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Browse by Current Cardiff authors

Number of items: 21.

Lopes, Helena F. S. 2024. Sino-British Negotiations and the Search for a Post-War Settlement, 1942–1949: Treaties, Hong Kong, and Tibet Zhaodong Wang [Book review]. The China Quarterly 260 , pp. 1128-1130. 10.1017/S0305741024001292

Lopes, Helena F. S. 2024. Review of Yin Cao, Chinese Sojourners in Wartime Raj [Book Review]. Immigrants and Minorities 42 (2) , pp. 228-231. 10.1080/02619288.2023.2238400

Lopes, Helena F. S. 2024. Anna May Wong and transnational Chinese resistance. [Online]. History Workshop: History Workshop. Available at:

Lopes, Helena F. S. 2024. Imperial in-betweens: The Portuguese communities in Hong Kong and Shanghai during the Second World War. Weiss, Holger, ed. Minorities in Global History: Cultures of Integration and Patterns of Exclusion, London: Bloomsbury Academic, pp. 85-104. (10.5040/

Lopes, Helena F. S. and Aballe Vieira, Rui 2024. Introdução [Introduction]. Lopes, Helena F. S. and Aballe Vieira, Rui, eds. Xangai 1937: Relatório Sobre o Conflito Sino-Japonês do Consul Português António Alves [Shanghai 1937: Report on the Sino-Japanese Conflict by the Portuguese Consul António Alves], Lisbon: Abysmo, pp. 11-53.

Lopes, Helena F. S. and Aballe Vieira, Rui, eds. 2024. Xangai 1937: Relatório Sobre o Conflito Sino-Japonês do Consul Português António Alves [Shanghai 1937: Report on the Sino-Japanese Conflict by the Portuguese Consul António Alves]. Lisbon: Abysmo.

Lopes, Helena F. S. 2024. The handover moment: Representing transition in Chinese Box. Asian Cinema
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Lopes, Helena F. S. 2023. Neutrality and (anti) imperialism: Multinational propaganda competition in neutral Macau. Corse, Edward and García Cabrera, Marta, eds. Propaganda and Neutrality: Global Case Studies in the 20th Century, London: Bloomsbury, pp. 181-194. (10.5040/9781350325562.0023)

Lopes, Helena F. S. 2023. Smooth transition? Dismantling and accommodating colonial rule in late 1940s South China. Cold War History 10.1080/14682745.2023.2231855
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Lopes, Helena F. S. 2023. Neutrality and collaboration in South China: Macau during the Second World War. Studies in the Social and Cultural History of Modern Warfare, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 10.1017/9781009311786

Lopes, Helena F. S. 2023. The Impact of Refugees in Neutral Hong Kong and Macau, 1937-1945. The Historical Journal 66 (1) , pp. 210-236. 10.1017/S0018246X22000097

Lopes, Helena F. S. 2022. Foreign Friends and Problematic Heroes: Remembering a Global World War Two in Early Twenty-first Century Chinese Cinema. Journal of War & Culture Studies 15 (1) , pp. 42-66. 10.1080/17526272.2020.1795360

Lopes, Helena F. S. 2021. Ghosts of war: China’s relations with Portugal in the post-war period, 1945-49. Historical Research 94 (265) , pp. 601-628. 10.1093/hisres/htab020

Lopes, Helena F. S. 2021. Wartime education at the crossroads of empires: the relocation of schools to Macao during the Second World War, 1937-1945. Twentieth-Century China 46 (2) , pp. 130-152. 10.1353/tcc.2021.0012

Lopes, Helena F. S. 2020. Review of Michael Williams, Returning home with glory: Chinese villagers around the Pacific, 1849 to 1949 and Shelley Chan, Diaspora’s homeland: modern China in the age of global migration. Family & Community History 23 (1) , pp. 79-82. 10.1080/14631180.2020.1771025

Lopes, Helena F. S. 2020. The Red Cross in wartime Macau and its global connections. Wylie, Neville, Oppenheimer, Melanie and Crossland, James, eds. The Red Cross Movement: Myths, Practices and Turning Points, Humanitarianism: Key Debates and New Approaches, Manchester: Manchester University Press, pp. 264-281. (10.7765/9781526133526.00024)

Lopes, Helena F. S. 2020. Review of Isabella Jackson, shaping modern Shanghai: colonialism in China’s global city. Frontiers of History in China 14 (4) , pp. 634-639. 10.3868/s020-008-019-0029-9

Lopes, Helena F. S. 2019. Review of Ana Paulina Lee, Mandarin Brazil: race, representation, and memory. Reviews in History , 2335. 10.14296/RiH/2014/2335

Lopes, Helena F. S. 2019. Entre impérios: prisioneiros Portugueses na segunda guerra mundial na Ásia de Leste [In Between Empires: Portuguese Prisoners in the Second World War in East Asia]. Oliveira, Pedro Aires, ed. Prisioneiros de Guerras: Experiências de Cativeiro no Século XX [Prisoners of Wars: Captivity Experiences in the 20th Century], Lisbon: Tinta-da-China, pp. 201-222.

Lopes, Helena F. S. 2019. War, state-building, and international connections in nationalist China. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society 29 (1) , pp. 169-178. 10.1017/S1356186318000469

Lopes, Helena F. S. 2018. Inter-imperial humanitarianism: the Macau delegation of the Portuguese Red Cross during the Second World War. Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History 46 (6) , pp. 1125-1147. 10.1080/03086534.2018.1452542

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