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Browse by Current Cardiff authors

Number of items: 27.

Benham, Jenny ORCID: 2024. "A Little Bird Told Me..." Spies and espionage in the Norman world. Church, Stephen D., ed. Anglo-Norman Studies XLVI. Proceedings of the Battle Conference 2023, Boydell & Brewer, pp. 185-202.

Benham, Jenny ORCID: and Smith, Jamie 2024. Was there transitional justice in the medieval world? Meierhenrich, Jens, Hinton, Alexander Laban and Douglas, Lawrence, eds. Oxford Handbook of Transitional Justice, Oxford: Oxford University Press, (10.1093/oxfordhb/9780198704355.013.7)

Benham, Jenny ORCID: 2024. Peacemaking and negotiations in high medieval Scandinavia. Orning, Hans Jacob, Sigurðsson, Jón Viðar and Esmark, Kim, eds. New Perspectives on the 'Civil Wars' in Medieval Scandinavia, Brepols,

Benham, Jenny ORCID: 2023. 'A little bird told me': Spies and espionage in the early medieval world. The Historian Magazine 159 , pp. 6-11.

Benham, Jenny ORCID: 2023. Friends to friends, enemies to enemies. History Today 73 (6) , pp. 74-83.

Benham, Jenny ORCID: 2023. The ordeal of the Lynx: Peacemaking in the Ruodlieb. Fabula. Les colloques

Benham, Jenny ORCID: 2022. International law in Europe, 700-1200. Artes Liberales, Manchester University Press.

Benham, Jenny ORCID: and Afsah, Ebrahim 2021. The contingent state between ideal and practice. Sigurđsson, Jón Viđar and Orning, Hans Jacob, eds. Medieval and Modern Civil Wars: A Comparative Perspective, History of Warfare, Brill, pp. 124-168.

Benham, Jenny ORCID:, McHaffie, Matthew and Vogt, Helle 2021. Introduction. The Mediaeval Journal 11 (2) , pp. 7-14. 10.1484/J.TMJ.5.137084

Benham, Jenny ORCID: 2020. Battle-writing and commemoration: the transition from conflict to peace. Ni Mhaonaigh, Maire, Naismith, Rory and Ashman Rowe, Elizabeth, eds. Writing Battles: New Perspectives on Warfare and Memory in Medieval Europe, London: Bloomsbury, pp. 27-38.

Benham, Jenny ORCID: 2020. The earliest arbitration treaty? A reassessment of the Anglo-Norman Treaty of 991. Historical Research 93 (260) , pp. 189-204. 10.1093/hisres/htaa001

Benham, Jenny ORCID: 2020. Peace, security and deterrence. Simons, Walter P., ed. A Cultural History of Peace in the Medieval Age, The Cultural Histories Series, London: Bloomsbury Academic, pp. 119-134.

McHaffie, Matthew W., Benham, Jenny ORCID: and Vogt, Helle, eds. 2018. Law and language in the middle ages. Medieval Law and Its Practice, Brill.

Benham, Jenny ORCID: 2018. Peace of Venice (1177). Martel, Gordon, ed. The Encyclopedia of Diplomacy, Vol. 4. John Wiley & Sons, (10.1002/9781118885154.dipl0470)

Benham, Jenny ORCID: 2018. Treaty of Verdun. Martel, Gordon, ed. Wiley-Blackwell's Encyclopedia of Diplomacy, John Wiley & Sons, (10.1002/9781118885154.dipl0494)

Benham, Jenny ORCID: 2018. Treaty of Windsor. Martel, Gordon, ed. The Encyclopedia of Diplomacy, John Wiley & Sons, (10.1002/9781118885154.dipl0496)

Benham, Jenny ORCID: 2018. Translating medieval documents: some basic problems. Benham, Jenny and Julian-Jones, Melissa, eds. Translation and Medieval Documents, Voices of Law, pp. 9-16.

Benham, Jenny ORCID: 2017. Danelaw. Echard, Sian and Rouse, Robert, eds. The Encyclopedia of Medieval Literature in Britain, John Wiley & Sons, (10.1002/9781118396957.wbemlb392)

Benham, Jenny ORCID: 2017. Writing peace, writing war: Roger of Howden and Saxo Grammaticus compared. Munster-Swendsen, Mia, Heeboll-Holm, Thomas K. and Sonnesyn, Sigbjorn Olsen, eds. History and Intellectual Culture in the Long Twelfth Century: The Scandinavian Connection, Durham Medieval and Renaissance Monographs and Essays, Pontifical Institute of Medieval Studies, pp. 272-294.

Benham, Jenny ORCID: 2014. Wounding in the High Middle Ages: law and practice. Kirkham, Anne and Warr, Cordelia, eds. Wounds in the Middle Ages, Routledge, pp. 151-174.

Benham, Jenny ORCID: 2014. Law, language and crime in Denmark and England: a comparative approach. Andersen, Per, Salonen, Kirsi, Sigh, Helle I. M. and Vogt, Helle, eds. How Nordic are the Nordic Medieval Laws: Ten Years After. Proceedings of the 10th Carlsberg Academy Conference on Medieval Legal History, Djet Forlag,

Benham, Jenny ORCID: 2013. Walter Map and Ralph Glaber: intertextuality and the construction of memories of peacemaking. Di Bacco, Giuliano and Plumley, Yolanda, eds. Citation, Intertextuality and Memory in the Middle Ages and Rennaissance. Volume 2: Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives on Medieval Culture, Exeter Studies in Medieval Europe, Exeter: University of Exeter Press,

Benham, Jenny ORCID: 2013. Law or treaty? Defining the edge of legal studies in the early and high medieval periods. Historical Research 86 (233) , pp. 487-497. 10.1111/1468-2281.12025

Benham, Jenny ORCID: 2013. Perceptions of war and peace: the role of treaties from the tenth to the early thirteenth centuries. Bleach, Lorna and Borrill, Keira, eds. Battle and Bloodshed: The Medieval World at War, Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars, pp. 217-230.

Benham, Jenny ORCID: 2011. Peacemaking in the Middle Ages: principles and practice. Manchester Medieval Studies, Manchester: Manchester University Press.

Benham, Jenny ORCID: 2005. Anglo-French peace conferences in the Twelfth Century. Gillingham, John, ed. Anglo-Norman Studies XXVII, Boydell and Brewer, pp. 52-67.

Benham, Jenny ORCID: 2004. Philip Augustus and the Angevin Empire: the Scandinavian connexion. Mediaeval Scandinavia 14 , pp. 37-50.

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