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Browse by Current Cardiff authors

Number of items: 19.

Ponsford, David Stewart 2015. Instrumental performance in the seventeenth century. Lawson, Colin and Stowell, Robin, eds. The Cambridge History of Musical Performance, Cambridge University Press, pp. 421-447.

Stowell, Robin 2013. The contribution of Geminiani's 'The art of playing on the violin' to "The improved state of the violin in England". Hogwood, Christopher, ed. Geminiani Studies, Ad Parnassum Studies, Bologna: Ut Orpheus Edizioni, pp. 257-300.

Stowell, Robin 2012. Mozart’s 'Viennese' Sonatas for Keyboard and Violin according to Ferdinand David: A survey of editorial and violin performance practices. Harlow, Martin, ed. Mozart's Chamber Music with Keyboard, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 69-103.

Lawson, Colin and Stowell, Robin 2012. The Future? Lawson, Colin and Stowell, Robin, eds. The Cambridge History of Musical Performance, The Cambridge History of Music, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 817-833.

Stowell, Robin 2012. Case study: Richard Wagner, Tristan und Isolde. Lawson, Colin and Stowell, Robin, eds. The Cambridge History of Musical Performance, The Cambridge History of Music, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 696-722.

Stowell, Robin 2012. The Evidence. Lawson, Colin and Stowell, Robin, eds. The Cambridge History of Musical Performance, The Cambridge History of Music, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 63-104.

Lawson, Colin and Stowell, Robin, eds. 2012. The Cambridge history of musical performance. The Cambridge History of Music, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Stowell, Robin 2011. Semblanzas de Compositores Espanõles 29: Pablo de Sarasate (1844-1908). Revista de la Fundación Juan March (401) , pp. 2-7.

Stowell, Robin 2011. Fantasising on Faust. Presented at: Henryk Wieniawski and the Bravura Tradition : [Proceedings of the 3rd International Musicological Conference], Poznań, Poland, 19-21 October 2009. Published in: Jabłoński, Maciej and Jasińska, Danuta eds. Henryk Wieniawski and the Bravura Tradition [Proceedings of the 3rd International Musicological Conference held in Poznań, Poland, 19-21 October 2009]. Poznan: Henryk Wieniawski Musical Society and Poznań Society for the Advancelent of the Arts and Sciences, pp. 23-45.

Stowell, Robin 2011. Henryk Wieniawski: "the true successor" of Nicolò Paganini? A comparative assessment of the two virtuosos with particular reference to their caprices. Presented at: Spielpraxis der Saiteninstrumente in der Romantik Bericht des Symposiums, Bern, Switzerland, 18-19 November 2006. Published in: Bacciagaluppi, Claudio, Brotbeck, Roman and Gerhard, Anselm eds. Spielpraxis der Saiteninstrumente in der Romantik: Bericht des Symposiums in Bern, 18.–19. November 2006. Musikforschung der Hochschule der Künste Bern (HKB) (3) Schliengen: Edition Argus, pp. 70-90.

Stowell, Robin 2010. The Diabolus in Musica and Paganini Redivivus phenomena, with some thoughts on their relevance to the "German Paganini" [August Wilhelm (1845-1908)]. Barizza, A. and Morabito, F., eds. Nicolò Paganini: Diabolus in Musica, Studies on Italian Music History, vol. 5. Turnhout: Brepols, pp. 3-22.

Stowell, Robin 2006. 'The Viotti school of violin playing: style and influence'. Massimiliano, Sala, ed. Giovanni Battista Viotti: A Composer Between the Two Revolutions, Ut Orpheus Edizioni, pp. 219-49.

Stowell, Robin 2005. 'Performance practice in the eighteenth-century concerto'. Simon, P Keefe, ed. The Cambridge Companion to the Concerto, Cambridge University Press, pp. 192-226.

Stowell, Robin 2003. 'Extending the technical and expressive frontiers'. Stowell, Robin, ed. The Cambridge Companion to the String Quartet, Cambridge University Press, 149 - 74.

Stowell, Robin 2002. Strings. Burton, Anthony, ed. A Performer’s Guide to Music of the Romantic Period, Performer's Guides, London: Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music (ABRSM), pp. 45-55.

Stowell, Robin 2001. The early violin and viola: a practical guide. Cambridge Handbooks to the Historical Performance of Music, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 10.1017/CBO9780511481833

Lawson, Colin and Stowell, Robin 1999. The historical performance of music: an introduction. Cambridge Handbooks to the Historical Performance of Music, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 10.1017/CBO9780511481710

Stowell, Robin 1998. Beethoven: Violin Concerto. Cambridge Music Handbooks, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Stowell, Robin 1994. The Violin Concerto (Op. 61): text and editions. Stowell, Robin, ed. Performing Beethoven, Cambridge Studies in Performance Practice, vol. 4. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 150-194.

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