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Browse by Current Cardiff authors

Number of items: 25.

Ponsford, David Stewart 2015. Instrumental performance in the seventeenth century. Lawson, Colin and Stowell, Robin, eds. The Cambridge History of Musical Performance, Cambridge University Press, pp. 421-447.

Ross, Jaqueline and Ponsford, David Stewart 2015. Johann Sebastian Bach Violin Sonatas. [CD]. 2015. ID number: GAU 228.

Ponsford, David Stewart 2015. Guillaume-Gabriel Nivers & Nicolas-Antoine Lebegue. [CD]. French Organ Music from the Golden Age. Volume 4 2015. ID number: NI6292.

Ponsford, David Stewart 2014. Andre Raison & Louis-Nicolas Clerambault. [CD]. 2014. ID number: NI 6268.

Ponsford, David Stewart 2013. Francois Couperin & Marc-Antoine Charpentier. [CD]. 2013. ID number: NI 6225.

Ponsford, David Stewart 2013. Francois Couperin & Pierre Du Mage. [CD]. 2013. ID number: NI 6213.

Ponsford, David Stewart 2011. French organ music in the reign of Louis XIV. Cambridge University Press.

Ponsford, David Stewart 2009. A Question of Genre: Charpentier's Messe pour plusieurs Instruments au lieu des orgues (H513). Thompson, Shirley, ed. New Perspectives on Marc-Antoine Charpentier, Ashgate, pp. 105-131.

Ponsford, David Stewart 2007. The Power of Music. [CD].

Biber, Heinrich Ignaz Franz Ponsford, David Stewart, ed. 2007. Mystery (rosary) sonatas for violin and continuo. Ut Orpheus, Bologna.

Ponsford, David Stewart 2007. Spirit of the age. Choir & Organ , pp. 29-31.

Ponsford, David Stewart 2007. Touching the past. International Piano , pp. 20-23.

Ponsford, David Stewart and Davis, Alan 2006. Handel: Complete Recorder Sonatas. [CD]. 2006. ID number: GMCD 7301.

Ponsford, David Stewart 2005. Parthenia. [CD].

Ponsford, David Stewart 2004. Charpentier's Messe pour plusieurs instruments au lieu des orgues (H513). Williams, Peter and Donati, Pier Paolo, eds. The Organ Yearbook, Vol. 33. Laabar-Verlag, pp. 63-72.

Ponsford, David Stewart 2003. J.S.Bach: Clavierübung III and Sei gegrüsset. [CD].

Ponsford, David Stewart 2003. Preface. Mawby, Colin, ed. J. S. Bach: 48 Preludes & Fugues, Kevin Mayhew, pp. 5-8.

Ponsford, David Stewart 2003. Towards a reappraisal of Francois Couperin's organ masses. Journal of the British Institute of Organ Studies , pp. 40-57.

Ross, Jacqueline, Ponsford, David Stewart and Boothby, Richard 2003. Johann Sebastian Bach Violin Sonatas Vol. 3. [CD]. 2003. ID number: GAU 345.

Ross, Jacqueline and Ponsford, David Stewart 2002. Johann Sebastian Bach Violin Sonatas. [CD]. 2002. ID number: GAU 308.

Ponsford, David Stewart 2000. Buxtehude defined. Choir & Organ 2000 (03/04)

Ponsford, David Stewart 2000. J. S. Bach and the nature of French influence. Williams, Peter and Heinemann, Michael, eds. The Organ Yearbook, Vol. 29. Laaber-Verlag, pp. 59-74.

Ponsford, David Stewart 1999. Genre and Notes inegales in the Livres d'orgue of Francois Couperin and Nicolas de Grigny. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.

Ponsford, David Stewart 1999. Inegalite and recits: genre studies in seventeenth-century French organ music. Williams, Peter, ed. The Organ yearbook, Vol. 28. Laaber, pp. 61-77.

Ponsford, David Stewart 1997. Unwriting the unwritable. Musical Times -London- 1997 , pp. 24-26.

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