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Browse by Current Cardiff authors

Number of items: 41.

Morreau, Amy ORCID:, Lewis, Richard ORCID: and Roche, Paul 2023. From TikTok to LED production kits: Making space for creativity in authentic learning. Presented at: AdvanceHE Teaching and Learning Conference 2023, Keele, UK, 4-6 July 2023.

Cartwright, Annabel and Lewis, Richard ORCID: 2022. Video assignments: A powerful way to introduce creativity and fun into your program – A physics education story. Presented at: Cardiff University Teaching and Learning Conference 2022, Cardiff University, 29-30 June 2022.

Lewis, Richard ORCID: 2022. Collegiate commentary: thoughts on "Five things that broadened our horizons from the 'Innovation in Science Teaching' series". [Online]. Teaching Matters Blog: University of Edinburgh. Available at:

Morreau, Amy, Lewis, Richard ORCID: and Roche, Paul 2022. From TikTok videos to instruction manuals: MSc students inspired to reach beyond the assessment framework in an authentic learning assignment – a physics education story. Presented at: Cardiff University Teaching and Learning Conference 2022, Cardiff University, 29 - 30 June 2022.

Aker, M., Altenmüller, K., Amsbaugh, J.F., Arenz, M., Babutzka, M., Bast, J., Bauer, S., Bechtler, H., Beck, M., Beglarian, A., Behrens, J., Bender, B., Berendes, R., Berlev, A., Besserer, U., Bettin, C., Bieringer, B., Blaum, K., Block, F., Bobien, S., Böttcher, M., Bohn, J., Bokeloh, K., Bolz, H., Bornschein, B., Bornschein, L., Bouquet, H., Boyd, N.M., Brunst, T., Burritt, T.H., Caldwell, T.S., Chaoui, Z., Chilingaryan, S., Choi, W., Corona, T.J., Cox, G.A., Debowski, K., Deffert, M., Descher, M., Díaz Barrero, D., Doe, P.J., Dragoun, O., Drexlin, G., Dunmore, J.A., Dyba, S., Edzards, F., Eichelhardt, F., Eitel, K., Ellinger, E., Engel, R., Enomoto, S., Erhard, M., Eversheim, D., Fedkevych, M., Felden, A., Fischer, S., Formaggio, J.A., Fränkle, F.M., Franklin, G.B., Frenzel, H., Friedel, F., Fulst, A., Gauda, K., Gehring, R., Gil, W., Glück, F., Görhardt, S., Grimm, J., Grössle, R., Groh, S., Grohmann, S., Gumbsheimer, R., Hackenjos, M., Häßler, D., Hannen, V., Harms, F., Harper, G.C., Hartmann, J., Haußmann, N., Heizmann, F., Helbing, K., Held, M., Hickford, S., Hilk, D., Hillen, B., Hiller, R., Hillesheimer, D., Hinz, D., Höhn, T., Hötzel, M., Holzmann, S., Horn, S., Houdy, T., Howe, M.A., Huber, A., James, T., Jansen, A., Kaiser, M., Karl, C., Kazachenko, O., Kellerer, J., Kippenbrock, L., Kleesiek, M., Kleifges, M., Kleinfeller, J., Klein, M., Köllenberger, L., Kopmann, A., Korzeczek, M., Kosmider, A., Kovalík, A., Krasch, B., Krause, H., Kraus, M., Kuckert, L., Kumb, A., Kunka, N., Lasserre, T., La Cascio, L., Lebeda, O., Leber, M.L., Lehnert, B., Leiber, B., Letnev, J., Lewis, R.J. ORCID:, Le, T.L., Lichter, S., Lokhov, A., Lopez Poyato, J.M., Machatschek, M., Malcherek, E., Mark, M., Marsteller, A., Martin, E.L., Mehret, K., Meloni, M., Melzer, C., Menshikov, A., Mertens, S., Minter (née Bodine), L.I., Monreal, B., Mostafa, J., Müller, K., Myers, A.W., Naumann, U., Neumann, H., Niemes, S., Oelpmann, P., Off, A., Ortjohann, H.-W., Osipowicz, A., Ostrick, B., Parno, D.S., Peterson, D.A., Plischke, P., Poon, A.W.P., Prall, M., Priester, F., Ranitzsch, P.C.-O., Reich, J., Renschler, P., Rest, O., Rinderspacher, R., Robertson, R.G.H., Rodejohann, W., Rodenbeck, C., Röllig, M., Röttele, C., Rohr, P., Rupp, S., Ry?avý, M., Sack, R., Saenz, A., Sagawe, M., Schäfer, P., Schaller (née Pollithy), A., Schimpf, L., Schlösser, K., Schlösser, M., Schlüter, L., Schneidewind, S., Schön, H., Schönung, K., Schrank, M., Schulz, B., Schwarz, J., ?ef?ík, M., Seitz-Moskaliuk, H., Seller, W., Sibille, V., Siegmann, D., Slezák, M., Spanier, F., Steidl, M., Sturm, M., Sun, M., Tcherniakhovski, D., Telle, H.H., Thorne, L.A., Thümmler, T., Titov, N., Tkachev, I., Trost, N., Valerius, K., VanDevender, B.A., Van Wechel, T.D., Vénos, D., Verbeek, A., Vianden, R., Vizcaya Hernández, A.P., Vogt, K., Wall, B.L., Wandkowsky, N., Weber, M., Weingardt, H., Weinheimer, C., Weiss, C., Welte, S., Wendel, J., Wierman, K.J., Wilkerson, J.F., Wolf, J., Wüstling, S., Xu, W., Yen, Y.-R., Zacher, M., Zadoroghny, S., Zboril, M. and Zeller, G. 2021. The design, construction, and commissioning of the KATRIN experiment. Journal of Instrumentation 16 (08) , T08015. 10.1088/1748-0221/16/08/T08015

Lewis, Richard ORCID:, Roche, Paul, Askey, Joseph, Sztranyovszky, Zoltan, Eknath, Gayathri ORCID:, Norman, Michael and Anderson, Michael ORCID: 2021. The Online Research Group teaching model – ensuring authentic and robust remote learning for MSc students. Presented at: Cardiff University Learning and Teaching Conference 2021, Virtual, 1-2 July 2021.

Drysdale, Timothy D., Kelley, Simon, Scott, Anne-Marie, Dishon, Victoria, Weightman, Andrew, Lewis, Richard James ORCID: and Watts, Stephen 2020. Opinion piece: non-traditional practical work for traditional campuses. Higher Education Pedagogies 5 (1) , pp. 210-222. 10.1080/23752696.2020.1816845

Drysdale, Timothy, Simon, Kelley, Anne-Marie, Scott, Victoria, Dishon, Jenny, Scoles, Andrew, Weightman, Lewis, Richard ORCID: and Watts, Stephen 2019. Post-humanistic 'practices of community' for non-traditional laboratory work. Proceedings of the SEFI 47th Annual Conference , pp. 360-369.

Lewis, Richard ORCID: and Drysdale, Timothy 2019. Simulation of research-grade physics, chemistry, and engineering experiments in LabVIEW as a flexible template for remote laboratories. Proceedings of the SEFI 47th Annual Conference , pp. 710-725.

Lewis, Richard ORCID: and Roche, Paul 2019. Realism in practice: Implementation, critique, and scaling of research group-based Taught Master's learning. Presented at: Institute of Physics Higher Education Community Group Meeting, Bristol, UK, 15 May 2019.

Lewis, Richard ORCID: 2019. CHIP-8 virtual machine in LabVIEW: A template for development best practice, code modification and style review. National Instruments Real-World Applications

Lewis, Richard ORCID: 2019. LabVIEW NXG accelerates problem- and project- based learning for MSc students. National Instruments Real-World Applications

Drysdale, Timothy, Weightman, Andrew ORCID:, Watts, Stephen, Dishon, Victoria and Lewis, Richard ORCID: 2019. Remote laboratories - Requirements capture for a national pooling infrastructure. Presented at: AdvanceHE STEM Teaching and Learning Conference 2019, Birmingham, UK, 30 -31 January 2019.

Lewis, Richard ORCID: 2019. Unifying MSc Physics and MSc Astrophysics problem-based learning with LabVIEW NXG: A critical review. Presented at: National Instruments Academic User Forum 2019, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK, 18 January 2019.

Lewis, Richard ORCID: 2018. Transitioning MSc Physics teaching to LabVIEW NXG 2.0: from drills to DAQ-First. Presented at: National Instruments Academic User Forum 2018, Loughborough University, UK, 31 January 2018.

Lewis, Richard ORCID: 2017. Reflections on LabVIEW as a common language: an effective tool for resolving the community-building : skill-embedding tension in Taught Master’s learning. Presented at: NI Days 2017, Beirut, Lebanon, 15 September 2017.

Lewis, Richard ORCID: 2017. LabVIEW as a common language: resolving the community-building: Skill-embedding tension in taught Master’s learning. Presented at: NIWeek 2017, Austin, Texas, USA, 22 -27 May 2017.

Lewis, Richard ORCID: 2016. MSc Physics Students Take Ownership of Their Learning With LabVIEW. [Online]. National Instruments Innovations Case Study: National Instruments. Available at:

Lewis, Richard ORCID: 2016. Bringing the research group ethos into taught Master's learning. Presented at: Variety in Chemistry Education/ Physics Higher Education Conference 2016, University of Southampton, UK, 25 - 26 August 2016.

Teh, Peh Siong, Alam, Shaif-ul, Lewis, Richard J. ORCID: and Richardson, David J. 2014. Single polarization picosecond fiber MOPA power scaled to beyond 500 W. Laser Physics Letters 11 (8) , 085103. 10.1088/1612-2011/11/8/085103

Chen, George Y., Codemard, Christophe A., Lewis, Richard J. ORCID:, Jankowski, Lukasz, Chan, Jaclyn S., Gorman, Philip M. and Zervas, Michalis N. 2014. Enhanced responsivity with skew ray excitation of reflection- and transmission-type refractometric sensors. Optics Letters 39 (13) , pp. 3822-3825. 10.1364/OL.39.003822

Lewis, Richard J. ORCID:, Lim, E.-L., Rowe, D. J., Alam, S.-U., Nilsson, J., Baik, C.-W., Gurel, O., Wilkinson, J. S. and Richardson, D. J. 2013. High-resolution broadly-tunable MOPA-based terahertz spectrometer to non-destructively probe and modulate protein electrodynamics. Presented at: 2013 38th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz), Rheingold Hall Mainz, Mainz, Germany, 1-6 September 2013. Proceedings of the 2013 38th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz). Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE, 10.1109/IRMMW-THz.2013.6665817

Rowe, D. J., Lewis, Richard J. ORCID:, Lim, E. L., Alam, S.-U., Nilsson, J., Baik, C.-W., Gurel, O., Wilkinson, J. S. and Richardson, D. J. 2013. Terahertz spectroscopy to non-destructively probe and modulate protein electrodynamics: Fundamental basis for {THz} medicine. Presented at: Bioelectrics 2013: 10th International Bioelectrics Symposium, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Karlsruhe, Germany, 16-19 September 2013.

James, T., Schloesser, M., Lewis, Richard J. ORCID:, Fischer, S., Bornschein, B. and Telle, H. H. 2013. Automated quantitative spectroscopic analysis combining background subtraction, cosmic ray removal, and peak fitting. Applied Spectroscopy 67 (8) , pp. 949-959. 10.1366/12-06766

James, T. M., Schlösser, M., Fischer, S., Sturm, M., Bornschein, B., Lewis, Richard J. ORCID: and Telle, H. H. 2013. Accurate depolarization ratio measurements for all diatomic hydrogen isotopologues. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 44 (6) , pp. 857-865. 10.1002/jrs.4283

Teh, Peh Siong, Chan, Ho-Yin, Lewis, Richard J. ORCID:, Alam, Shaif-ul, Shepherd, David P. and Richardson, David J. 2013. 200W gain-switched-diode-seeded, single-polarization, narrow-linewidth, all-fiber, picosecond MOPA. Presented at: CLEO: Science and Innovations - Single Frequency Fiber Lasers (2013) (CW3M), San Jose, CA, USA, 9-14 June 2013. Proceedings of CLEO: Science and Innovations. Washington, D.C.: OSA, CW3M.2. 10.1364/CLEO_SI.2013.CW3M.2

Schlösser, M., James, T. M., Fischer, S., Lewis, Richard J. ORCID:, Bornschein, B. and Telle, H. H. 2013. Evaluation method for Raman depolarization measurements including geometrical effects and polarization aberrations. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 44 (3) , pp. 453-462. 10.1002/jrs.4201

Teh, Peh Siong, Lewis, Richard J. ORCID:, Alam, Shaif-ul and Richardson, David J. 2013. 200 W Diffraction limited, single-polarization, all-fiber picosecond MOPA. Optics Express 21 (22) , pp. 25883-25889. 10.1364/OE.21.025883

Fischer, S., Sturm, M., Schlösser, M., Lewis, Richard J. ORCID:, Bornschein, B., Drexlin, G. and Telle, H. H. 2012. Laser Raman Spectroscopy for KATRIN. Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements 229-33 , p. 492. 10.1016/j.nuclphysbps.2012.09.129

Gonzálvez, Alicia G., González Ureña, Ángel, Lewis, Richard J. ORCID: and van der Zwan, Gert 2012. Spectroscopy and kinetics of tyrosinase catalyzed trans-resveratrol oxidation. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 116 (8) , pp. 2553-2560. 10.1021/jp209753q

Schlösser, M, James, T M, Fischer, S, Lewis, Richard ORCID:, Telle, H H and Bornschein, B 2012. Accurate depolarization measurements of all six hydrogen isotopologues. Presented at: DPG-Frühjahrstagung der Sektion AMOP (SAMOP), Fachverband Molekülphysik, Stuttgart, Germany, 12-16 March 2012. Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft,

Schloesser, M., Fischer, S., Sturm, M., Bornschein, B., Lewis, Richard J. ORCID: and Telle, H. H. 2011. Design implications for laser Raman measurement systems for tritium sample-analysis, accountancy or process-control applications. Fusion Science and Technology 60 (3) , pp. 976-981.

Fischer, S., Sturm, M., Schloesser, M., Bornschein, B., Drexlin, G., Priester, F., Lewis, Richard J. ORCID: and Telle, H. H. 2011. Monitoring of tritium purity during long-term circulation in the KATRIN test experiment LOOPINO using laser Raman spectroscopy. Fusion Science and Technology 60 (3) , pp. 925-930.

Schlösser, M, James, T, Lewis, Richard ORCID: and Telle, H H 2011. Methoden zur Prozessierung von Ramanspektren. Presented at: Frühjahrstagung DPG, Fachverband Quantenoptik und Photonik, Dresden, Germany, 13-18 March 2011. Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft,

Sturm, M., Schlösser, M., Lewis, Richard J. ORCID:, Bornschein, B., Drexlin, G. and Telle, H. H. 2010. Monitoring of all hydrogen isotopologues at tritium laboratory Karlsruhe using Raman spectroscopy. Laser Physics 20 (2) , pp. 493-507. 10.1134/S1054660X10030163

Fischer, S, Sturm, M, Schlösser, M, Bornschein, B, Drexlin, G, Priester, F, Lewis, Richard ORCID: and Telle, H H 2010. Monitoring of tritium purity during long-term ciculation in the KATRIN test experiment LOOPINO using laser Raman spectroscopy. Presented at: 9th International Conference on Tritium Science and Technology (TRITIUM 2010), Nara, Japan, 24-29 October 2010.

Schlösser, M, Fischer, S, Sturm, M, Bornschein, B, Lewis, Richard ORCID: and Telle, H H 2010. Laser Raman measurements on tritium mixtures and implications for the design of systems for tritium accountancy of process control applications. Presented at: 9th International Conference on Tritium Science and Technology (TRITIUM 2010), Nara, Japan, 24-29 October 2010. -.

Schlösser, M, Sturm, M, Fischer, S, Bornschein, B and Lewis, Richard ORCID: 2010. Online Laser-Raman-Spektroskopie an Tritium für KATRIN. Presented at: Frühjahrstagung DPG, Fachverband Quantenoptik und Photonen, Hannover, Germany, 8-12 March 2010. Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft,

Fischer, S, Sturm, M, Schlösser, M, Lewis, Richard ORCID:, Bornschein, B, Drexlin, G and Telle, H H 2010. Tritium accountancy with laser Raman spectroscopy for KATRIN. Presented at: 30th International Symposium on Physics in Collision (PIC 2010), Karlsruhe, Germany, 1-4 September 2010.

Lewis, Richard J. ORCID:, Telle, H. H., Bornschein, B., Kazachenko, O., Kernert, N. and Sturm, M. 2008. Dynamic Raman spectroscopy of hydrogen isotopomer mixtures in-line at TILO. Laser Physics Letters 5 (7) , pp. 522-531. 10.1002/lapl.200810026

Charlton, M., van der Werf, D. P., Lewis, Richard J. ORCID:, Watkeys, P. R. and Kerrigan, S. J. 2006. Three-body effects in positron annihilation on molecules [Letter]. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 39 (17) , L329-L334. 10.1088/0953-4075/39/17/L03

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