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Browse by Current Cardiff authors

Number of items: 44.

Williams, Andrew ORCID:, Webb, Brian ORCID: and Gale, Richard ORCID: 2024. Racism and the uneven geography of welfare sanctioning in England. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 49 (4) , e12677. 10.1111/tran.12677

Williams, A ORCID:, Sutherland, C and Cloke, P 2024. The hopeful possibility of postsecularity. Kong, L, Woods, L and Tse, J, eds. Handbook of the Geographies of Religion, Springer International Handbooks of Human Geography, Springer, pp. 119-129. (10.1007/978-3-031-64811-3_7)

Williams, A ORCID: 2024. Religion and social welfare: new critical perspectives. Kong, L, Woods, L and Tse, J, eds. Handbook of the Geographies of Religion, Springer International Handbooks of Human Geography, Springer, pp. 757-777. (10.1007/978-3-031-64811-3_43)

Williams, A. ORCID: and Dombroski, K. 2024. Knowing social geographies. Dombroski, K., Goodwin, M., Qian, J., Williams, A. and Cloke, P., eds. Introducing Human Geographies, Routledge,

Williams, A. ORCID: and Goodwin, M. 2024. Knowing political geographies. Dromboski, K., Goodwin, M., Qian, J., Williams, A. and Cloke, P., eds. Introducing Human Geographies, Routledge,

Qian, J. and Williams, A. ORCID: 2024. Knowing cultural geographies. Dombroski, K., Goodwin, M., Qian, J., Williams, A. and Cloke, P., eds. Introducing Human Geographies, Routledge,

Qian, J. and Williams, A. ORCID: 2024. Knowing area geographies. Dombroski, K., Goodwin, M., Qian, J., Williams, A. and Cloke, P., eds. Introducing Human Geographies, Routledge,

Williams, A. ORCID: 2024. Social Inequality. Dombroski, K., Goodwin, M., Qian, J., Williams, A. and Cloke, P., eds. Introducing Human Geographies, Routledge,

Williams, A. ORCID: and Sutherland, C. 2024. Postsecularity and spiritual activism. Dombroski, K., Goodwin, M., Qian, J., Williams, A. and Cloke, P., eds. Introducing Human Geographies, Routledge,

Dombroski, K., Goodwin, M., Qian, J. and Williams, A. ORCID: 2024. Doing human geography. Dombroski, K., Goodwin, M., Qian, J., Williams, A. and Cloke, P., eds. Introducing Human Geographies, Routledge,

Williams, A. ORCID:, Goodwin, M., Domboski, K. and Qian, J. 2024. Afterword. Dombroski, K., Goodwin, M., Qian, J., Williams, A. ORCID: and Cloke, P., eds. Introducing Human Geographies (Fourth Edition), Routledge.,

Goodwin, M., Dombroski, K., Qian, J. and Williams, A. ORCID: 2024. Understanding human geographies. Dombroski, K., Goodwin, M., Qian, J., Williams, A. and Cloke, P., eds. Introducing Human Geographies, Routledge,

Williams, Andrew ORCID: 2023. Volunteering in faith-based welfare organisations. Working with voluntary and community groups. Royal Geographical Society (with IBG) Guide., Royal Geographical Society, (10.55203/JEVP7891)

Williams, Andrew ORCID: and May, Jon 2022. A genealogy of the food bank: historicising the rise of food charity in the UK. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 47 (3) , pp. 618-634. 10.1111/tran.12535

Williams, A. ORCID: and Jayne, M. 2020. Faith-based alcohol treatment in England and Wales: new evidence for policy and practice. Health and Place 66 , 102457. 10.1016/j.healthplace.2020.102457

May, Jon, Williams, Andrew ORCID:, Cloke, Paul and Cherry, Liev 2020. Still bleeding: the variegated geographies of austerity and food banking in rural England and Wales. Journal of Rural Studies 79 , pp. 409-424. 10.1016/j.jrurstud.2020.08.024

Cloke, Paul, May, Jon and Williams, Andrew ORCID: 2020. Postsecularities of care: in-common ethics and politics of "the meantime(s)". Cities 100 , 102667. 10.1016/j.cities.2020.102667

May, J., Williams, Andrew ORCID:, Cloke, P. and Cherry, L 2020. Food banks and the production of scarcity. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 45 (1) , pp. 208-222. 10.1111/tran.12340

Williams, Andrew P. J. W. ORCID: 2020. Lived religion, worship and conversion: ethnographic reflections in an abstinence-based Christian therapeutic community. Sremac, S. and Jindra, I., eds. Conversion and Lived Religion: Recovery, Imprisonment and Homelessness, Palgrave, pp. 13-42.

May, Jon, Williams, Andrew ORCID:, Cloke, Paul and Cherry, Liev 2019. Welfare convergence, bureaucracy, and moral distancing at the food bank. Antipode 51 (4) , pp. 1251-1275. 10.1111/anti.12531

Cloke, Paul, Baker, Christopher, Sutherland, Colin and Williams, Andrew ORCID: 2019. Geographies of postsecularity: Re-envisioning politics, subjectivity and ethics. Routledge Research in Place, Space and Politics, Abingdon: Routledge. 10.4324/9781315670614

May, J., Williams, Andrew P. ORCID:, Cloke, P. and Cherry, L. 2018. Do food banks help? Food insecurity in the UK. Geography Review Magazine (32) , pp. 30-34.

Cloke, Paul and Williams, Andrew ORCID: 2018. Geographical landscapes of religion. Baker, Christopher, Crisp, Beth R. and Dinham, Adam, eds. Re-Imagining Religion and Belief: 21st Century Policy and Practice., Bristol: Policy Press,

Cloke, P., May, J. and Williams, Andrew ORCID: 2017. The geographies of food banks in the meantime. Progress in Human Geography 41 (6) , pp. 703-726. 10.1177/0309132516655881

Williams, Andrew P. J. ORCID: 2017. Residential ethnography, mixed loyalties, and religious power: ethical dilemmas in faith-based addiction treatment. Social and Cultural Geography 18 (7) , pp. 1016-1038. 10.1080/14649365.2016.1247194

Williams, Andrew ORCID: 2017. Addiction, modernity, and the city: a users' guide to urban space [Book Review]. Housing Studies 32 (7) , pp. 1017-1019. 10.1080/02673037.2017.1351199

Williams, Andrew ORCID:, Cloke, Paul, May, Jon and Goodwin, Mark 2016. Contested space: The contradictory political dynamics of food banking in the UK. Environment and Planning A 48 (11) , pp. 2291-2316. 10.1177/0308518X16658292

Cloke, Paul, Sutherland, Callum and Williams, Andrew ORCID: 2016. Postsecularity, political resistance, and protest in the Occupy Movement. Antipode 48 (3) , pp. 497-523. 10.1111/anti.12200

Williams, Andrew ORCID: 2016. Spiritual landscapes of Pentecostal worship, belief, and embodiment in a therapeutic community: new critical perspectives. Emotion, Space and Society 19 , pp. 45-55. 10.1016/j.emospa.2015.12.001

Williams, Andrew ORCID: 2015. Postsecular geographies: theo-ethics, rapprochement and neoliberal governance in a faith-based drug programme. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 40 (2) , pp. 192-208. 10.1111/tran.12069

Williams, Andrew ORCID: 2015. Place in geography. Wright, James D., ed. International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, Oxford: Elsevier, pp. 149-152.

Williams, Andrew ORCID:, Goodwin, Mark and Cloke, Paul 2014. Neoliberalism, big society, and progressive localism. Environment and Planning A 46 (12) , pp. 2798-2815. 10.1068/a130119p

Williams, Andrew ORCID: 2014. Biblical lament and political protest. Cambridge Papers , pp. 1-4.

Davelaar, Maarten, Williams, Andrew ORCID: and Beaumont, Justin 2013. Adventures at a border-crossing: the Society for Diaconal Social Work in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. Cloke, Paul, Beaumont, Justin and Williams, Andrew, eds. Working Faith, Milton Keynes: Paternoster, pp. 165-185.

Williams, Andrew ORCID: 2013. Practical theology and Christian responses to drug use. Cloke, Paul, Beaumont, Justin and Williams, Andrew, eds. Working Faith, Milton Keynes: Paternoster, pp. 47-65.

Cloke, Paul, Williams, Andrew ORCID: and Thomas, Sam 2013. CAP in two guises: a comparison of Christians Against Poverty and Church Action on Poverty. Cloke, Paul, Beaumont, Justin and Williams, Andrew, eds. Working Faith: Faith-based Communities involved in Justice, Milton Keynes: Paternoster Press, pp. 25-46.

Cloke, Paul, Beaumont, Justin and Williams, Andrew ORCID:, eds. 2013. Working faith: Faith-based organizations and urban social justice. Milton Keynes: Paternoster.

Gill, Nick, Johnstone, Phil and Williams, Andrew ORCID: 2012. Towards a geography of tolerance: post-politics and political forms of toleration. Political Geography 31 (8) , pp. 509-518. 10.1016/j.polgeo.2012.10.008

Cloke, Paul, Thomas, Sam and Williams, Andrew ORCID: 2012. Radical faith praxis: Exploring the changing theological landscape of Christian faith motivation. Beaumont, Justin and Cloke, Paul, eds. Faith-based organisations and exclusion in European cities, Bristol: Policy Press,

Williams, Andrew ORCID: 2012. Moralising the Poor? Faith-based Organisations, the Big Society and contemporary workfare policy in the UK. Beaumont, Justin and Cloke, Paul, eds. Faith-based organisations and exclusion in European cities, Policy Press,

Williams, Andrew ORCID:, Cloke, Paul and Thomas, Samuel 2012. Co-constituting neoliberalism: faith-based organisations, co-option, and resistance in the UK. Environment and Planning A 44 (6) , pp. 1479-1501. 10.1068/a44507

Cloke, Paul, Thomas, Sam and Williams, Andrew ORCID: 2012. Faith in action: Faith-based organisations, welfare and politics in the contemporary city. Cloke, Paul, Beaumont, Justin and Williams, Andrew, eds. Working Faith, Milton Keynes: Paternoster, pp. 1-24.

Cloke, Paul, Williams, Andrew ORCID: and Thomas, Sam 2010. Faith-based Organizations and Social Exclusion in Ireland. Cloke, Paul, Williams, Andrew ORCID:, Thomas, Sam, Fridolfsson, Charlotte, Elander, Ingemar and Bachora, Larissa, eds. Faith-based organizations and Social Exclusion in Ireland and in Denmark, Leuven: Acco,

Cloke, Paul, Williams, Andrew ORCID: and Thomas, Sam 2009. Faith-based Organisations and Social Exclusion in the United Kingdom. Dierckx, Danielle, Vranken, Jan and Kerstens, Wendy, eds. Faith-based Organisations and Social Exclusion in European Cities, National Context Reports, Leuven: Acco, pp. 283-342.

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