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Browse by Current Cardiff authors

Number of items: 28.

Wren-Owens, Liz ORCID: 2023. Transnational teaching practice and the curriculum. Forum Italicum 57 (2) , pp. 390-396. 10.1177/00145858231172187

Wren-Owens, Elizabeth ORCID: 2023. Response: Research in languages, societies and cultures. Languages, Society & Policy

Wren-Owens, Liz ORCID: 2022. World literature and littérature-monde en français: Tabucci in French and English translation. Rimini, Thea, ed. Calvino Tabucchi et le voyage de la traduction, Aix-en-Provence: Presses universitaires de Provence, pp. 161-179.

Beaney, Rachel, Burdett, Charles, Cazzoli, Marcela, Critchley, Mark, Deacon, Amanda, Gorrara, Claire ORCID:, Kohl, Katrin, Langford, Rachael, Miranda-Barreiro, David, Stewart, Evan, Whitfield, Joey and Wren-Owens, Liz ORCID: Beaney, Rachel, Gorrara, Clarie, Kohl, Katrin and Wren-Owens, Liz, eds. 2020. (Re)creating modern languages: conversations about the curriculum in UK higher education. [Project Report]. Creative Multilingualism. Available at:

Wren-Owens, Liz ORCID: 2020. Translating Pessoa: agency, creativity, refraction. Translator: Studies in Intercultural Communication 26 (4) , pp. 380-393. 10.1080/13556509.2020.1904723

Wren-Owens, Liz ORCID: 2020. Multilingual encounters in the contact zone. The transnational film adaptations of Tabucchi’s Dama de Porto Pim and Nocturne indien. Italian Studies 75 (4) , pp. 487-501. 10.1080/00751634.2020.1820820

Wren-Owens, Liz ORCID: 2018. In, on and through translation: Tabucchi's tavelling texts. Transnational Cultures, Oxford: Peter Lang. 10.3726/b12086

Wren-Owens, Elizabeth ORCID: 2015. Remembering fascism: Polyphony and its absence in contemporary Italian-Scottish and Italian-Welsh narrative. Journal of Romance Studies 15 (1) , pp. 73-90. 10.3828/jrs.15.1.73

Wren-Owens, Elizabeth Anne ORCID: 2015. Translating the self and remembering fascism in Lisbon: Tabucchi and Mercier. Presented at: AAIS annual conference, Boulder, CO, USA, 26-29 March 1015.

Wren-Owens, Elizabeth Anne ORCID: 2014. Transnational crimes, transnational texts: Tabucchi in translation. Presented at: AAIS 2014 Annual Conference, Zurich, Switzerland, 23-25 May 2014.

Wren-Owens, Elizabeth ORCID: 2014. Tabucchi in translation. Presented at: Key Cultural Texts in Translation, Leicester, 29-30 April 2014.

Wren-Owens, Elizabeth ORCID: 2014. Student employability: The Student Language Ambassador Teaching Module. Presented at: Colloquium on Innovation in Modern Languages Education, Bath, 13 June 2014.

Wren-Owens, Elizabeth Anne ORCID: 2013. Tabucchi's Portugal: Siting the possible. Presented at: Rua da Saudade: Antonio Tabucchi between Italy and Portugal, University College Cork, Republic of Ireland, 22 March 2013.

Wren-Owens, Elizabeth ORCID: 2013. Italian identity in a bi-lingual country: Power vectors, policy and literature in Canada and Wales. Presented at: The British Comparative Literature Association XIII International Conference, Essex, 8-11 July 2013.

Wren-Owens, Elizabeth Anne ORCID: 2012. Antonio Tabucchi: Political and analytical heteronymy. Presented at: Heteronymy and Heteronymity: Authorship, Selfhood and Literary Practice, University of Durham, UK, 1 December 2012.

Wren-Owens, Elizabeth Anne ORCID: 2012. The delayed emergence of Italian Welsh narratives, or class and the commodification of ethnicity? Crossings: Journal of Migration and Culture 3 (11) , pp. 119-134. 10.1386/cjmc.3.1.119_1

Wren-Owens, Elizabeth Anne ORCID: 2012. Translating cultures: Italian identity in triple languages in Wales and Canada. Presented at: SIS Interim Conference: Transnational Italy: National Identity and the World Atlas, University of Reading, UK, 13-14 July 2012.

Wren-Owens, Elizabeth ORCID: 2012. Tabucchi's Pessoa: A legacy repaid? Frier, David, ed. Pessoa in an intertextual web: influence and innovation, London: Legenda,

Wren-Owens, Elizabeth Anne ORCID: 2011. Tensions in Italian whiteness and racial violence in Italy, the United States and Native American reservations: Sandro Onofri and the Italian Left. Italian Studies 66 (3) , pp. 378-392. 10.1179/007516311X13134938224484

Wren-Owens, Elizabeth Anne ORCID: 2011. The emergence of Welsh Italian narrative, or the commodifcation of nostalgia? Presented at: Society for Italian Studies Biennial Conference, St Andrews, UK, 6-9 July 2011.

Wren-Owens, Elizabeth Anne ORCID: 2011. Integrated or repressed identity? Welsh Italian narrative in international contexts? Presented at: Within and Without: Representing Diasporas in Europe, Cardiff, UK, 13 May 2011.

Wren-Owens, Elizabeth Anne ORCID: 2011. Authenticating, authorising, politicizing: Paratext and first-wave Italian American and African Italian migrant autobiographies. Forum Italicum 45 (1) , pp. 166-186.

Wren-Owens, Elizabeth Anne ORCID: 2010. Introducing, authenticating, authorizing: The role of the introductory voice in migrant writing by Italians and migrants into Italy. Presented at: American Association of Italian Studies (AAIS) Annual Conference, Ann Arbor, MI, USA, 11-13 April 2010.

Wren-Owens, Elizabeth Anne ORCID: 2008. Constructing Italian identity: The (Native) American contact zone. Presented at: Researching Migration and Mobility in European Cultures conference, Cardiff, UK, 25 April 2008.

Wren-Owens, Elizabeth Anne ORCID: 2008. Between far Right and traditional Left: Sandro Onofri as engaged intellectual. Presented at: American Association of Italian Studies (AAIS) Annual Conference, Taormina, Italy, 22-25 May 2008.

Wren-Owens, Elizabeth Anne ORCID: 2007. Tabucchi's brutal empires. Modern language review 102 (3) , pp. 723-736.

Wren-Owens, Elizabeth Anne ORCID: 2007. Postmodern ethics: the re-appropriation of committed writing in the works of Antonio Tabucchi and Leonardo Sciascia 1975-2005. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars.

Wren-Owens, Elizabeth Anne ORCID: 2007. Absent and real bodies in Tabucchi: from dissatisfaction to resolution. Polezzi, Loredana and Ross, Charlotte, eds. In Corpore: Bodies in Post-Unification Italy, Madison, N.J.: Farleigh Dickinson University Press, pp. 228-241.

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