 11-19.

Foster Evans, Dylan ORCID:, Parry Owen, Ann and Lewis, Barry J. 2013. Rhadymadrodd. Foster Evans, Dylan, Parry Owen, Ann and Lewis, Barry J., eds. Gwalch Cywyddau Gwŷr: Ysgrifau ar Guto'r Glyn a Chymru'r Bymthegfed Ganrif / Essays on Guto'r Glyn and Fifteenth-Century Wales, Aberystwyth: Centre for Advanced Welsh and Celtic Studies, University of Wales, pp. 1-9.

Rosser, Siwan ORCID:, Davies, Sioned ORCID:, Foster Evans, Dylan ORCID:, Marks, Rhiannon ORCID: and Roberts, Llion, eds. 2013. Llên Cymru. Cardiff: University of Wales Press.

Foster Evans, Dylan ORCID: 2012. Castle and town in medieval Wales. Fulton, Helen, ed. Urban Culture in Medieval Wales, Cardiff: University of Wales Press, pp. 183-204.

Foster Evans, Dylan ORCID: 2011. On the lips of strangers: the Welsh language, the Middle Ages, and ethnic diversity. Presented at: 2008 meeting of the Celtic Studies Association of North America, Colgate University, Hamilton, NY, USA, 2008. Published in: Davies, Morgan Thomas ed. Proceedings of the Celtic Studies Association of North America Annual Meeting 2008. CSANA Yearbook (10) Hamilton, NY: Colgate University Press, pp. 16-38.

Foster Evans, Dylan ORCID: 2010. Adnabod adar. Taliesin 139 , pp. 111-117.

Foster Evans, Dylan ORCID: 2009. “Tŵr Dewr Gwncwerwr” ("A Brave Conqueror's Tower"): Welsh poetic responses to the Edwardian castles. The Impact of the Edwardian Castles in Wales, Oxford: Oxbow Books, pp. 121-128.

Foster Evans, Dylan ORCID: 2008. Gwenllïan Hir. Llên Cymru 31 , pp. 188-190.

Foster Evans, Dylan ORCID: 2008. "Talm o Wentoedd”: the Welsh language and its literature in Gwent, c. 1070–1530. Griffiths, Ralph A., Hopkins, Tony and Howell, Raymond, eds. The Gwent County History, Vol. 2. Cardiff: University of Wales Press on behalf of the Gwent County History Association, pp. 280-308.

Foster Evans, Dylan ORCID: and Johnston, Dafydd 2007. A Critical Edition of the Poetry of Dafydd ap Gwilym:35 Poems by Dafydd ap Gwilym. [Online]. Swansea University. Available at:

Foster Evans, Dylan ORCID: 2007. Gwaith Rhys Goch Eryri. Poets of the Nobility, Aberystwyth: University of Wales Centre for Advanced Welsh and Celtic Studies.

Foster Evans, Dylan ORCID: 2006. 'Cyngor y Bioden': Ecoleg a Llenyddiaeth Gymraeg. Llenyddiaeth Mewn Theori , pp. 41-79.

Foster Evans, Dylan ORCID: 2006. 'Bardd arallwlad': Dafydd ap Gwilym a theori ôl-drefedigaethol. Owen, Thomas, ed. Llenyddiaeth Mewn Theori, University of Wales Press, pp. 39-72.

Foster Evans, Dylan ORCID: 2000. Gwaith Hywel Swrdwal a'i Deulu. Cyfres Beirdd yr Uchelwyr, Aberystwyth: Canolfan Uwchefrydiau Cymreig a Cheltaidd Prifysgol Cymru.

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